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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Good morning older and younger siblings.

A week of wetness here in the Lakes region ahead,
Morel mushrooms are up and demanding a pretty penny $60 for a pound.
Love the damn things but no way will I pay that much, when I was a kid we used to get by the trunk load.
Talked to my folks last night and they broke down and got a couple pounds, which was surprising but then these mushys only come around once a year.

Side x side is done had a Hummingbird chirp 7 put on it, now I can skirt the ice and put some miles on looking for fish.
One of my gas cans got water in it by accident it was tome for it's 500 mile any way.
We took it out a couple Sundays ago and I had to push the damn thing back luckily it was on a couple hundred yards.
Would not stay running.


Well-known member
If you're getting any other benefits such as Food Stamps, Rental Assistance, etc. Be careful. SSI will allow you to work enough to bring in around $900 per month extra without taking benefits from you but most other forms of assistance have limits on income so low that a slight increase in income can cause you to lose those benefits to the point where you can end up in worse shape then if you didn't work Just to illustrate what I mean, let's say you get $150 in Food Stamps and another $400 per month in rental assistance but you just barely qualified for both those prograams and an increase of $100 in income would put you over the limit and you lose those benefits. Now let's say you get your 3 days of work and that earns you an additional $300 per month. You would lose the food Stamps and the Rental Assistance which was the equivilent of a combined $550 per month of income. Since your 3 days per week only brought in an extra $300 you would actually be down $250 from before making you situation worse instead of better. Now for that I just made up some numbers to illustrate my point. I've seen peopl lose that much in other benefits just from an extra $20 of income. Now if it was all under the table and this extra income wasn't reported then things would remain the same because nobody would know you were getting anything extra unless uou tell them. Unfortunately most programs like that providing government assistance do have the ability to monitor income reported to the IRS from employment, they might not catch it right away but they will notice eventually and in that situation they'll find out how many months you were getting that extra income and usually they'll want any overpatment refunded. If all you get is SSI though then you're safe. as long as you stay under the approx. $900 per month limit. If you go above that then they start deducting $1 for every $2 of additional income and they'll likely put you in a special classification where if you continue to earn more then the monthly limit for a certain period of months (not sure how many) they may deem you able to work and no longer eligable for SSI. So make sure you understand all those limits and what not before you commit to anything.

Also some people think if they do side work like driving for Uber or similar services the money they make is unreported. This is not true Uber or whoever keeps track of all that and reports it as part of their own tax reporting requirements.
Thanks for the info. I'm only wanting the ssi and nothing else, I'll be able to keep my insurance at work and take a big pay cut to stay below a $1800.00 a month threshold. Or so they have told me at this point. This is mainly for when I get rid of the infection to get paid something while I heal for a new knee.


Well-known member
I wish everyone would live the way they want, If you are not hurting anyone else then I dont care what they do. I dont want them to tell me about it either. God gave us all free will. If he/ she/ it doesnt force people to live a certain way then no one else should try to. I dont join groups and have always been a “ lone wolf”. I have complete freedom and pure happiness. Also, what I believe changes everyday as I get more or better information. Everything in life changes.

“A man who thinks the same at age 30 as he did at age 20 has wasted 10 years of his life.”
- Confucius -
Either that or got it right the first time and gained 10 years! Lol



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Gonna bite the bullet today and get all new jars. I have been using the apsame jars for a long long time. Never washed them! Only clean the lids with alcohol so they seal properly.

Over time they have collected resin on the bottom and it will be to much of a hassle to try and clean them.

I should be ashamed...my tents and grow area is spotless but my jars are....well no words can explain!


Well-known member
Gonna bite the bullet today and get all new jars. I have been using the apsame jars for a long long time. Never washed them! Only clean the lids with alcohol so they seal properly.

Over time they have collected resin on the bottom and it will be to much of a hassle to try and clean them.

I should be ashamed...my tents and grow area is spotless but my jars are....well no words can explain!
Please show them your old jars Pute, they are beautiful. Folks need to see them…😊


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
That's an important lesson. No one else can make anyone else happy. There is only one person who can make you happy, or has any responsibility to do so is Yourself. Bang!
Interesting....so ask yourself .... Are you happy? I think I am! The highway of life has lots of twists and turns. I have good days and bad but over all I look at life with a smile.

I like this thread because it is mostly a happy place and I look forward to coming here.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Back in the Olden Days, when the Internet was still very new, I entered a writer's contest in a magazine for short stories about the Internet. YAY. I won. I just found this in an old file:

All That You Can Be

c Walt C. Snedeker

“But I don’t want to be in the Net!

I realized that I was beginning to sound like I was chanting a litany. But there are only just so many ways to express something.

When the computers of the late twentieth century first became linked in the ungainly tangled web that became known as the Net, communication and knowledge transfer began to cascade exponentially. For fifty years, the human race was able to communicate ideas and concepts at an ever-expanding rate. Inevitably, with the knowledge gained from the sharing of data, better and better ways of building computers became possible and practical.

The inevitable result was that people actually became parts of the Net. The interfacing between the Net and humanity became more and more facile, until any line between the two became theoretical, and disappeared.

Carol was standing there, beautiful as always, with an expression compounded of equal parts of consternation, pity, and amusement. Every feature of her was perfection. Of course it was. Why not? If she had a mole or a sagging line, there would be somebody or some file in the Net that would know the reason and the cure.

But of course it could never go so far as to actually become a mole or a sagging line. Oh, no. The THK nodes would be able to prevent all that stuff in the first place. Only if there were some incredibly unlikely accident would there be any marring of her perfection.

Accidents just didn’t happen anymore. My grandfather told me that when he was a kid, accidents happened all the time. All kinds of accidents. Vehicle accidents, buildings collapsing, things like that.

But the Total Human Knowledge nodes can assess all that now. The Net keeps anything like that from ever happening. People no longer are struck by lightning, even.

“You’re wandering again, Jeff,” Carol’s deep contralto broke into my reverie.

“Maybe so, but I want to experience the world first hand,” I answered with a tinge of guilt. Netters were always so clearly focused. “I want to be able to walk in the woods and see everything with my own eyes.”

Carol’s face showed mostly pity, now. Somehow that made me feel like a backward child. With a sudden revelation, I realized that was exactly how she did see me. Backward, and needing help.

But I never liked evangelical stuff. People should just leave people alone. I did not want to be a part of the Net, and that was that.

“If you took your so-called walk in the woods as a Netter, you would be able to see Everything.” I could hear the capital letter she put on the last word. “You would see the deer that you’d have missed otherwise. You’d see the structure of the forest and how it blends with a silent beautiful music to the rest of the world.” She was bright-eyed now, doubtless experiencing a perfect walk in the woods as she spoke.

“But I wouldn’t see it myself!” Even to me, I sounded petulant.

“Of course you would.” Now she smiled dazzlingly, “Do I look and sound like some kind of mindless robot?” To finish her point off completely unfairly, she did a perfect pirouette and curtsey, flashing flawless snowy thighs.

I saw a flaw in her argument, and rushed into the opening.

“I bet you just experienced that walk in the woods! Just now! And you never left the room,” I countered, “so how can you honestly say that you saw everything with your own eyes?”

Carol giggled enchantingly.

“Oh, Jeff, of course I saw it all with my own eyes!”

“While standing here talking to me? Not bloody likely.”

Her strong but delicately soft hand impulsively touched mine, sending a thrill all the way up my arm. God! She smelled good. I tried to remember that Netters would know all about pheromones and sexuality-interactions. It didn’t help. I was a pushover for Carol, and we both knew it. Ruefully, I didn’t mind.

“Let me put it this way, darling Jeff,” she smiled, “can you remember yesterday morning when you were brushing your teeth? Can you remember the minty taste of the toothpaste? Try to do that.”

“Well… yeah…OK.” I didn’t see where this was going.

“All right. But the memory is very weak, right? And you can just make your palate twitch a little with the memory of that taste that was so strong and minty if you really work at it… right?”

I concentrated a second or two. Yes, I could sort of sense the faint memory of the taste. Maybe. For a fleeting instant.

She saw the agreement in my face. But I still could not see where this was going.

“Did you leave this room just then, Jeff?” She smiled, “No?” But how could you possibly have tasted that minty flavor?”

Now her lovely green eyes were dancing with pleasure. “In the Net, you would be able to taste the mint exactly as strongly as you did yesterday. The memory would be stored intact and complete, with the minty smell and the minty taste in perfect and instant recall.” She added archly: “And without leaving the room.”

I was intrigued. It was a good analogy, if analogy was the right term.

“But we were talking about doing things firsthand. The walk in the woods, remember?”

“It is firsthand, if you are in the Net.”

Dimly, I could follow the logic of her point. But I don’t like to see things dimly, and it angered me. Besides, I still wanted to be the first to do something. Anything.

Individuality. That was what I feared losing.

Carol again sensed my thoughts with that uncanny clairvoyance of Netters.

“You will still be my darling Jeff,” she breathed, “even more so.”


“As far as your proverbial walk in the woods,” she continued, “which would you prefer as your source of information: something the true equivalent of that faint mint-memory, which is what you would get if you actually went outside and wandered about alone, or the total experience of the sum of humanity – which is what you’d have in the Net?”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“Yes,” she sighed, with a rise and fall of her chest that I found hypnotic, “I realize that you really do find it hard to believe. But that is the fact and truth of it.” She stroked my arm again, smiling wistfully. “You are experiencing the world as if you were encased in a sensory-depriving rubber suit, while suffering unending electroshock scattering of your thinking capability.”

That description rattled me. Could she be right? She was obviously sincere.

“If I get in, can I get out?”

Tinkling laughter sparkled.

“Now there is an unexpected possibility!” Carol looked thoughtful for a second, doubtless checking with the Net. “Yes,” she stated solemnly, with a poorly hidden smile, “you could get back out if you wanted to.”

I took a deep breath.

“OK, I’ll try it.” I thought further. “But just on a trial basis – that’s the agreement.”

“Oh, my darling Jeff! You are so precious. Let’s take a Bath together.”

Again, I could hear the capital letter. But I knew the method of joining the Net. We went together into the immersion room and stripped.

The warm liquid of the Net Bath rose around us. Carol giggled and dunked me. I came up spluttering and dunked her back. Meanwhile, the millions of microscopic netparticles were entering my skin to hook up with my nervous system. I could feel something remarkably pleasant happening. It was more than my admiration of Carol’s shining wet beauty…

Then it happened.

I connected.

And all the knowledge was mine. I saw it all. I saw Us all.

“Now you know.”

Carol’s telepathic thought reached me, along with the billions of others. We were One, but I was still me. I reached with Our mind to far Betelguese, to see the brilliant play of ions in the atmosphere of the first planet.

I played with the whorls of Time, and fashioned a new Universe. It was interesting to define new laws of physics.

And I looked back at Us. I couldn’t help but smile as I realized that the Earth as I had known it was just there for me alone, for I had been the very last one to join.
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Well-known member
Mods don't read everything, they're only in to check for nipples, then they go to drive their vespas to Brighton Beach. I think there should be rockers too, but the site is too biased. People who link youtube videos of Crazy Cavan are permanently banned for that reason.
Back six hundred pages, I'm deaf as a bat and my eyesight needs getting closer to the things as days pass, but style? Intact. Lost my hearing aids like years ago and still don't find the need to buy replacement. I've been offered it as a present, but that's like buying sexy lingerie for your girlfriend, people seem to wish to be listened when they talk, but I always answer “write it down”. Noone does, but if they would have to write what they talk, they would also think what they say, God forbid!
As for the eyesight, I started wearing glasses at 24, and upgraded them at 46, but now I need to go again. However, I found out that putting my old glasses on top of the others, i can see much better a tv screen from further distance, so the oftalmologist will wait. Only once in my life I lost a pair of glasses, and I've found them a while later. The trick consists in always wear them, and place them next to the bed when you go to sleep.
Gypsy, nice gig to look forward that one with Dave Gilmour. In some tracks I like him solo better than with Roger, good to see he's still at it. He reminds me of those times when it was necessary to be a musician before going on stage. Here, another of those atemporal performers, good playing help to regulate heartbits.

Excellent tune IMHO
2nd only to "Wishing it Was" from that album (again IMO :) ).


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Here ya go. This is only about half of my jars. The rest are storing product in the dry cure tent.




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