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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I would encourage you to seek a second and/or third opinion if you haven't come to the same conclusion already. To go right to wanting to hire an excavator to expose the full run kind of feels more like they want to jack up the bill. It might be the right thing to do ultimately but if I were you I would only be inclined to go along with that if the had at leadt tried cutting out the damage area and replaced with new clear pipe. If they did that first and it didn't fix the problem it would strongly suggest there were problems in other parts of the line as well. Only then would exposing the whole line would make sense to me. To often these days it feels like mort repair peopl just want to make the bill as big as possible with not regard for whether the customer can really afford such a large bill. They seem to operate under the premise that since you couldn't do it and had to hire someone, you'll pay almost any price if what they are fixing is important enough to you..

Casse in point, recently my well pump died on me. I'm not sure how old it was, I just know it was the one already in use here when I bought the place 23 years ago. The plumber came and verified the pump was old and shot and needed to be replace then he started talking about other switches and valves and such that needed to be replaced as well and he quote a price oof $1400 for parts and then additional labor which he wouldn't price in advance because he wasn't sure how long it would take. I thanked him for his time, paid the obligatory $100 for him to even come look and give me a quote (although the $100 would be deducted from the price if I hired him). I had a 2nd plumber come look and he came to the same conclusion but he quoted a price of $1200 for parts with labor included. His quote didn't include any seperate line items for valves, switches, etc. I told him another plumber had looked before him and indicated that the other valves, switches, etc. would also need to be replaced. He kind of grinned and said that was true but then went on to say that when you replace the whole pump those things come included in the package. I hired him and had running water again about 30 minutes later (not counting the time it took him to go to the plumbing supply he uses to purchase the pump, but he didn't charge me for that). One of my better experiences with 2nd opinions.
Good points! As a retired facilities engineer, I still have contacts in the mechanical industry and am currently in contact with my former prime plumbing vendor, now retired, seeking a referral.

I dug down to the broken pipe, leaving open the question of how far back the cast iron pipe is busted up after the 120-year-old Douglas Fir's root ball it was passing through, was uprooted in a windstorm.

What I would like for them to do first, is run a camera with beacon through the cleanout and identify where the breaks start, then using their above ground locator to establish where the camera is under the ground. That would eliminate any guessing.

I can already see we will lose our Rosemary bush, as well as our Mountain Laurel, and hope the break is after our 97-year-old Rhododendron and that we don't have to dig through our front cobble stone walkway.


Well-known member
Seriously? Is this Speakers' Corner? . . . gee . . . I thought this was still just a fun thread . . . silly me . . . it seems some people have a hard time keeping political diarrhea where it belongs . . . :mad:
I have to agree with you but somehow I still get pulled into the conversation. Not to the point where I would let it color my view of another forum member. I would not entertain discussion to the point of division.


Well-known member
Dad ran his 1913 Model T on kerosene during the depression as it was 7 cents a gallon and gasoline was 9 cents a gallon.
Jump 30 years and as a 10-year-old in 1965 gas for my minibike and burning the tan army men was 10 cent a gallon if I was willing to walk the extra 2 blocks or 11 cents if I was lazy. You took your red wagon down to the corner where the huge ivy patch was and dug up enough glass bottles to turn in at the liquor store for gas money.

Wifes parents bought a brand-new isn't built yet home in southern California for $9,347.00 in 1947 Was the largest of the 3 plans offered as a 3bdrm. They sold new 1 bed homes with 1 car garage in the same area for under 4K. Payments were $26.00 a month and included taxes and insurance.

1969 Gas was $0.23.9 at the cheapy no name gas station I filled my 63 Datsun pickup at. Held 8 gallons dead empty and $2.00 was a full tank and a pack of smokes and change back. Minium wage was $1.65 an hour and I was making 2 parking new Cadillacs at a high-end restaurant. Pour the drunks into their cars, slam the door reach in and drop it into drive.

1973 brought us the oil embargo and 3-gallon limits. Odd even fill days. Gas was $.70 cents if you could find it at all. That 335 horsepower 383 CID Roadrunner you were driving suddenly looked a lot less like fun.

Nixion took us off the gold standard and thought it was a good idea to turn China into an industrial powerhouse and it's been..... Best not to dive much deeper.

Gas in California runs $5.00 a gallon and we just got a new fifty cents "Green" tax added. During the last little gas crises, it hit over $9.00. This state used to be energy independent with enough production and refineries to keep up. Now we import over 70% and I just wonder whose pocket got filled.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What I would like for them to do first, is run a camera with beacon through the cleanout and identify where the breaks start, then using their above ground locator to establish where the camera is under the ground. That would eliminate any guessing.
I didn't even know they had those kinds of tools to work with but now that you mention it, that does sound like the best first step to take.


Well-known member
Good points! As a retired facilities engineer, I still have contacts in the mechanical industry and am currently in contact with my former prime plumbing vendor, now retired, seeking a referral.

I dug down to the broken pipe, leaving open the question of how far back the cast iron pipe is busted up after the 120-year-old Douglas Fir's root ball it was passing through, was uprooted in a windstorm.

What I would like for them to do first, is run a camera with beacon through the cleanout and identify where the breaks start, then using their above ground locator to establish where the camera is under the ground. That would eliminate any guessing.

I can already see we will lose our Rosemary bush, as well as our Mountain Laurel, and hope the break is after our 97-year-old Rhododendron and that we don't have to dig through our front cobble stone walkway.
They broke your sewer line?


Well-known member
I vote, but I seldom pick the successful candidate, because we live in Portland, which is extremely liberal. As we speak I don't care for either party, but my third-party votes for viable candidates have always been a lost vote.

I also recognize that it is the DNC party running the country, not the President. Biden doesn't have enough brain cells still firing to run the country, yet the country is being run and the Democratic party isn't deeply embarrassed enough to pick a new candidate, because it doesn't matter who they use for a feckless figurehead.

Simply put, I don't believe the US economy can survive another four years under the current party, but the Republicans are running Trump, who made better financial decisions, yet was unable to pull the country together and spent his term buried in infighting. Even if he wins, the DNC will use all their resources to thwart his actions, vis a vis dealing with meaningful problems and actions.

We are inundated with undocumented aliens that we are supporting, and the Democratic party is moving to allow them to vote in our elections, to further solidify their control.

They are trying to buy votes in the next Presidential election with their Student Loan Forgiveness program, rather than simply fix what is wrong with the Student Loan program exposing the predatory practices.

The last Presidential election was a sham, yet our resources have been diverted from exposing and fixing that sham, to punishing those guilty of "Election Denial." In fact, the DOJ is using all their resources to eliminate Trump as a viable candidate, rather than simply beating him fair and square in an election.

We are buried in special interest groups and our leaders continue to further divide us by class, race, and religion, for their own purposes.

They are "stealing" the money that my generation saved for a rainy day by devaluing our nest eggs through inflation created by wantonly handing out free stimulus money that we don't have and many of us didn't need but were gifted anyway.

They have already stolen the money from Social Security and are lamenting running out of money for those of us who paid into it our entire lives, yet they continue to finance welfare through it, including undocumented aliens.

My fear is that we have past the tipping point and the good old US of A that we grew up with is no more and it is a matter of time before history repeats and the lean hungry barbarians at the gate gain full control.

Internationally the thugs are up to their usual and will ostensibly be even more outrageous as we lose the ability and will to support our allies' efforts.

My concern is for my children and theirs's, as I feel fortunate enough to have lived in the good times, am reasonably comfortable and don't have many years left to deal with our evolving "brave new world".

I might note that at the time, we called the good old days, "the trying times", so it is just a matter of perspective. Look at the Civil War and WW-II as an example of how bad it could be.............
I have concern for my son and family, it goes beyond myself. However, I can't change anything.
I guess I try to make the best of a worst situation. So, I will put a smile on my face and squeeze out the most happiness I can, health problems and all.

A good day to you master GW)


Well-known member
My last grow was from old seeds which I doubt were climate controlled for at least 10 plus years. Most of them popped. They all came up, grew well and were decent weed. Who knows what kind of goodies might be in that jar. Did they have strain names written on them?
The thrill of the chase. Finding the one plant, that has it all.
Almost as bad as me dreaming about growing a black cannabis plant, with buds the shape of ice cream cones.

Will that be vanilla or chocolate?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Gas in California runs $5.00 a gallon and we just got a new fifty cents "Green" tax added. During the last little gas crises, it hit over $9.00. This state used to be energy independent with enough production and refineries to keep up. Now we import over 70% and I just wonder whose pocket got filled.
Now this is a good example of the problem currently and for the past few years the US has pecome the world's number one producer of oil. If our oil/gas industry was nationalized there would be no reason we couldn't be paying $1.10 (USD) like they currently do in Iran. There is no valid reason other then profit motive for any oil being imported into the US. The reason we have to import oil is part to keep the oil market stable where it's at and two because we would rather sell our oil to other countries were the oil companies can make more money then to provide cheap, reliable gas here in the US. The only reason gas is $3 - $5 a gallon isn't because we HAVE to import oill and are at the mercy of our suppliers, it's because after the pandemic the oil companies have opted to not bring back online the refineries they shut down during the pandemic. They are still operating with the refineries that were mandate to stay open because it was deemed essential (I'm not sure but IIRC the number of open refineries is 3). They are operating at max capacity as they have been since the end of the pandemic. This creates the current price for gas because the demand is greater then the supply the maxed out refineries can produce. Even if we could suddenly produce sll the oil we could ever posssibly need prices wouldn't get cheaper because the refineries in operation are running at max capacity already. So wwhen you hear people say "Drill baby drill" they're just chanting a catch phrase for a false narrative that we need to produce more oil then we already do. Until they open more refineries so that the supply can grow greater then demand, then the prices will remain pretty much where they are only fluctuating slightly until the next available excuse for jacking the prices higher.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I will say one more thing about politics, the problem in the US isn't because of Democrats or Republicans or any other party for that matter. It also isn't because of wealthy elites and corporations (although they do play a significant role in the current state of politics.) The real problem is that not enough people that are eligable to vote are actually voting. The last two Presidential eelections have seen some of largest turn outs of people exercising their right to vote, then we've had at any other time in American history. That number ends up being approximately 1/3rd of the entire population in the US. That means 1/3rd of the country is deciding the laws and policies the other 2/3rds of the country have to live by. Now granted, the total population includes children and people that are ineligable to vote because of their criminal history. So we'll never see an election where 100% of the population votes. Since I don't know the total number of people that can vote I can't calculate the percentage of voters that actually vote. I just know that it's still a good way off from 100% participation. It amazes me that in this country that is supposed to be the shining example of democracy for the rest of the world to look to for inspiration, we can't get better turn out on election day. As long as nothing changes that, the wealthy elite will continue to be able to contol and manipulate things to their advantage.
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Well-known member
Yeah, it's not for everyone, some peopl adjust to it quickly and grow to love it because of how better rested they feel and how much more energy they have. While others try to get used to it but never make it. I ended up being like the latter. I first started with the CPAP which only helps you to breath in I believe. When I tried it the problem I had was it felt like the machine was fighting m when I would exhale and thn eventually it would detect that there was a problem with the breathing, sound an alarm and cut off. Which was particularly annoying if I had managd to some how drift off because the alarm would wake me right up. I tried to make it work for about a week and ended up feeling more tired then ever, the next day. So I stopped and explained the issue to my doctor annd she suggested I try the BiPAP since that is supposed to help breath in and out. Again though I had the same issue of feeling like the machine was fighting me when I tried to exhale. So I gave up on the machine and resorted to just using typical home remebies such aas sleeping with my head and back elevated. Likr if I was sleeping in a recliner. I don't know if that has helpped because my doctor said she wouldn't see me until I logged in at least a month of sleeping with the machine for an average of at least 4 hours a night. That was two years ago.
How time flies. It's not always complicated remedies that work best.


Well-known member
Good points! As a retired facilities engineer, I still have contacts in the mechanical industry and am currently in contact with my former prime plumbing vendor, now retired, seeking a referral.

I dug down to the broken pipe, leaving open the question of how far back the cast iron pipe is busted up after the 120-year-old Douglas Fir's root ball it was passing through, was uprooted in a windstorm.

What I would like for them to do first, is run a camera with beacon through the cleanout and identify where the breaks start, then using their above ground locator to establish where the camera is under the ground. That would eliminate any guessing.

I can already see we will lose our Rosemary bush, as well as our Mountain Laurel, and hope the break is after our 97-year-old Rhododendron and that we don't have to dig through our front cobble stone walkway.
I can send over the guys…


Well-known member
Good points! As a retired facilities engineer, I still have contacts in the mechanical industry and am currently in contact with my former prime plumbing vendor, now retired, seeking a referral.

I dug down to the broken pipe, leaving open the question of how far back the cast iron pipe is busted up after the 120-year-old Douglas Fir's root ball it was passing through, was uprooted in a windstorm.

What I would like for them to do first, is run a camera with beacon through the cleanout and identify where the breaks start, then using their above ground locator to establish where the camera is under the ground. That would eliminate any guessing.

I can already see we will lose our Rosemary bush, as well as our Mountain Laurel, and hope the break is after our 97-year-old Rhododendron and that we don't have to dig through our front cobble stone walkway.
I wonder if anyone would try to convince you to replace the whole line.

I can send over the guys…
View attachment 19006807
Good one Sub. That's funny.
A good day to you Sub


Well-known member
Actually, there is: Paraphimosis (AKA: Spanish Collar)

For alla youse iggerunt wankers**

If you've been circumsized, be glad of it. If not, and you are still OK, you are ahead of the gamble.

**Paraphimosis can present with tumescence <-- Think about it, then thank: the doctor, then your parents. And try not to push wrong-think about the subject on to your progeny: gettem cut, also.
BTW: You have to be a doctor to get a picture of it... it is that fucking bad. Try looking it up.

And for the fucking love of Christ, will some of you drop the fucking chant that every single thing wrong (or completely not known or understood) in your lives is a money plot by doctors?

Even the things that save you from getting a rotted dick? A doctor's plot to get some more cash?? Jeez.
And how many cases of this actually happen?

I think the Muslim population doesn't circumcise... so there aught to be plenty of statistics on it.

Might as well offer Clitoridectomies like some Muslim's do as routine practice... it makes a wife not wander....