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ICMag Donor
Yeah, here in BC the smoke can be very bad. On more than one occasion I couldn't see the mountain on the other side of the road. I live in a very narrow part of the valley.
Both my wife and I have lung disorders, they are different diseases but we both suffer from the summer fires.
This year there was still fires smouldering over winter from last year.
I’m thinking of that lovely “wet smoke in the air” smell…
I had kind of a busy day, so when I make supper tonight it will reflect my tiredness.
Poached eggs on toast/muffin and a salad.
had a busy day too. I’m whooped Just trying to keep up with things… regained a few pounds though…. That’s always welcome.


Well-known member
Num num. Nice and red ..got a good batch..driscolls


ICMag Donor
Our temperamental wisteria decided to bloom nicely this year.

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Takes a long time for them to get like that …congratulations we played a split leaf Japanese maple decades ago. The house that I grew up and it’s a gigantic red “bell” right now very valuable specimen play.
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Neighbors been surveying his 10 acre farm. This fucker hovering all day long…
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At least it’s not a black helicopter ! (like the kind that landed in my backyard on my former property in 2008) by the way, those trees look like prehistoric gymnosperms from the Cambrian era…🤩
I bought these this morning . . . on sale $1.99. Georgia grown as well. Our local bb's won't happen for another couple of months.

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Mine weren’t that good last night. Kind of mushy.
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Hauling all but one of these plants in and out for light dep over the next 3 months.

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I can’t keep up with your grow!
