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South Oz Hydro Shop Alert


no wuckin furries!
fake ID?
surely shops would do cash sales off the books

stock up on a few globes, and maybe refill you old carbon filter in a few years yourself

fake id?..try and break one law at a time if you can...

stock up on stuff?...go a head if you like and your stocking up on ilegal items totally your choice ..the more you have the more they will do you for ...

goofy...sure they know what we are doing...most of the workers in the shop ive been to greet you with blood shot eyes....if you think they will BREAK THE LAW for YOU...go ahead and ask them...see where you get....maybe try it at the bank too and ask the teller to slip you a few grand extra next time your in the bank???...worth a shot :biggrin: ....HH. =]-~


One day you will have to answer to the children of
You just gotta do the same thing Methheads do in the States.
Don't buy it yourself. Get a friend who doesn't grow to buy the shit.
That is why Sudafed is now held in the pharmacy here, and they record your ID.
Because too many Meth dealers were get 10, 50 ... even hundreds of different people to buy small amounts of Sudafed (1-4 boxes) and give it to them. They could hit more than 20 pharmacies a day. Before they started recording IDs they could even hit the same supermarket multiple times a day. It wasn't long until they have enough pseudoephedrine to make a sizable amount of meth.
Do the math, unless you are buying a lot of shit, you will only need one or two friends to purchase shit for you.

Ofcourse you could always just start doing organic soil. No hydroshop needed.
I feel sorry for all you ozzies and brits. Fuckin' Nanny State.


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Where there is a will, there is a way!

But I won't even discuss this particular topic on line simply coz I don't want to arm leo with any info they could possibly use in this bs crack down.


The biggest problem in SA was the links that the hydro shops had to the bikies and organised crime.SA cops were saying that a lot of store owners had criminal convictions and that about 70% of the stores were somehow connected to organised crime. The hydro industry in SA shot themselves in the feet because they were carrying on like assholes and waving a red flag at the bull. I went to one store in SA and the owner was clearly a patched member of a club and he had a brothel next store with cards for it on the counter of the store. The stores there were also selling clones, setting up grows and other extremely clever illegal behavior. Let's face it you can buy all the equipment through electrical suppliers, Ag stores, pet stores, hardware stores etc without being watched by the cops. What you can't buy (carbon filters) you can easily make yourself. Who gives - these laws will just displace the culture and make it harder for the pigs to police.
try and break one law at a time if you can...
your stocking up on ilegal items totally your choice

haha yeh, i wouldnt wanna break too many laws before i return from the hydro shop to build a growroom
these shops exist almost entirely BECAUSE we break the law ;)

also light globes arent illegal :p what you do with them however

i have heard reports of moving vans being parked at hydro stores, and a customer completely buying them out of shades/globes/ballasts/filters.... like $20k-$30k of goods at a time

sure they get this for big ops but i recon we'll see a black market arise from these laws


no wuckin furries!
im sure globes are on the list...even OP said it....cant be bothered looking it up right now....

what do you do with them?...i think the council takes them...not sure...but stuff that!!!....dont know?...wipe them really clean,wrap them in paper ect...and put in someones recycling bin?....better than ppl around here throwing them under a bridge with all their perlite,trimmings,empty perlite and coco bags.. .HH. =]-~


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
HH i think your misunderstanding bro, 154 means what you do with the globes you BUY is illeagal anyway more to the point im pretty sure but not 100% that your going to need id to buy ANYTHING from a hydro store not just carbon filters and globes but ill need to check that out...
This is a fuck&n load of shit... Then again the whole country is fuck%d...
I don't even know where to begin..? What next? Being asked at Bunnings what the peat pellets are for? I can't see this law lasting more than 2 years as people are just going to start ordering online more, shops will close, law will become irrelevant and scrapped then the whole cycle starts again in 2013...


no wuckin furries!
HH i think your misunderstanding bro, 154 means what you do with the globes you BUY is illeagal anyway more to the point im pretty sure but not 100% that your going to need id to buy ANYTHING from a hydro store not just carbon filters and globes but ill need to check that out...

yea i know...but...we are on a cannabis site and thats what WE will use it for ...thus ..WE are in the shit....

if i want to light up my shed or tennis court thats cool...but as soon as a plant is under that light things change...or if you cant show a reason for having them....yes i may be wrong...but the people that have made these laws have been on talk back radio explaining it ....maybe they are just as good explaining it as they are at making these laws = not real good?...in the end if your busted your busted :D .HH. =]-~


Yeah Oz is fucked - just left of Nazi. It's what happens when you take a pack of crims and let them breed lol. They become bent cops and even more bent politicians. Meantime in the US alls getting good. Med in 13 states of the US. My vote ---- Time to pack up and leave.

MR --- ex ozzy

Read US history...where they CAME FROM...Wh@they've been doing....and then post the same message...if you can!



yeah the laws pertain to globes, ballasts, shades/reflectors, and carbon filters. You need to produce 100 points of ID and records the shop takes have to be sent to pigs by the end of days trading. The joke is you can buy bulbs from any lighting store and that's the main thing. They'll be doing a raging trade in 400, 600 and 1000watt Philips and osram bulbs for sure. Run over the boarder every couple of years and buy up a few carbon filters and sell them onto mates and keep one. Nutrients and other stuff don't apply. The laws a joke - it won't effect a thing. Business as usual. BTW - you can get big fines for just owning hydroponic grow gear in SA without having a reasonable explanation. So if cops find lights and stuff (no plants)you can be hit with a 20K fine. Funniest thing is that the Aussy cops have been hitting the mj scene hard for years and now Aus has the highest consumption rate of amphetamines in the world. Nice going boys!!!!


Found this last night .........

"The man was charged with custody of an explosive device, four counts of possess firearm without a licence, fail to secure ammunition, cultivate cannabis, possess a trafficable amount of cannabis and possess prescribed equipment (in relation to the cultivating of cannabis)."

This was in SA.......

"possess prescribed equipment (in relation to the cultivating of cannabis)."

Seems like this law is already in place & if your busted growing it's now another charge to go on your list!

Play it safe SA growers!


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Found this last night .........

"The man was charged with custody of an explosive device, four counts of possess firearm without a licence, fail to secure ammunition, cultivate cannabis, possess a trafficable amount of cannabis and possess prescribed equipment (in relation to the cultivating of cannabis)."

This was in SA.......

"possess prescribed equipment (in relation to the cultivating of cannabis)."

Seems like this law is already in place & if your busted growing it's now another charge to go on your list!

Play it safe SA growers!

You're absolutely right OrganicMeds, growing even 1 hydro plant (indoors) has been a jail-able offense for a while now,,, its not like we haven't had enough warning, they've been trying to push this through the legislative council for as long as I can remember, & the ID requirement when purchasing gear comes into effect next.

Good luck fellow gardeners.

ps,, ever wonder who manipulates the black market $$$, (puppets in parliament)
They know what they want.


legislation brief

legislation brief

Laws cracking down on hydroponics industry to be introduced

June 16, 2009


Tough new legislation to combat the sale of equipment used for cultivating hydroponic cannabis will be introduced into Parliament tomorrow.

Police Minister, Michael Wright, said the new laws – an Australian first – would prevent the infiltration of criminals into the hydroponics industry and would make it easier for police to track who is buying equipment to grow cannabis

The new laws will require:

* Hydroponic dealers, who sell prescribed equipment, to obey a strict licensing regime including a fit and proper person testing that takes into account criminal history, criminal intelligence and whether a person is subject to a control order.
* Employees to undergo similar test to obtain approval to work in the industry;
* People buying prescribed equipment to submit to a 100 point ID check at the time sale.
* Licence holders to maintain records for every transaction involving prescribed equipment, with information being forwarded to the Commissioner of police by way of online transaction monitoring system.

The new laws will also give police the authority to enter premises that they reasonably suspect is selling prescribed equipment and use such force as is reasonably necessary.

“It is well known that criminal bikie gangs and other organised criminals are highly involved in the hydroponic cannabis industry, particularly through hydroponic equipment supply and the organisation of cultivator syndicates. Mr Wright said.

‘Prescribed equipment’ will be declared in regulation and is likely to include:

* Metal halide lights, high-pressure sodium lights and mercury vapour lights of 400 watts or greater.
* Ballast boxes
* Devices designed to amplify heat
* Carbon Filters
* Cannabis bud or head strippers
* Units designed to contain plants and rotate around a light source so that the plants grow hydroponically while being exposed to consistent degrees of light or heat or both.

SAPOL has said that some people working within the hydroponics industry are associated with organised criminal networks formed to produce and distribute cannabis.

“They are selling the equipment, providing advice and arranging electricians to install the equipment as well as facilitating the purchase of dried cannabis for distribution to interstate networks,” Mr Wright said.

“This Government makes no apology for coming down hard on those businesses that have knowingly supplied equipment to help in the cultivation and trade in illegal drugs,”
Mr Wright said.

The new laws are the latest in a suite of measures the Government has introduced to crack down on cannabis cultivation. Since coming to office, the Rann Government has:

* Increased penalties for people caught smoking, selling or cultivating cannabis;
* Banned the sale of drug-taking equipment such as bongs, ice pipes and cocaine kits;
* Increased penalties for the cultivation of hydroponic cannabis;
* Banned the possession of drug-making equipment without lawful excuse such as high-intensity lamps, lamp mounts, reflectors, carbon filters and cannabis bud or head strippers;
* Passed laws to introduce an aggravated charge for people caught with both prescribed equipment and drug-making ingredients.

“We will continue to toughen the laws and give our police what they need to tackle the illegal drug trade,” Mr Wright said.


S.A. going backwards when rest of world begins to understand Prohibition has never worked
why SA think they know better than everyone else?

so you got an election in SA in a month or so
let your vote reflect your contempt for the Prohibitionists who seek to make you a criminal

so... whos taking out personal loans today and heading down the hydro store with a trailer to stock up??:headbange:headbange:headbange

i wonder if second hand gear will fetch better prices from tomorrow?


Active member
okay boys let me just start this post by letting you know that I've been growing small personal amounts in S.A. on and off for 15 years. Back when it was a decriminalised offense up to 10 plants would earn you a $150 expiation notice, no criminal record. Look how far we've come in the last 6-8 years. All of the foresight shown by the Dunston and Bannon governments cannabis legislation overturned by stinking pollies that know nothing about cannabis cultivation and culture. A few years ago myself and many folks that I knew would grow a coupla plants. Mainly for personal stash, move a little to pay the power bill and some other bills. Back then we had a great cannabis culture in S.A. The quality of weed was heaps better than now and we had more "mum and dad" growers that produced better quality smaller harvests.

With all of the new laws the only people that have the balls to grow are organised criminals/bikies etc. No longer do you get mates that grow a couple of bushes for persie.... No longer do you get "mum and dad" growers, you only get mass produced commercial crop (usually bad quality too).

This has caused the price per lb to skyrocket. The criminals and bikies must think that this is great. These laws have been brought in under the guise that they will "put pressure on organised criminal elements that mass cultivate cannabis". The truth is that these laws have put pressure on people like me who grow only a little for my own supply. These laws put pressure on any grower that isn't an organised criminal or commercial gardener. These laws directly increase profits for all organised crime involved in massive commercial cannabis cultivation.

That means Mike Rann...... your cannabis laws have directly increased profits for several criminal organisations that you claim to be "at war with".

Again the person that will suffer will be the poor bugger that gets done with a few plants in his back shed. He'll have legal fees and a criminal record, maybe even jail...... this whole mess that is this states amended cannabis cultivation legislation needs to come under some serious scrutiny.

Those of you that do grow in S.A. ...... good luck and be careful......... oh, and always look for better strains ... lol we need to get the quality in S.A. back up to the high standards of 10 years ago....c'mon guys.....we can do it!!!!

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