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The Great AK Caper



fallenangel, mrwags, HOG......thanks guys.

I can't find my scales, but I'm gonna estimate about ten ounces dry weight. Not too bad but with longer veg times this room will do better.

The cherry smell and flavor are gone........replaced by the smell (not flavor yet) of fresh cut strawberries. You can really smell it distinctly now that it's jarred. BuzzBob's (where are you, bro?) didn't have this flavor. So what makes it different? He's hydro, I'm soil. He's 400W, I'm 1000W. Combination of both? Who knows? :confused:

This concludes this thread...............gonna start another called Spankin's Pot Luck Grow #1....feel free to join me. :wave:


Magnificent stuff Elvis, sounds like its going to be damn tasty especially with a long ass cure...well done on a nice crop! The Allman Brothers dont seem to mind your buds either :p

Look forward to seeing your new thread :joint:


Very nice Elvis!

Where's Buzz at? Its been a month since his last post :eek: I just hate it when people disappear like that...:bashhead:


Hey Leeroy. :wave: I got a DVD RW for my 'puter. Gonna rip and burn a dvd for you that will be 'region free'. It'll have a couple of Steve Hackett concerts (Somewhere in South America and The Tokyo Tapes) and some early Genesis footage when Peter and Steve were still in the band. There...........you see......there's always a way, bro. :biglaugh: :friends:

Hi Blue! :wave: Let's hope he's ok. Wish I knew.


ahahahaha Elvis you got your hands on a ripper thats cool man, i was just looking at a dvd burner the other day thinking they would be a cool addition, :joint:

Early footage of genisis and Steve in concert would be awesome :friends:

Sorry to hear Buzz has gone AWOL.
Hope everyone is doing alright~