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could it be possible that both parties are correct in that eating cannabinoids with fats aids in the absorbtion of the goods, and that heating the goodies causes decarboxylation, enhancing potency as well?

the best test would be raw buds, raw buds with oils, raw buds heated with oils. That was sam's point - you have to test them side by side, before drawing any conclusions.

You're not getting the point. Of course decarboxylation is needed for potent effects BUT heating it isn't necessary.

You can't just eat cannabis with fat and think it will hit you hard. Sam told us this when he lightly heated the cannabis in some butter and chocolate. B6 is what does the decarboxylation by removing the carboxyl group and oil doesn't have b6 because it is water soluble.

Also, you are not seeing how fiber helps with the process, not just fat. Read my previous post to understand.


If I'm really full before I eat some treats, I have a delayed reaction, sometimes diminished. I like to eat them when I'm really hungry, but I usually just have the munchies :)

Again, it is what you eat not just eating until your full. You can't just eat high simple sugar foods and think it will hit you like the meal I described.

You will be high longer(the fiber), have less munchies(The fiber and fats keep the blood sugar stable), and have more of an effect because of the spices(garlic, paprkia, celery, and other spices) and brown rice(brown rice has gaba in and if it's sprouted before cooking it will have even more).

As you can see this is VERY different from eating a brownie or some simple snack which lacks in a huge amount of nutrients and phyto-nutrients.


dude, it is you who is not getting the point. I'm not contesting your "way". I'm saying you need to back it up with a side by side comparison of heated vs. unheated. or have you done that?


dude, it is you who is not getting the point. I'm not contesting your "way". I'm saying you need to back it up with a side by side comparison of heated vs. unheated. or have you done that?

I understand what you're saying but you have to remember this is the internet and no matter what I say a lot of people aren't going to do what I state works and think I'm lying or they won't do it like I stated and claim it doesn't work.

There are a few but for some reason it seems like people want to do something when they think it has to be complex and time consuming. Maybe it's to make themselves feel like they did something great. If it is simple people tend to not believe in what they are being told. They say they want something simple but from what I've experienced they want something complex and time consuming.

An example is vitamin C. I gave information on this forum and OG to people on how to prevent whiteys, paranoia, anxiety from cannabis and told them to take 250mg-500mg of vitamin C(drinking some orange juice with pulp enhances the effects) 30 minutes to an hour before smoking/vaporizing and with eating but out of at least three pages of people posting in the thread only ONE person tried and he didn't follow what I said and came to the conclusion it didn't work. Some were saying that it was all in the mind and you have to ride it out and relax, others said smoke less, some said to meditate and others just said they grew to like the paranoia. All they had to do was take the vitamin C and juice but for some reason they couldn't do that.

On OG, I was called names because people didn't believe that vitamin C worked because if it were so everyone would be doing it. There were a few who did listen and ALL of them thanked me for helping them enjoy weed again but sadly even when these people told the others that it worked most still didn't listen and just kept complaining about how they blackout and get paranoia when puffing herb. After a while I just stopped telling people.

This is what is happening with eating cannabis and me telling a different and easier way to enjoy cannabis but very few people actually do what I state but the ones who did ALL were satisfied.

So to answer your question yes I have but being that it wasn't with others besides myself I can't use that as a source because others don't believe it or they think it's anecdotal even though others have tried what I say and it has worked for them. It just wasn't side by side because this is the internet, people are not actually in front of each other, and I'm not trying to save the world I'm just giving knowledge that I learned which isn't being told to others and being that cannabis is seen as the new medical wonder I think it should be told the best and healthiest way to consume it for healthy and sick individuals because the way they are consuming it now will likely cause problems in the end. A brownie, cookie, or capsule eaten alone is not healthy for some one to eat and adding cannabis to the mix might cause the body to react in a negative way and you will see the effects later in life.

Food as a whole is medicine and cannabis is only part of that equation, not THE equation.


i think there was a yes in there...why not come at people with the argument of "I've them side by side and the effects are identical" from the start? otherwise it comes of as hearsay health-nutty.


i think there was a yes in there...why not come at people with the argument of "I've them side by side and the effects are identical" from the start? otherwise it comes of as hearsay health-nutty.

Like I said, when I do people don't believe and they argue with you and then it turns into name calling. I've been through this so many times on the internet and in real life that it's just part of life to me now. I'm not new to this. I'm always finding out new ways to do things not just about cannabis and when I tell people only a few of them listen, unless it's about making money, and in that group of those who do listen only a few people follow my directions. It is the few who do what I say and give me their reactions that are the reason why I don't keep everything to myself.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
highest I've ever been was when me and my friend ate some ganja with cake , because star wars movie, and we didn't want to smell like smoke waiting in line.

so before the car ride got some cake, when we got there mixed in the ganja with the cake and highest I've ever been in my life.

also like to note we both messed up within 5 minutes of eating it. I have heard it has to break down in your system first but I can tell you that was not the case

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