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The Bad Girls Club!!!!


Hey Ladies,

I wanted to swing in here and let everyone know I recieved the gracious gift DG sent me. It was actually far faster than I expected... Thank you again DG. I will tell everyone that I have one grow room at this time and she is in flower with my other girls till May 27. So I expect to begin this grow around the end of May and will open a new thread for the Sweetest Cindy99... Cant wait.....

Gotta run, talk to you later, gotta swing on over to the Moon Garden and check things out.... Lola, I will be following you closely on this new grow.....

Later Ladies
Woot woot! I'm sooooooooooo happy for ya, Jayla!

So for everyone who has the sweetest Cindy 99, my hubby was saying that there is some conjecture that the father was Ed Rosenthal's super bud? Is that true?

FYI, on our bean count, we've got some good looking ed rosenthal's, nl5haze, and high end and johnny blaze. mmmmm.

mrs evilme, how did your shits look when the beans started to sprout?


Hey Ladies,

I wanted to swing in here and let everyone know I recieved the gracious gift DG sent me. It was actually far faster than I expected... Thank you again DG. I will tell everyone that I have one grow room at this time and she is in flower with my other girls till May 27. So I expect to begin this grow around the end of May and will open a new thread for the Sweetest Cindy99... Cant wait.....

Gotta run, talk to you later, gotta swing on over to the Moon Garden and check things out.... Lola, I will be following you closely on this new grow.....

Later Ladies

Congrats on receiving them! Those cats at SB do an awesome job at getting packages out. :respect:

Hope to see some garden pics of those flourishing in your garden and serving you well! Good growing to you. :plant grow:

I'm a firm believer in random acts of kindness.....what goes around, comes around. :ying:

Woot woot! I'm sooooooooooo happy for ya, Jayla!

So for everyone who has the sweetest Cindy 99, my hubby was saying that there is some conjecture that the father was Ed Rosenthal's super bud? Is that true?

FYI, on our bean count, we've got some good looking ed rosenthal's, nl5haze, and high end and johnny blaze. mmmmm.

mrs evilme, how did your shits look when the beans started to sprout?
My Sweetest Cindy99 is:
Swt#3 x Cinderella99......neither of the P1 parents contain in their lineage Ed's Super Bud, just to clarify. ;)

:thank you:


OMM--we got them as a clone from a friend, so I really don't know what they looked like that small.

Jay--I can't wait to see the grow.

Jack-- Greatness like that comes only once in a lifetime. You will be missed. We'll be smoking one for you at 4:20 for the next 5 days. :frown:


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
who all wants to send me a care package?
LOL jk
Things were going so good today, I knew it was too good to be true... something always has to ruin my day
our two shit seeds that came up are growing kind of tall and then the stem is curling, like making a circle almost. it's really weird. i don't know if that's something this plant simply does, that's why i asked. of course, my hubby says we need a light up closer. we need a bank of lights for the cloners anyhow. going to get some later this month.
kk, i'm sorry. you got smoke, right? when i'm stressed, i don't smoke, which is dumb of me. my husband has to tell me "smoke, have a drink, and let's have sex." i'm not in the mood for any of those when i'm in a pissy mood, but it always works. he's always right.


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
kk, i'm sorry. you got smoke, right? when i'm stressed, i don't smoke, which is dumb of me. my husband has to tell me "smoke, have a drink, and let's have sex." i'm not in the mood for any of those when i'm in a pissy mood, but it always works. he's always right.
the only thing I know for sure that I can get is the sex... LoL we don't have any smoke right now lol *can't wait for harvest*


hey Lil and the bad girls :wave: apparently I didn't remember to take a pic of my fat tulip until i was almost done with it loool :joint:

here's a pic of my mini dutch Tulip, i don't think i ever saw the Tulip done with a straw :D didn't have enough MJ so had to add the straw and it worked fine, have to improvise ... once i have a pretty good amount i will post the good one "the real deal" :dance013:


Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Hey ladys! :tiphat:

Emmie... I've never seen that before. Thats a straw? With a wrapped up bundle of goodness on the end? Wow, thats pretty cool! :bump:


Active member
Well.......Tricky....since we all know I can't put up any 'real' pics of Rez.....here's my best attempt to give you a bit of idea about the 'personality' traits....since I
know him so well, this is my best description....you have to add a bit of all these below and THAT'S Rez......lol

Besides.....this is the best way to get him back in here....let him come try and :spank: me......... :biglaugh:

His Comedic Side: (He has a GREAT sense of humor!)


His ALWAYS smoking side:


'WHY SO SERIOUS'.....His CRAZY side....kinda like Heath (RIP)


The best rendition of his TRIPPY side.......lol

Trichy, I leave his 'actual' physical appearance for your mind to wander on it's own about. :biggrin:

I'd say that fairly sums it up.
I can be a bit high-strung,but I'm workin' on that atm....
Trying to reduce stress in my life is a Big Goal for 2010 and beyond.
....Also,I need to take better care of myself-I smoke too many
cigs and when I'm stressed it (negatively) effects my appetite,and I really need more,focused exercise-though I'm not fat in the least....
I finished up my "HST Style" chemical experiments on myself many years ago,and am content to monitor that effects that may or may not linger.... Lol!
I've found that my natural award-winning :D cynicism aside,I really need LOTS of positivity in my life-which is why you haven't seen me taking apart trolls for shits n' giggles lately....
I'm attempting to maintain a more focused-on,sunny,productive disposition. Which ain't always easy,lol!
I suppose my sense of humor isn't bad....mainly,that's for others to judge,but I've been known to go on a tear or two. :D
I love (and live for) my Family and Friends,and will do absolutely anything for them,if called on.
I love to travel,if I had my choice,I'd see the entire world before I die. New cultures are always absolutely inspiring,I can't get enough of seeing new things.
And of course,I love marijuana. :)

....That about sums me up-ish.



Rez & Trichy: Ya'll bothh like to travel.

I say we have a Derby Party! Yippie! It's almost time for the Derby!

:deadhorse: :whip: Here's my entry for last year! ;)

"I wanna go fast!"-Ricky Bobby
KK, do yourself a favor, and take down a small branch now. Put it on top of a dehumidifier. It's gross, but in a pinch, you can microwave a bud just to get you through.

Can you at least go to someone's house and smoke? Or get smoke from someone? That's your problem, right there. I know you can't drink right now, or at least if I remember correctly, you can't, but smoking is fine, especially since I know you're past the three week point. I feel for ya, girl! I wish I could give you a hug and a nug in person, b/c I can tell you need it!

Rez, I like your attitude. And your genetics. :)

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