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Well-known member
Yes it seems that there are a lot less steps and equipment when doing the dry ice stuff. I was wondering about the yield comparing dry sieve to dry ice kief.
Dry seive is less steps and less equipment and no ice or water some just drag it out.
I use a screen, cookie sheet and a credit card is it.
Now go back and look at how some of these other practices just have too much.
Much like a puppy with 2 peters
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Well-known member
This is only after taking them for three weeks. I think you will look a bit different taking them the rest of your life…


Well-known member
They do that here too. We have legal medical prescribed by a GP but the driving offence is having THC in your system, not necessarily under the influence, so you can have a joint or some oil and be totally straight and get your licence suspended. The tests detect a minute quantity of THC so some people are losing their licence for cannabis consumed literally days before driving.
There has to be a certain amount before they can bust ya for that.
Your body produces its own cannibinoids and has its own system.
Other wise you could be busted for something you did 3 days ago and that's really all them tests are good for now.
They want to know what you did today not yesterday


Well-known member
Cash is freedom digital is slavery seems pretty simple to me.
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The idea behind the digital currency is to catch all these rich mfring oligarchs trying to transfer it over.
This is a means to bust the fuck out of those who have more than their supposed too.
Donald was trying to make this happen on his first Presidency, Demwads kept him busy doing other shit.
So ya know most of them are dirty
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