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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Yep its about that time for me also, plants to cut starting maybe Thurs, tents to wash out, pots to clean, fans to blowout.
Put it all in the tents and start working on a menu for next runs.
I know I need to find some diesels and chemmys.
Come Sept break it all out and doer all over again, hopefully I'll be moved by then
About the same schedule here also.
I would love one day to have a dedicated
grow room with all the bells and whistles :)
And... someone else to trim of course ;)


Cabana’s bitch
About the same schedule here also.
I would love one day to have a dedicated
grow room with all the bells and whistles :)
And... someone else to trim of course ;)
Not more than a year ago I had a 400 square-foot grow room with 12 foot ceilings and central air conditioning. I had six lights in veg and four in flower… you don’t want to know how much work it took to keep that place ticking.

I had a friend come by earlier and he was doing a clean out of a home that hasn’t been habitat for 30 years or so. The guy who died was Vietnam Vet and he left behind a jar full of seeds and a couple of airborne zippo lighters. My buddy gave me the seeds so I’m very excited to see what will happen with them… they were in a sealed jar, but they were not in a climate control conditions…


Well-known member
I have not intentionally watched 'the news' since about '71.

My father watched local then national every evening (still does).
One night national news was showing clips of the Vietnam war.
He asked me why I was crying then made fun of me for doing so.
I responded something to the effect of; 'do you not see what is happening?!'.
I then left the room.

I do not need to 'keep up' with recent news as it is now the same as always.
Since 'the dawn of man' or at least for as long as we have recorded 'history',
it is the SSDD goings on.

Man has caused atrocities upon man since we came to be.
I do not need to know the particulars to understand; it is still happening.
We as a species have definitely become more efficient though, shrug.

There have been and probably always will be those who will use,
abuse, torture, kill others without re guard; for personal gain.

The dates change, the names change, as mentioned... the methods
have changed but...
the atrocities remain the same.

I am not ignorant of the goings on or out of touch but I do not saturate
myself w/ daily reports and I'm a much happier person for extracting
myself away from news 'reporting'.

There is no honor in journalism. I call it chumming the waters.
It is to create chaos and division-ism. EFF that.
AND... it works :(

Being highly empathic makes it very difficult to not feel what I see, especially.
I get too steeped in the ugliness, my happy shuts down.
Not allowing mass media to rob me of my joy.

It's all opinions anyway as none of us will ever get
close to the truth of any matter of importance.

Then I found Frank and knew I was not alone...



Cabana’s bitch
I have not intentionally watched 'the news' since about '71.

My father watched local then national every evening (still does).
One night national news was showing clips of the Vietnam war.
He asked me why I was crying then made fun of me for doing so.
I responded something to the effect of; 'do you not see what is happening?!'.
I then left the room.

I do not need to 'keep up' with recent news as it is now the same as always.
Since 'the dawn of man' or at least for as long as we have recorded 'history',
it is the SSDD goings on.

Man has caused atrocities upon man since we came to be.
I do not need to know the particulars to understand; it is still happening.
We as a species have definitely become more efficient though, shrug.

There have been and probably always will be those who will use,
abuse, torture, kill others without re guard; for personal gain.

The dates change, the names change, as mentioned... the methods
have changed but...
the atrocities remain the same.

I am not ignorant of the goings on or out of touch but I do not saturate
myself w/ daily reports and I'm a much happier person for extracting
myself away from news 'reporting'.

There is no honor in journalism. I call it chumming the waters.
It is to create chaos and division-ism. EFF that.
AND... it works :(

Being highly empathic makes it very difficult to not feel what I see, especially.
I get too steeped in the ugliness, my happy shuts down.
Not allowing mass media to rob me of my joy.

It's all opinions anyway as none of us will ever get
close to the truth of any matter of importance.

Then I found Frank and knew I was not alone...

We certainly are in dark times and I don’t believe we’ll make it to Christmas the way the political climate is. I pray that we do, but the Democrats are just too facking evil.
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Well-known member
We certainly are in dark times and I don’t believe we’ll make it to Christmas the way the political climate is. I pray that we do, but the Democrats are just too fucking evil.

Over the years, I've come to think that party affiliation matters not.
They all play footsies under the table.
The two party system is just another way to divide the people, IMO.

As I age, I find voting quite the conundrum.
Choosing between the lesser of 2 evils is not a choice.
I've often thought to simply not vote.
But then... if we don't participate, we will end up not even
having the illusion of having a choice/ voice in the matter.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
That's a good catch, I'm guessing a trout but what kind I don't know. Rainbow
Rainbow, released unharmed....well maybe a toothache.
Over the years, I've come to think that party affiliation matters not.
They all play footsies under the table.
The two party system is just another way to divide the people, IMO.

As I age, I find voting quite the conundrum.
Choosing between the lesser of 2 evils is not a choice.
I've often thought to simply not vote.
But then... if we don't participate, we will end up not even
having the illusion of having a choice/ voice in the matter.
Love you girl!


Well-known member


Good night!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Over the years, I've come to think that party affiliation matters not.
They all play footsies under the table.
The two party system is just another way to divide the people, IMO.

As I age, I find voting quite the conundrum.
Choosing between the lesser of 2 evils is not a choice.
I've often thought to simply not vote.
But then... if we don't participate, we will end up not even
having the illusion of having a choice/ voice in the matter.
I'm of the same sorta mindset - whoever you vote for the government gets in - and the government is not for the people by the people - they are entrenched and controlled by entities we don't get a chance to ever vote for - in this sham-of-a-mockery-democracy - and further the interests of a few -

I've never voted - because I've never been given the opportunity to vote for anyone that I thought was outside the financial/media stranglehold - and was not playing their game -

- so I'm not playing their game of divide and conquer - by choosing one of their fake fabricated polarized party choices - and don't vote -

Those who control and print/digitalize the money - control most all of the media - and so control the politicians and successive governments too - because they loan money to governments - and that has to be paid back - with interest -

- the mass populace are kept in check via debt slavery - and propaganda - turning brother against brother - sister against sister - etc
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