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'Spicy Cheese & Saxon Axe'


ICMag Donor
Bless, praise, n thanks, SmokeyPufmaster :yes:

Needed this thread placed in here for some time, now...

...you know what this means??? we gotta sow some erbs afresh :canabis:

on with SpCh and Axe :dance:

erb, roots, n culture
dLeaf :joint:


ICMag Donor
DocLeaf said:
the next program of breeding at fritillary seed will involve isolating Colombian genetics with view to back-breeding a common strain of skunk.

we just haven't decided which common skunk strain to use :chin:

pon ya learn ya grow...

peace dL :joint:

sorry allow me to re-phase that:

...the next program of breeding at fritillary seed will involve isolating Colombian genetics with view to back-breeding a variation of original haze.

pon ya learn ya grow... :canabis:

peace dL :joint:


ICMag Donor
Spicy Cheese

Spicy Cheese

Spicy Cheese:

Round 2 of the Spicy Cheese [So7omon Seeds] by hs... :yes:

This dudes just playing games with us yo'll! Switch from the crib, some flip-mode sh*t!

Blend of old-school flavours... Hawaiian + BBCheese :joint:

gimme some more :joint:

kudos hs :yes:

erb, roots, n all
spread love
dLeaf :joint:

*those o' yo'll that have um these pips,,, treat em likes gold :canabis:
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DocLeaf said:
...the next program of breeding at fritillary seed will involve isolating Colombian genetics with view to back-breeding a variation of original haze.

Yo Doc, hows it growing?

SaxonAxe looks like the bomb, i lurrrve looking at her lol..big, fat leaves and a sturdy looking stature. :D:yes:

Also which seed company/breeder's O' Haze are you using for this endevour??

Be safe bro.. :sasmokin:

P.s. sorry if the O'Haze info has been specified elsewhere, if it has..i cant see it lol.. :bat:
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ICMag Donor
BeAn said:
Also which seed company/breeder's O' Haze are you using for this endevour??

The one that sows out to be the truest representation of 'haze' (there's lots of bs about),,, haven't played with haze for many years,,, gonna be fun. Little lines from external sources, and a bit from in collection,,, mix and match,,, only time alone, sweet time will tell :wink:

stay frosty buddy
dL :joint:

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