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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
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Well-known member
I always laugh at the big Pharma adds... they make them sound so flowery and uplifting even when they mention the side effects that it might could kill you....

Ask your doctor if this drug is right for you!
Yeah I’m gonna ask my doc about some of that Jardiance stuff that makes that heavyset girl sing and dance. I can’t stand when that comes on every 10 minutes


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
My doctors continue to try and put me on cholesterol drugs despite my total cholesterol being around 130 and my bad cholesterol about half that.
My Doctor talked me into taking them because my cholesterol is right on the edge. Plus a couple weeks before my physical I start really watching what I eat. So I am cheating and making it lower than what it would normally be.


Well-known member
Ahh - I doubt if I'd find some fountain of youth - other than psychologically living my youth again - thru my son who is almost exactly half a century younger than me (4 days more) - and I often get those deja-vu moments - when I see him going thru VERY similar challenges and experiences - that I went thru and reacted to 50 years ago -

In my mind longevity has a lot to do with what sorta wear and tear you might have put on your body - over the years - and how the body copes with that - which could bring hereditary factors into play that might help or hinder your survival prospects - due to certain excesses - in the past - and how you medically or holistically treat those when they do pop up - often by preemptive measures and lifestyle changes - to help cure and/or prevent certain conditions or diseases from taking hold and causing illness and death -

Most people don't die of old age - they die because body parts wear out and so cease to function properly - which causes the body's systems to break down - leading to illness and death -

The cats were fine - Smudge was mellow - but Spanky was fiesty - and scratched me a little - drew blood even - which had me a bit worried - since I am on a blood thinner med at the mo - took a little longer to coagulate - but was OK after 5 mins of paper towel pressure -
A person would probably succumb to some ailment trudging through jungle in search of the mythical fountain. In fact I think they did.

It warms my spirit, to see in photos and your words your connection with your son. You are giving him the foundation necessary to build on, that's being a good father/man Gypsy:)
I'm proud of my son(41) he has done well for him and his family. They work hard/smart and live well.

I wonder if Spanky is a little off because of his solitude.

Things to do, I better get at it.


Well-known member
Yeah I’m gonna ask my doc about some of that Jardiance stuff that makes that heavyset girl sing and dance. I can’t stand when that comes on every 10 minutes

I rarely watch network tv. There are time PBS is on repeat or it's something I don't want to watch.
I begin channel surfing then. Maybe a year ago, I came across that same annoying commercial.
There is soooo much wrong with it I was not only annoyed... I was rather appalled.

Just recently, I was again channel surfing and that same danged commercial was on, sigh.
What I noticed most is... the gal isn't as fat anymore. If it is the same gal that is.
Wonder what pressure was applied to use people who are less fat (oops... heavyset ;) )?

Gotta pay attention to what channel that comes on and just skip by it haha.

1st. time I heard a drug advert listing side effects that said at the end...
"and even death" I thought... WTF??? So... it may cause death but try it anyway! smh

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I’m done with breakfast and getting ready to have my day, I just did a blood test and I’m 134/74 which I’m thrilled to death with. I have decided today is the day to clean out the garage, it looks like a bomb hit it and is full of dog hair… I brush out the boys at least twice a week outside the garage and the window is blows the hair balls back in. I just got off the phone with brother Lesso and he’s coming over to have a little bit of a session this afternoon… I slept well last night, which is unusual. One of the kind members here sent me some tins of some very potent topical cream and has made a major difference in the way my belly feels when I go to bed…
Out-fargin-Standing! 🙃

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I agree docs are not what they use to be. You gotta watch out for yourself and ask the stupid questions… 😞
There it is. The number of real doctors is dropping at an awful rate. Number crunching hospital conglomerates have caused mass burnout for the older** competent, experienced doctors.

** 50 years old or more

Med School now is Woke. <-- I will leave it at that.