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The Phoenix Project- free Sativa seeds


How can the high of either one be topped....that was really never the issue. The high is so nice on each one individually that the project was really to retain as much of the NH taste and aroma as possible, retain the haze dominancy of both, while infusing the growth structure of SSH as well as the dominating piney taste into a combination of haze wonderfulness.

Now, my personal favorite???? NH of course :D

Thanks, dg


Looking Forward to growing these fine hazes!

We will see how they do when thrown head on into battle!

Will they be victorious in the Clone Wars?



Active member
Thanks DG :)

Yeah,I've still got a few packs of Cinderella Haze left.I've got about 3 in flower now for a couple weeks.

I've got some crosses for the future as well.

Here's a pic of a Haze female pollenated by a Blue Satellite #2 male.I'm always amazed how big of a plant you can grow in those little 6'' pots.


Here's a pic of a Haze female pollenated by a G-13 backcross male.


These pics will give you guys an idea of how they grow indoors.Keep in mind that I flowered those right after the seeds cracked and they are about 5 feet tall now.Most of the Haze I've grown so far leans to the NH side,but I still have about 6 seeds that I haven't germed yet.Hopefully I'll find another nice male in those.



sound like great crosses :p

I have a few Q,
do you top them ? if I will they will be shorter ?
If I will start them only from clones can I grow them shorter ?
(I am trying to stay on the 4 foot area)



The colors. I would like to see them stay under 4' as well.

Look's good JLP..
Wish I would have know? I would love to see the 5ft and 4 footer's forshow...
Oh' well good growing all,, These look great.. Peace..


Got my seeds

Got my seeds

Thanks JLP.

I put two down today. I am sure they will do just fine along with my 'buffet of seedlings.' Currently, Sweet tooth #3, thanks DG, Four WW-DP, Orange Bud (fem), Buddha, this one has the leaves pointed up like in prayer, and some skunk#1-DP, and now some phoenix1. What a smorgasborg.

I am looking forward to harvest time. I already have some WW-Dp looking REAL nice after just two weeks. Using a 150 hps in a 2' square with mylar. Waiting another week or so for these new seedlings to harden off and make the move to the aeroponic tray.

Thanks again JLP, Dutchgrown, and of course Gypsy!

Nam myohgo renge kyo the sound of life!



Active member
My seeds came in the mail yesterday. This is my second pack of JLP seeds, but I think I'll start these before the CindyxHaze. Thank you JLP.


full time daddy
got mine

got mine


(shaft-u-4feet )
gonna be one of the cross name's???

lol ( inside for all you who dont no)

how's the root's on that bad boy??????

so you sayin if i veg them to 12" im gonna have a 8 footer? hmm..........


Active member
Right on guys :)

the only way you will be able to keep them at 4 feet is if you start flowering as soon as the seeds crack,and yes,you will be topping them every step of the way.They stop stretching about 60-75 days of flower on a 12/12 cycle.

yeah,if you veg them to 12'' they will go that tall pretty easy and if you top them well they branch out like crazy.



Great Genetics

Great Genetics

You raise some hellified children. One of the two seeds I germinated in my xtreme plug has already popped it's tail and is moving. fifty-fifty odds, for germination and sexing, I would think. Only two days and already one of the two seeds has germinated. Quite impressive I must say.

I am looking at a space to let this queen stretch out her limbs. I found a secluded corner about 18" x 10'. I can get maybe a 150 hps without anyone noticing, or perhaps I can use a 125 fluro for vegging. We will see, we will see, that is for sure. I use vinly tile sheets; 4'x8' with reflective mylar for walls. lightweight and works great. You can spray it black if you want also. Get it at home depot.

Thanks again for the outstanding genetics. I am looking forward to this particular grow. I will record bi-weekly growrth with my grainy/lousy pc web cam by IBM.


Nam myoho renge kyo, "Like the roar of the Lion!"


Both Germed

Both Germed

Here is the pic 2 days old. gonna grow her, whether she is a she or a he. The other germed as well as is starting it's climb to the light as well.


thanks JLP!:wave:



Awesome photo Teresa :)

I got me a couple pop the ground.
Thanks again JLP, and much respect dude in black.


I just got mine today. He sent me 17 seeds, I was expecting 10 tops. JLP you kick ass. Im germing 7 and saving 10, Im pretty sure im going to want these in my chamber as long as im growing.

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