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The F..ing Flo Growshow

I've got Flo from Dutch Passion too, and it took a few cycles to realize her full potential. I also came up with two phenotypes. I kept the more sativa looking plant.

Flo is the kind of herb that I enjoy smoking everyday.



Active member
i just wish they'd stop eating themselves.. pics up tonight i'll show you what i mean.

as soon as i topped them they started stretching out all their branches but they are devouring the main fan leaves to do this.. seems similar looking to what EM had in flower with his first purple pheno.. but i'm still just vegging.

i don't know what to do to get them healthy.. only thing i can think of is i have been going pretty light on nutes since i heard they didn't like much nutes anyways.. and burn easily.

i may be starving them tho i just can't figure it out.

one is streching like a mofo and has gotten very light green (almost light yellow) in color on the newest growth.. i hope a good solid feeding does the trick..

it takes FOREVER AND A FUCKING DAY for these plants do dry their bags out.. i wish i could see what the hell the roots are doing.. because they don't seem to be uptaking water/nutes effectively.. my first guess is that i always ran a 400w hps without air cooling the hood itself.. was just venting out the top. now that i have the 600 it gets a/c vented on full blast with the big fan.. so maybe the lack of extra heat buildup is keeping the soil wet a lot longer. it just seems like the plants should have enough roots in there drinking it up.. but the bottom of the pots feel solid and heavy with moisture for weeks. i would think i would have been watering every 3 or 4 days with the pots going completely dry in between at this point with previous grows.. very weird but what can i do? i can't feed them until i can water them which never seems to happen.

we'll see what happens. i'm hoping for the best still.. just never been this worried about plants before.. they aren't nearly as happy as previous grows have been.. and i just bought the bigger light and better fan and all that shit because i thought that was what was holding things back from perfect..

maybe the ferts are the problem.. i've had a 90% empty bottle of pbp grow and lk.. that have been sitting that way for a few months.. if having a small amount in the bottle will cause any changes i don't know.. never been subjected to heat or cold.. they are a little over a year old..


definately sounds like you have root issues :( Because you are still in veg...foliar feeds are an option until you can get your rootzone back online. Are you currently using any products to help keep the roots happy? Hygrozyme is a good example of a product that will help you keep the rootzone thriving...do a quick search on the stuff. I don't grow without it :)


Active member
hygrozyme sounds neat.. just a bunch of enzymes? things like this always caught my eye but i never thought i'd need them. rhyzotonic and superthrive are others.. never really knew exactly what they did to help but they seemed popular.. i guess the rhyzotonic is like a root stimulator too.. superthrive looks like a vitamin supplement tho haha..

i'm scared to foliar feed with any of this botanicare stuff. is it safe? i feel like i'm going to just hurt my leaves spraying pbp on it.. even if its a weak solution. i just know i've woken up to crazy burn marks on my leaves before and traced it back to getting a tiny bit of ferts splashed on them. is there a product made specifically for foliar feeding or am i just over thinking this? also if the leaves are yellow or dying anyway will spraying them help or just spray the new growth that's still healthy?

i'm guessing best time to mist the plants would be during lights off? so it doesn't evaporate right off.

well i ran out of pbp grow bottle and i'm down to 10% of my lk. i just read the mr. wags thread about having lk that went bad over time and was poisoning his plants.. this doesn't sound good.. i'm going to pick up a new bottle of lk too and compare its contents with my old bottle.. see if i can smell a difference. that would be terrible if it just went bad somehow and is causing all these problems. i'll get some hygrozyme too and check it out.

anything else i should be picking up?
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glad to see positive feedback :yes: and that is some very positive feedback :lurk: Definately keep us updated.


Active member
some other shots..

these are the flo clones. all rooted and transplanted to 1/2 gallong bags. looking nice.

and onto the rest of the c22 garden.. the 5 lisa maries have sexed out at 3 girls and 2 boys. amazingly all the boys are very runty and short. the girls are all taller.

here are the boys..

lisa girl 1:

lisa girl 2:

lisa girl 3:

and a group shot.. i'm off to bed. taking pics is hard work when you have a camera as shitty as mine.
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sweet garden seedy :yes:

i've got a friend that swears by the flo....claims it's the highest he's ever been :D



Active member
User Name said:
i've got a friend that swears by the flo....claims it's the highest he's ever been :D
I've heard some great things about F-13 as well!

BTW, DJ Short no longer sells Flo (not Flodica)? I recall seeing it in his catalog only 3-4 months ago, but now the only place I can find it from is Dutch Passion.


Active member
hey long time.. big update tonight!!! i'm at day 45 and they are getting beautiful.

here are some teaser shots.. this is flo #1 @ day 35.. just starting to purp.


Elevator Man

Active member
Wow - I was wondering what had happened to these Couldn't believe you were still in bed since the 15th December...:)

These look fantastic man. The Flo Fan Club is in full effect... :yummy:


Active member
hey elevator man! nice to see ya. still kickin around over here just dreaming of a better camera..

i only have more teaser shots tonight. these are from my buddy's camera..

more soon!


Elevator Man

Active member
Wonderful colors!

I'm always amazed at the number of phenos available in Flo - looking at all the plants around - mine, yours, Hashassassin's, Leopold's, etc. there seems to be at least one unique pheno in every collection that the others don't have. I still haven't got the one that looks a little like blueberry with the downward-pointing leaves that everyone else seems to have.

Similarly, my green one hasn't popped up in anyone else's grow yet - visually anyway. Although given the difference in structure of my 'old' purple one between indoors and outdoors, it's not surprising it's difficult to identify them!

My two specimens are bursting into new growth now and I will take some individual pics very soon - just put them into flower (14/10) three days ago.
They look great!! I can't wait to see how your yield compares with the new 600w, ive been thinking about upgrading from a 400 to a 600 in my cab too.

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