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Sugar Loaf (Canna BioGen)



kinda doing a grow log on some beans I picked up via seedbay

started 6 Canna BioGen: Sugar Loaf beans early Oct.
all 6 sprouted up by 10/12

started seeing strong preflowers on them by early Nov.
ended up with 3 males (2 now dead...one still in Veg.)
2 females
1 unhealthy runt...still unknown sex (can't bring myself to kill it off...yet)

(still in Veg)

soil grown from seed
400wt MH 19/5hr light cycle

only 5-1-1 fish emulsions used...until the last wk when I gave them some 2-5-1 fish and kelp emulsions

do to space issues they are still in 1 gallon pots...will be transplanting the 2 females into larger pots asap...as well as taking some clones from each lady befor they enter my flowering room

....I will try to update, once I transplant and during flowering stage...
Good show Maddog!
I've also acquired Sugar Loaf from Seed Bay and will be starting them this week.
Will be following your methods and results closely.



glad to report I was able to transplant the 2 ladies today into 3 gallon pots (no new pics...yet)

...not as root bond as I thought they would be

still in Veg

also had the male in flowering room for a couple days just to confirm 100% it was a male
within 2 days of 12/12 it really started to take off
...its now removed and in a low light window...until I decide if I want any pollen or not...not really sure if it will get enough window light to stay alive and flowering, this time of yr or not


Look good,
They are very big for one gallon pot but they look good :yes:

(don't know how you do that I always have problems with that :rolleyes: )

good luck


quick update

quick update

sad to report one of the 2 Sugar Loaf's started showing herminess at around 3 wks of 12/12
...so it had to be removed

the one I have left has very strong sativa traits and has stretched like crazy...now at around 4.5ft tall

a bit light weight at this time...I have a feeling this one may take its good old time to finish up
... I'm starting to see very heavy frost/resin

no topping/prunning of any kind

...sorry for the crappy pics...

currently at around day 25 of 12/12



Active member
I'd def like to see some updated pics. Sugarloaf and Taskenti are the first two strains that caught my eye on SD. Been wondering how the Sugarloaf would do indoors.


its cominng along nicely...frosty as hell, but she's taking her good old time

due to its size/height
its been located in the back corner of my closet grow (all the other plants are on a 15" tall crete floor...the sugerloaf is directly on the floor)
...so I can't get any decent pics at this time

once my deep chunks get pulled out of the way in the next wk or so, I should be able to get some halfway decent pics

but to be honest she has been taking a back seat to the Deep Chunks and not getting the same attention/care I normally give my ladies (turning/moving under lights like the others)....she's just been sitting in the corner getting water/ferts


this is as good as I can get under lights

the large leaves are the Deep Chunks

the middle cola is the Sugarloaf


not sure how well this represents the strain's characteristics

been a bit negelcted

she's only been in a little under a 3 gallon pot

lower branch wing span of around 32" (inches)

total plant hieght of a little over 4 ft.
a little over 5ft, if counting the pot/container

no prunning
nor did I give any support to any lower branches....let them sway in the breeze....though at times other plants would be near enough to offer a bit of support...I can see why CannaBioGen says "branches need to be tied to avoid breakage" in their description of the strain

plus...I still have 6 beans left in my pack for a future grows, that I will put a bit more focus/care into next time

looks like it should be a nice addition to my strain stash jars


That is lookin nice, do u no sometime when u look at something and u can almost taste it nice. Keep the good work going.


Total Amnesiac

New member
Sugarloaf is the supermodel of cannabis . . tall ,slender and beautiful. I can't wait to use my seeds. Sure hope it packs the "psychoactive" buzz as advertised!

yogi bear

New member
Has anyone tried Sugarloaf yet? I see pictures but no description of taste and effect. Could someone please mention how the taste qualities are so I can try this strain as well? I would try topping it once and then work with four smaller colas and try trimming it about two to three weeks after you flip to 12/12. Trim all the lowest branches that do not get satuarated with light. 2 to 3 weeks is enough time to know what will get light and what wil not. Maybe this info wopil help someone control a strain like this a bit more. If you do it right and veg enough, your yield should be the same as if it grew staright. PEACE


I loved the smoke and buzz...but since I only got one females worth to smoke up...I didn't feel right about doing a full smoke report with only one pheno to sample

but I will say it had a very rich pungent flavor and a strong long lasting "up" buzz
that reminded me of some of the best oldschool strains from my past

...SugarLoaf is in my top ten, and I look forword to many future grows

...loved the rich taste so much that I have since ordered other strains from the breeder CannaBioGen


theres no info on these forums about this strain. does anyone have pics, flower time. is this a purple strain?
Great job maddog99
I saw those seeds on sb.
You sure did her justice looks great.
I'll probably have to try those sometime.
sugarloaf is one of the most popular ski montains in new england.
It would be sweet to puff some sugarloaf on the top of sugarloaf.
Sorry for ramblin-JS