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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Two wahoo's and one "oh shit". The plumbers who arrived to repair our kitchen drain line said it was beyond them and that should start by hiring an excavator to expose the full run.
I would encourage you to seek a second and/or third opinion if you haven't come to the same conclusion already. To go right to wanting to hire an excavator to expose the full run kind of feels more like they want to jack up the bill. It might be the right thing to do ultimately but if I were you I would only be inclined to go along with that if they had at least tried cutting out the damaged area and replaced with new clear pipe. If they did that first and it didn't fix the problem it would strongly suggest there were problems in other parts of the line as well. Only then would exposing the whole line would make sense to me. Too often these days it feels like most repair peopl just want to make the bill as big as possible with no regard for whether the customer can really afford such a large bill. They seem to operate under the premise that since you couldn't do it and had to hire someone, you'll pay almost any price if what they are fixing is important enough to you.

Case in point, recently my well pump died on me. I'm not sure how old it was, I just know it was the one already in use here when I bought the place 23 years ago. The plumber came and verified the pump was old and shot and needed to be replace then he started talking about other switches and valves and such that needed to be replaced as well and he quoted a price of $1400 for parts and then additional labor which he wouldn't price in advance because he wasn't sure how long it would take. I thanked him for his time, paid the obligatory $100 for him to even come look and give me a quote (although the $100 would be deducted from the price if I hired him). I had a 2nd plumber come look and he came to the same conclusion but he quoted a price of $1200 for parts with labor included. His quote didn't include any seperate line items for valves, switches, etc. I told him another plumber had looked before him and indicated that the other valves, switches, etc. would also need to be replaced. He kind of grinned and said that was true but then went on to say that when you replace the whole pump those things come included in the package. I hired him and had running water again about 30 minutes later (not counting the time it took him to go to the plumbing supply he uses to purchase the pump, but he didn't charge me for that). One of my better experiences with 2nd opinions.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don’t like going to the speakers corner. There is a lot of angst there that I want no part of. I’m trying to end angst in my life. I don’t mind hearing both sides from my democrat and republican friends here so that I can take part in finding where we all have commonalities.

I will say that I don’t like when anyone calls out the whole party democrat or republican as the cause of all the problems as I think we could do better on both sides of the aisle but I understand why they do. It does seem to cause conflict in the thread on occasion but I’ve seen yet on this thread where we didn’t at least agree to disagree at the end when we think differently.
‘it’s just one of the many things we breeze over now and then in conversation as any other subject. We talk about a lot of issues here I’m sure you have been around long enough to know that. News and politics are just something that effects all of us so lighten up a bit on the diarrhea talk we are just having conversation and nobody is trying to change your views here.
I agee completely.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
:) :) :pI’m a twice convicted marijuana felon afaik am not allowed to vote
If it's something you want to do you should check, there was a time a few decades ago when having any conviction of a felony on your record took away your right to legally own a gun or to vote. As far as the gun thing that's still a right that felonies will take away but over the last few decades many States have changed the felony restiction on voting to only being in effect while incarcerated and/or on parole but once you finish your sentence and parole, you get the right to vote back.
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Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
“Flirting with Disaster”……Molly Hatchet

ganj on….

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Looking in archives and found these pictures of my first hash set up.

I made it out of two 5-gal buckets, one of which I cut a washer ring out of the bottom and discarded. I cut a hole in the bottom of the second bucket and pop riveted some Stainless-Steel Bolting Cloth and heavier reinforcing mesh over it's bottom using the washer cut from the bottom of the first bucket.

I then shortened the second bucket so that it would fit in a third bucket and leave space between the two bottoms.

I did that by cutting the bucket off even with the bottom of the top rings, and then pushing the bucket bottom down through the top ring until their top were even, and then pop riveting the top in place.

I used a mud paddle in an electric drill to agitate the ice water trim mix and collected the hash from the bottom bucket.

150 micron scapling bucket out of paint bucket-1.jpg
Shortened scalping bucket.jpg
21 gms of leaf bubble.jpg
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Well-known member
I'm of the same sorta mindset - whoever you vote for the government gets in - and the government is not for the people by the people - they are entrenched and controlled by entities we don't get a chance to ever vote for - in this sham-of-a-mockery-democracy - and further the interests of a few -

I've never voted - because I've never been given the opportunity to vote for anyone that I thought was outside the financial/media stranglehold - and was not playing their game -

- so I'm not playing their game of divide and conquer - by choosing one of their fake fabricated polarized party choices - and don't vote -

Those who control and print/digitalize the money - control most all of the media - and so control the politicians and successive governments too - because they loan money to governments - and that has to be paid back - with interest -

- the mass populace are kept in check via debt slavery - and propaganda - turning brother against brother - sister against sister - etc

I have to side with you Gypsy and imiubu, I have no faith in the political system as it stands. The one and only ruler is wealth, wealth creation is the master of all.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
@HempKat, sorry you have breathing issues. I hope I never have to deal with a mask.

My sister in law does. She has to haul an oxygen tank with her everywhere she goes.

I think a lot of her problems are self inflected. She is overweight and won't exercise.
I don't have breathing issues per se, just sleep apnea. So Im not on 24 hour oxygen or anything like that. I mentioned in a previous post about all my troubles with trying to incorporate a mask and related machine, into my sleeping routine and how I eventually gave up on that and resorted to more home based treatment for the sleep apnea. I don't know if that's made things better or worse I just know that at least I can sleep that way. I figure if I die in my sleep at some point in the future it will be because it's my time. I was first diagnosed as having sleep apnea half a lifetime ago (30+years). Back then they said it wasn't so severe as to require using a breathing machine but they still recommended it. I chose to just go without one. Then more recently (in the past 10 years) they diagnosed me as having sleep apnea again (the results sounded about the same as the results from years ago (mild to moderate sleep apnea) but this time they incisted on me using a machine. Which as I said, I tried but just couldn't make it work. Now as far as being on oxygen all the time which it sounds like is your sisters situation, that usually doesn't happen until they diagnose you with COPD and/or severe asthma. My wife had that and yes, having to always be on oxygen complicates everything. Although they have made what are called oxygen concentrators that are fairly small and lightweight that can be used in place of a tank and are about the size of and worn over the shoulder like a purse. Unfortunately when my wife was still alive they really didn't have that option available yet. Had she had one of those it would have greatly improved her quality of life. Thankfully I don't have those sorts of breathng issues, at least not yet (knocks on wood).
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Well-known member
Good morning to all!
It poured down rain all night. I don't see one puddle on the ground, the earth is very dry. The higher elevations got snow.
Of course yesterday when I made cookies I mixed up my 4 daytime cookies with 4 night cookies. I am getting so forgetful and acting on impulse, it drives me up a wall.

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