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Stealth Cabinet w/ lots of pics


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Dude's been gone for close to a year.

The thread ... locked up (?) for a while and no one could get to the last page to add comments and FMJ wandered off.


Active member

1. Stealth -
a) Has to be able to blend in to room.
b) Has to be reasonably quiet
c) Has to be odorless
2. Must be a cabinet design. (like the idea, safety, and ingenuity of cabs)
3. Must be at or above par with the mass produced cabinets on available by the companies that procuce them for mass sale.
4. Reasonably priced
5. Must be fully contained (Flower, Veg, Mother, Clone) with no external hardware (such as fans, ballasts, filters, res, etc.)
6. ..and of course functional


Point 4. from post #1 - personally, I think he went broke!! Definitely a serious build though, eh? Too bad it ended.


LOL at him going broke. He had all the equipment, everything seemed dialed and almost done. I guess the last step was for him to enjoy his cab in private without our useless critizism.

This is the best cab I have ever seen on any pot website... Hands down


Wow nice cab man. Makes me wanna go play with a plasma cutter :joint:

Hahaha wow this thread is like a year old... guess i should have looked at the date


New member
He mentioned having to move to Sin City, so maybe this beast of a cabinet couldn't make the trek.

I agree though, this had the potential to be a sick stealth cab. Definitely taking notes from this one for when I go to build one myself!


New member
I would definitely have to disagree with you about to homegrown hydroponics grow box requiring an air conditioner to run cool. I have actually spoken to homegrown hydroponics about their air conditioning option, and that is there for people that are growing in hot garages where there is already in a very high temperature to begin with. The air-conditioners can be used keep the grow box cooler than ambient temperatures. The air conditioner is not an option because the box runs hot as I understand it, is there for people running the grow box for conditions that are already very hot.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea this guy killed for a DIY cab!!! Hats off to you FMJ :tiphat: even though you bounced on us...
damn this is a lil bit of over kill for a cab i mean for that kinda money he could have rented a house and set up a 4k grow, lol but it is very nice


A house would not have satisfied his stealth requirement plus it was for personal needs and I would think a house with a 4k grow would be a little more than personal needs.
I built my self a grow cabinet after reading his posts and others I dumped a round $1200 into building my own stealth cabinet. In my option it was money well spent I just finished my first grow using my cabinet and I'm drying the finished product now and it looks like I will harvest around 3/4 lb dried bud. not bad for a $1200 investment and my first grow.



FMJ just killed that shit. whoever posted about showing how to do it then enjoying the rest in private...... hell yeah!


Active member
Definately, its like the 'how to make a fuck off proper cab reference guide' Would have loved to see what full metal did in there... sure has some attention to detail.