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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hope everybody had a great day. Doctor told me not to worry as long as it is draining. Said it has slowed down and I still have a months worth of meds to take. Just keep it clean and keep a eye on it. So tomorrow ssi will call me, thinking about going to work Monday. Three days a week I think I can do it. Be nice to get back to a bit of normalcy in my life and a chance to buy the things to make changes for the grow shed. Then I got to figure how I will get in and out of it. Yall have a great night my friends.
If you're getting any other benefits such as Food Stamps, Rental Assistance, etc. Be careful. SSI will allow you to work enough to bring in around $900 per month extra without taking benefits from you but most other forms of assistance have limits on income so low that a slight increase in income can cause you to lose those benefits to the point where you can end up in worse shape then if you didn't work Just to illustrate what I mean, let's say you get $150 in Food Stamps and another $400 per month in rental assistance but you just barely qualified for both those prograams and an increase of $100 in income would put you over the limit and you lose those benefits. Now let's say you get your 3 days of work and that earns you an additional $300 per month. You would lose the food Stamps and the Rental Assistance which was the equivilent of a combined $550 per month of income. Since your 3 days per week only brought in an extra $300 you would actually be down $250 from before making you situation worse instead of better. Now for that I just made up some numbers to illustrate my point. I've seen peopl lose that much in other benefits just from an extra $20 of income. Now if it was all under the table and this extra income wasn't reported then things would remain the same because nobody would know you were getting anything extra unless uou tell them. Unfortunately most programs like that providing government assistance do have the ability to monitor income reported to the IRS from employment, they might not catch it right away but they will notice eventually and in that situation they'll find out how many months you were getting that extra income and usually they'll want any overpatment refunded. If all you get is SSI though then you're safe. as long as you stay under the approx. $900 per month limit. If you go above that then they start deducting $1 for every $2 of additional income and they'll likely put you in a special classification where if you continue to earn more then the monthly limit for a certain period of months (not sure how many) they may deem you able to work and no longer eligable for SSI. So make sure you understand all those limits and what not before you commit to anything.

Also some people think if they do side work like driving for Uber or similar services the money they make is unreported. This is not true Uber or whoever keeps track of all that and reports it as part of their own tax reporting requirements.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I've just woke up here in the UK - 4.52am - odd night 🌙 - heart rate waay too high yesterday and during the night - but back to normal this morning - phew!
Reflect back on what you were doing and what you were eating when you noticed your heart rate had gone up and be more careful of those activities and//or foods in the future. It's all part of adjusting to your new normal. Things should improve as you heal up and you build your endurance back up. Forgive me if you know this already. :biggrin:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Reflect back on what you were doing and what you were eating when you noticed your heart rate had gone up and be more careful of those activities and//or foods in the future. It's all part of adjusting to your new normal. Things should improve as you heal up and you build your endurance back up. Forgive me if you know this already. :biggrin:
Ya - maybe it was that salty bacon 🥓 sandwich - that got my heart pogo dancing?


Well-known member
Yep. I just remembered the term and my issue with my vision in one eye is Astigmatism. I have free eye examination appointments and lenses (must pay for frames over a certain level), so I am really due for a checkup. This summer I need to get this done, as well as getting to the dentist for my 6 mother. There seems to be a lot of treatments for Astigmatism - not just glasses. One I saw that looked interesting was wearing hard contacts at night to coax the change in the irregular eyeball structure!y. There are also a number of different surgical techniques they use now too. Time for a check up!! And as SubGirl suggested, I will definitely want to, and need to get a second opinion too. :geek:


Well-known member
Good morning everyone! Glad you feel normal Gypsy. Drink lots of water. I have a question because I dont know anything about the internet or “social media”. Do moderators have to read everthing all day long? That must be boring as hell. Im an outdoor guy. I only go inside to eat , sleep or get out of the rain. I have a hard time reading everthing you few people write. 🤪

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Gooode morning rasty old farts and kindly fartesses!

Yet another gaugus day starting at 53F and predicted to reach 79F.

Got my silver locks trimmed yesterday, so I can see again.

Off to the gym this morning, then a coin flip between knitting, or creative debauchery. Maybe two tosses, calling head first, then tail!


Well-known member
Mods don't read everything, they're only in to check for nipples, then they go to drive their vespas to Brighton Beach. I think there should be rockers too, but the site is too biased. People who link youtube videos of Crazy Cavan are permanently banned for that reason.
Back six hundred pages, I'm deaf as a bat and my eyesight needs getting closer to the things as days pass, but style? Intact. Lost my hearing aids like years ago and still don't find the need to buy replacement. I've been offered it as a present, but that's like buying sexy lingerie for your girlfriend, people seem to wish to be listened when they talk, but I always answer “write it down”. Noone does, but if they would have to write what they talk, they would also think what they say, God forbid!
As for the eyesight, I started wearing glasses at 24, and upgraded them at 46, but now I need to go again. However, I found out that putting my old glasses on top of the others, i can see much better a tv screen from further distance, so the oftalmologist will wait. Only once in my life I lost a pair of glasses, and I've found them a while later. The trick consists in always wear them, and place them next to the bed when you go to sleep.
Gypsy, nice gig to look forward that one with Dave Gilmour. In some tracks I like him solo better than with Roger, good to see he's still at it. He reminds me of those times when it was necessary to be a musician before going on stage. Here, another of those atemporal performers, good playing help to regulate heartbits.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good morning everyone! Glad you feel normal Gypsy. Drink lots of water. I have a question because I dont know anything about the internet or “social media”. Do moderators have to read everthing all day long? That must be boring as hell. Im an outdoor guy. I only go inside to eat , sleep or get out of the rain. I have a hard time reading everthing you few people write. 🤪
Naa - there is a 'report' button - that really helps the moderators zero in on potentially problematic threads/posts - and many members who like to see and post on an unsullied site - feel that it is their civic duty - to point us Admin's and Mod's - in the direction of trouble on the forums - so we don't have to read thru everything - which would be impossible anyway - since there is so much put up on ICMAG every day -

- I suppose its kinda like a neighbourhood watch sceme of sorts - whereby a cumulative effort by the members and staff of the site - prevents the build up of toxic crap 💩 and affiliated poo - onsite -


Well-known member
Did setting up your new computer involve hooking up your old computer? If so then it did it automatically assuming that you would want to preserve your old settings, favorites, photos, etc. If setting up your new computer did not involve hooking up to your old computer but your old computer was still on the same network and powered up it could have happened as a part of syncing the devices on your network. If you didn't hook up to your old computer and it wasn't on you network and it wasn't powered up then I haven't a clue. Unless Bill Gates has started employing fairies to make things like that happen magically. Either that or your favorites was only ever whatever default favorites are when you first set up a computer and therefore the favorites you're seeing noow is the same default favorites but since they're still the same you think they're your old favorites.
My guess is new systems almost force you to have a Microsoft account(to download apps from the Microsteal store and likely to track your ass for Bill Gates and his plan for Mass depopulation😂😳😡). The browser(is it called Edge now?) allows you to ‘sign in’ and I am sure if you ‘sign in’ on your old device(s), that info is stored and then populated on any device you ‘sign in’ on using Edge(?) from here on out. Gates is evil. He stole DOS from some poor friend of his, ran a monopoly for years, has poisoned millions of children in Africa(and billions of people worldwide now), owns more farmland in the US than anyone else, wants us to eat unhealthy food including faux meats and has a program going to partially block the sun. I am sure I am forgetting other world domination tactics that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have but they are evil incarnate.


Well-known member
Mods don't read everything, they're only in to check for nipples, then they go to drive their vespas to Brighton Beach. I think there should be rockers too, but the site is too biased. People who link youtube videos of Crazy Cavan are permanently banned for that reason.
Back six hundred pages, I'm deaf as a bat and my eyesight needs getting closer to the things as days pass, but style? Intact. Lost my hearing aids like years ago and still don't find the need to buy replacement. I've been offered it as a present, but that's like buying sexy lingerie for your girlfriend, people seem to wish to be listened when they talk, but I always answer “write it down”. Noone does, but if they would have to write what they talk, they would also think what they say, God forbid!
As for the eyesight, I started wearing glasses at 24, and upgraded them at 46, but now I need to go again. However, I found out that putting my old glasses on top of the others, i can see much better a tv screen from further distance, so the oftalmologist will wait. Only once in my life I lost a pair of glasses, and I've found them a while later. The trick consists in always wear them, and place them next to the bed when you go to sleep.
Gypsy, nice gig to look forward that one with Dave Gilmour. In some tracks I like him solo better than with Roger, good to see he's still at it. He reminds me of those times when it was necessary to be a musician before going on stage. Here, another of those atemporal performers, good playing help to regulate heartbits.

This whole album is great that this song came off of