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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yep. I just remembered the term and my issue with my vision in one eye is Astigmatism. I have free eye examination appointments and lenses (must pay for frames over a certain level), so I am really due for a checkup. This summer I need to get this done, as well as getting to the dentist for my 6 mother. There seems to be a lot of treatments for Astigmatism - not just glasses. One I saw that looked interesting was wearing hard contacts at night to coax the change in the irregular eyeball structure!y. There are also a number of different surgical techniques they use now too. Time for a check up!! And as SubGirl suggested, I will definitely want to, and need to get a second opinion too. :geek:
Yeah Astigmatism might seem similar but is different from Lazy Eye Syndrome. I'm not positive but I seem to recall hearing at some point in the past that Astigmatism is something that can be corrected thru Lasik eye surgery.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Gooode morning rasty old farts and kindly fartesses! View attachment 19002936 View attachment 19002937

Yet another gaugus day starting at 53F and predicted to reach 79F.

Got my silver locks trimmed yesterday, so I can see again.

Off to the gym this morning, then a coin flip between knitting, or creative debauchery. Maybe two tosses, calling head first, then tail!
FWIW, I vote for creative debauchery :biggrin:


Well-known member
Yeah Astigmation might seem similar but is different from Lazy Eye Syndrome. I'm not positive but I seem to recall hearing at some point in the past that Astigmatism is something that can be corrected thru Lasik eye surgery.
I have Astigmatism and glaucoma,I get periodic lazer treatments for the glaucoma so fluid can drain and reduce the migraines, but I'm not a lazer treatable candidate for the Astigmatism.,it's when the cornea is not round but has an irregular surface and it lets light come in at poor bends making it hard to focus . Sometimes they can round it by cutting off the high spots but not all types of it can be corrected by lazer surgery.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Here ya go. This is only about half of my jars. The rest are storing product in the dry cure tent.

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See, now if it was me, I'd pour about half a cup or so of 99% ISO alcohol in one jar, swirl it around until all that resin was suspended in the Iso, then I'd pour it in the next one, and just keep repeating the process until all the jars were clean or the iso was just too dense with resin. If it does get too dense I'd then pour the solution into a glass baking dish and set it somewhere that won't be disturbed as the ISO evaporates off leaving the resin behind. If there were more jars still needing to be cleaned I'd continue the process with a fresh half cup of 99% Iso. Then once it's all dry a few hours later, scrap it off with a clean razor and then kick back and enjoy what should be very interesting/potent wax, shatter, Iso hash oil or whatever you like to call it. But hey, that's just what I would do if I had jars like that. :kos:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Thanks for your reply,
you got me thinking perhaps it was the network. The old computer had a complete break down, internal temps climbed to the danger point, when the fan quit working. I had to unhook all cables before hooking up the new computer. What's really funny is it took almost 3 weeks for my favorites to show up on the new computer. I had many favorites book marked. Oh well, whatever I'm just glad I didn't have to start creating my favorites all over.
Another possibility is you could have possibly had some settings backed up automatically to a cloud just for the purpose of recovery when dealing with a catastrophic system failure like you described and then at some point when you logged into your microsoft account with your new computer it could have restored those settings then, automatically. That might explain why it took a few weeks before it showed up?
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
If it gets real bad it will go all the way down your leg to your foot, from your waist to your toes will spasm. That's reason I take a drug called Gabapentin.
Hopefully the treatment your getting keeps thing steady without further complications.
Best of luck "Older Man"
Started in the back of my knee. Actually controlled the pain with one of those Velcro gizmos. When it moved up even the Gapadentin didn't help.


Well-known member
View attachment 19003221 this came from my grinder and I bought two and returned 1 but kept this screen which is 4 43/4 by 1 5/8 round
It has your name on it.
I’ve been scoping out my kitchen and found something that would work for a small amount. I do have a set of bags that I use for the dry ice kief that I watched a utube where they used the bags to make dry sieve too. Still the dry ice stuff looks a lot easier.
‘Thanks tons tho for your offer… it may have been my only chance to get something useful from joes place 🤪

this was my last kief session. I used Pute‘s recipe. It was the second time I made it. It wasn’t pretty and golden like his but we loved adding it to our smoke and tasty too. I added flower which made it way good-er so I’m adding flower again this time along with trim and popcorn


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I just harvested a G13 hash plant. It’s in cure now for a couple weeks already, gonna break it out and try it. The plant was not really impressive and the buds looked different than my norm. Had nice colas but only about 8” long. Short plant too only 24” high after topping a couple times.
That sounds a lot like the time I grew G13xBurmese from clones a good friend gave me. The plants only grew about 2-3'' tall and so the colas and buds were smaller then other plants grown in 5 Gallon buckets of soil. The plant was dense with bud sites though and the buds had a denser then average coat of resin. The buds were also a light yellowish color and had a strange funky odor almost like sweat. The buds smoked very well and were tasty snd the buzz was quite potent.


Well-known member
Premium user
I’ve been scoping out my kitchen and found something that would work for a small amount. I do have a set of bags that I use for the dry ice kief that I watched a utube where they used the bags to make dry sieve too. Still the dry ice stuff looks a lot easier.
‘Thanks tons tho for your offer… it may have been my only chance to get something useful from joes place 🤪

this was my last kief session. I used Pute‘s recipe. It was the second time I made it. It wasn’t pretty and golden like his but we loved adding it to our smoke and tasty too. I added flower which made it way good-er so I’m adding flower again this time along with trim and popcorn
View attachment 19003238 View attachment 19003239 View attachment 19003240
me thinks this will work good
let me make it so


Well-known member
That sounds a lot like the time I grew G13xBurmese from clones a good friend gave me. The plants only grew about 2-3'' tall and so the colas and buds were smaller then other plants grown in 5 Gallon buckets of soil. The plant was dense with bud sites though and the buds had a denser then average coat of resin. The buds were also a light yellowish color and had a strange funky odor almost like sweat. The buds smoked very well and were tasty snd the buzz was quite potent.
These buds were covered in frosty leaves. I just couldn’t trim them off, they were super frosty so I took a chance that the frosty part was gonna be good even tho the buds looked different than others I’ve grown. It smells a bit medicine like camphor or menthol like. You just reminded me to take some out for a test drive.
‘see how leafy the buds look?
‘I’m gonna put some on the tray to try it out tomorrow


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Another recovery day nearly over - had the hospital call me today and book me for a CT Scan on Saturday afternoon - and my clinic pharmacist call to go thru all the meds I'm taking and order more that I'll have to pick up from the pharmacy up my road - did 2 trips out to feed Smudge and Spanky on foot - weather is real nice - polo/t-shirt time -

The Mrs ordered a new Hotpoint washing machine - which got delivered and installed today - since the last one - which lasted 6 years finally went BANG! - and then died last week 😢 - after getting increasingly noisy over several months - till it sounded like a jet airplane taking off on spin cycle - and we had to shut the kitchen door constantly to avoid some of the noise -

- it's not easy for me to be as lazy as I have to be physically - to recover from this heart surgery - so I'm getting the boy to do any lifting - pushing and shoving - and moving stuff around - that I would usually do - still should spend more time horizontal - I'm trying -
Actually keeping active is better for you they say, just be careful how you are active. Modt prople, even ones in bad shape find that they can be much more active then before procedures like you had done then, they expected when they first came home, given what you've describe so far I bet you feel nearly back to your old self fairly soon. The rule of thumb for any open heart surgery is to not lift more the 10lbd for x number of weeks. After I had my dounble bypass I was lifting well more then 10lbs within the first week or two of being home. I mentioned it to my doctor when I saw him after a month of being home and hr said those rules are really more like suggestions and you just need to listen to your body. He sid if you're trying to do more then your body is ready for it will let you know pretty quick. Now mind you I'm not trying to encourage you to do more then you should. All I'm saying really is that those instructions are mostly written for people much older then you and in worse overall shape. One of the beneits of keeping in good shape ovr the years is that you'll tend to recover from surgeries fadter then average.


Well-known member
You sure had to add something to that kind of alcohol, very potent and extremely strong in taste. Hit stomach like an A bomb.

I haven't heard the words "purple jesus' in a long time. So I looked it up on AI, I was surprised to learn that high % alcohol and grape juice plus overindulgence led to colorful vomiting:)
Technicolor Yawn.

I originally bought my 3-gallon pot still for recovering the $$$ alcohol after washing all the bud scraps left after power shaking for the trichomes / Hash / Kief. I could still buy 151 proof in California at that point but I was fighting all the damned water the 151 has when reducing to RSO for capsules.

Then a bartender set a patron on fire with a flaming high proof drink, and it all changed. NO more high proof booze for 40 million Californians and what we now have is state regulated 120 proof max. Naturally it is the same price as 190 proof in adjoining states so a giant FU from the liquor companies. Sweet deal for them.

Now I buy cheap store brand 80 proof vodka on sale and run it through the still before use. A couple of knife tips of Hash, 3ml of 180 proof, wet the mouth first and toss that shooter straight in.


Done right it's no hotter than a bit of sipping whisky as far as the burn. Baby sized jars from the dollar somethingorother

I can have several of these and stay below that one ounce limit that sets off my reaction to Alcohol or I'd be hung over as though I tied one on. Really sucks as the whole craft beer craze came about after I stopped drinking.

I'm not even taking my usual Hash capsules and the wife keeps urging me to go back on them. " God you're a real asshole straight and sober". Sorry dear the pain kinda does that to me. I haven't been this sober in a decade or more.

We'll see how long it takes for the adhesion pain monster to fully awaken. I'm long overdue for a full reset anyhow.