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Sour 60 in soil and gdp/sour60 in coco


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I am troubled by your strange obsession with growing tons of large Cannabis plants. Maybe you need meds dude. Those "things" on the previous page are just wrong. They look like they might come alive and eat a whole neighborhood in the middle of the night.


Recovering UO addict.
LSY - recycle that net! sounds like a plan :)

thanks 20/4, I'm pretty excited to watch the bud development in the next week or 2 and hopefully start to see some purples come out too :tiphat:

thanks skullznroses, they're getting kinda scary for sure..I have to crawl on my hands and knees..it's getting so sticky in there I'm afraid one of these times I might not come out :yoinks:

the corners are getting really dense, I pulled a plant out and put it on the outer ledge. It's not pictured but it looks to be the smallest one in there.

here's some shots of the moms and dad:

...they're just kinda getting topped and hibernated until the big run is over...I plan on keeping a few of these for photo strains as long as they finish well. I have 14/15 females and the male..I'm not gonna worry about revegging the one that I lost..it seems pretty average (E).

here's a shot of the plantlets:

just went into 12/12 3 days ago along with some of bog's grape punch males and a querkle(F). The grape punches will get thrown in another box as soon they get close to dropping pollen...then I'll harvest a bunch of pollen off them and make a bunch of GP f2's with couple female GP's I have :) whew.

and here's a sour60 f2 male:

almost ready to nut all over himself. :laughing: ..he'll probably be harvested for pollen until the GP's need to get cycled into here.

:thank you:


Recovering UO addict.
s 'n r - the ballasts are just cheaper models of 1k magnetic ballasts from the hydro store. sunmaster or something like that ...I don't even know.

Here's a few shots from last nite...well the few pics that I thought turned out alright at least..

gdp (breeding mother clone) @ 60days:

(above) she's getting chopped in a day or 2...trying to flush a lil better first, she darkens up alot more.

(below) one of the probable gdp/s60 surrogate moms ... I think it's "D" :

^^ 2 weeks behind her mom...looking and smelling like a very promising cannadate for the f2's. I'll be sure to photo and log all the strains as I chop them down in the next 2-3 weeks for my records and your enjoyment :) there's about 3 or 4 that are very gdp leaning....

So I have 14 of the 15 phenos about a week and a half in flower about ready to get seeded. A few are day or 2 further along then the others...also the male gdp/s60 is in there with them. I decided to also backcross to the p1 gdp cut with the f1 gdp/s60 male ... I'm also gonna throw one of my s60 f2 females in the mix to get backcrossed with the f1 gdp/s60 male too. Oh and a querkle female is in there too. :jump: lights are off or I'd snap a current pic....


Marijuana Enthusiast
WOW! You have the breeding project on lock! That sour60XGDP mom IS THE ONE! Great choice!! Shes is going to make you some pretty pretty buds man! I cant wait to see this one full auto! :D


I guess i missed the fact that you had re vegging in mind. I did 3 last year and they were monsters. I did have one get sick and died, plus the kid helping me ripped off all my tops. Oh they took my Purple too, but still got a good yield at the end. I will take my tent in about 2 weeks and begin to re veg them to go out this summer.

Your grow looks great man! Its freaking huge man.........going to be a nice yield. Are you re vegging for mom's or to grow out again? They get huge outside, il have to put some pics in an album. They did well and grew well over my head, but was bushy as heck. If you never have tried one outside, you might want to give it a shot, you will not be disappointed.

Keep er green bro................



Recovering UO addict.
thanks alot 20/4, it's getting pretty exciting watching the plants in their final stage. I can't wait to start choppin!

LSY - I have no plans to reveg. The plants in the big room are for getting a good look at the different phenos and to have plenty of buds to taste test :) The mothers are still in veg...getting topped and just kinda chilling till I make some pheno selections. I also have another clone of each pheno getting seeded right now. I showed some pics of them all in post #123.



Recovering UO addict.
update time...here's some shots of a few phenos that are standing out...forgive the quality of the pics...

gdp/s60 pheno F:

I really wish that second pic was in focus..that curled pistil makes it look like it's dripping resin..sorry they're so blurry but I think the potential of that pheno is obvious...I think it's my favorite as far as looks go, and the buds are very dense...one of my favorite 3 so far..all the buds look like that on that plant too..all knobby with huge calyxes...smells just like the mother..fruity pebbles/grape

here's another one.. pheno K - with the huge colas:

defiantly going to be the largest colas..none of the other plants filled out this much..lots of new growth still happening too...the smell is a nice mix of gdp and a more fruity sour60..I plan to keep this one as a photo strain, but not use it for breeding..the buds are huge, but they have a completely different structure then I'm looking for in the gdp auto. I want those rock hard buds that I'm seeing in a few of the other phenos.

Here's a few shots of a bud I found that's gone purple before the rest of the plant, it really stood out so I went in to snap a few pics and realized it's a leafstembud! There's 2 or 3 phenos I've noticed that have carried on the sour60 "leafbud" trait as I call it. Check it out! :

I'm definitely going to get some better shots of that one! I'll also retake pics as I start chopping down phenos. I think I might chop one tomorrow...can't remember which one it is, but I'm not too impressed with it so I'll be glad to get rid of it :)



large member
ICMag Donor
Hey SD, sorry i haven't popped in here for ages. But it's looking super nice!

Did you find some good candidates in the clones? Did you keep a nice male from the F1's?

Nice to see some hints of the purps, I may be mistaken but I think there is some purple somewhere in the make-up of s60 so it might make it easier to get the purps trait dominant in your strain,

cheers, mitch


I'm going to put sour60 outside this year. Has anoyone photo of outdoor crop of this strain ? Hope they'll make it during june and july sunshine flowering :)


Recovering UO addict.
Thanks mitch, I think I found 3 or 4 good female cannadates and I only got 1 male out of 16 so that was the one I was stuck with...he's looking good though with a little purple in the sacks. The seeds are about 1/2 done I think but I'll probably do a second seed run on the keeper pheno.

thanks alot ganjasuiteseat, wait till you see some of the purple phenos they look amazing. :tiphat:

thanks fer swinging by kobaia, I haven't tried sour60 outdoors yet but I'm betting it would do great and I think we'll see a few sour60 OD grows starting up soon.

I chopped the first of the 15 phenos tonight, 59 days I think. Here's gdp/s60 pheno "N" this is when she went into flower ~59days ago:

and tonight:

It smelled really great, a nice mix of the 2 strains. This one was (I think) the only one not showing purple..the buds looked alot more sour60 leaning with the foxtailing going on and the "leafbud" trait. wet weight was around 220g so maybe 2oz. I think most of the other phenos will hit 3oz. but I see one or 2 that are smaller then this one as well.

here's another shot..this is at the 4th node at harvest..this is the lowest on the plant I've seen this trait pop out:

and a shot further up on a leafstem:

and on a leaf.. this was the only one I saw and haven't seen the bud grow out on the leaf where they join..just out of the leafstem :

thanks for the support everyone :thank you:

I'll probably be chopping a plant or 2 each nite for the next 10 days. I'll be doing more updates with nice pics of each harvest..the different phenos are really amazing to see, especially L and F :jump:


good luck with testing them 15 phenos... someones going to be wrecked most of the next few weeks :D


Marijuana Enthusiast
Wow dragon, your thread and skills have me speechless! I hope one day I can have a setup like you've got there ! I can hardly wait to see the fully auto version of this project, If it looks anything close to the original gdp mother, then its going to be a BEAUTY !

Im always gonna be lurking in this thread! Always so much to look at.. take care dragon,keep everything healthy!



Recovering UO addict.
hi laylow, thanks for swinging by. I'm most excited about the variety I'll have :) should last me quite a bit huh ;)

20/4 I'm trying to do the best I can. Thanks for all the support..this project seems to be trucking right along now..went so slow at first. I'll have small batches of seeds off of 12 or 13 of the different phenos in about 2 weeks...then I'll pop all the seeds from the chosen plant and keep the others for OD stuff..hopefully I'll get like 30 seeds and search for auto traits while making another batch of seeds. I think the selection is down to 2 phenos.."L" or "F" ...either way I'll have the mothers of each and I can make more seeds. :jump:

oh yeh, pics! chopped "C" tonite, here she is at the flip: wait nevermind..that's the one that I lost the pic of..so ummm..here she is at the chop:


had more of the sour60 scent..the smell that I described as puppychow-in-a-corn-tortilla a while back. Didn't see any purple on this one either (actually the last one had a tint) ..the buds were a bit tighter on this one and towered up a little. wet weight was ~295g. So about 2.5 off this one I guess....I think I might do like 3 tomorrow I need the room for the bushes I just put into flower :)

here's 2 of what's in the room now:

threw in a couple big gdp's , a huge lemonhaze....and a few others. The superlemonhaze just went into flower and is already 3 feet tall...I'm going to be able to climb it in 2 months. The base of the stem on the last one we grew split open like bark on a tree..it looked pretty cool..this one is twice the size I think. I'm kinda scared, but not as much as I would be if this was a flat grow.



Man this grow blows my mind bro,

Man this grow blows my mind bro,

Iv never seen the method till joining this site and you make it look easy, but im sure theres plenty of work keeping her back. Like a mentioned before, i would luv to try this but just switched over to the LED'S. The pics are great and that last one you posted makes me feel like im right in there man, very killer:canabis:

So im glad to be in here watching the grow maybe picking up the info your putting out :thank you: Seems like you could do this method a bunch of different ways to get the same result in the end. Really get creative around the light!

Plants look nice and healthy too man:good:

Thanks for the show man, it gets better everyday man.:tiphat:



Recovering UO addict.
hi LetsSeeYa :tiphat: I appreciate the kinds words. I learned everything I know about growing right here at ICmag...I'm just trying to throw it all together and hopefully inspire a few people just as I've been.

I really love growing vertical, it seems so much easier to move them around and adjust the canopy. I can't imagine buying another hood.

I chopped down "E" tonite. I forgot my camera but I got a few plant shots on my phone. I'll post those with some dried buds shots in a few days. The E pheno looked beautiful! It had alot of pink on the undersides of the buds and on the tips of the calyxes...very strong smell too. A fruity skunky kinda smell. wet weight was 348g :jump:

here's a few random shots of the seeded plantlets (the small ones in the fiji water bottles):

and here's some shots of the male gdp/S60 (not his leaves):

I can see a few trics on the smaller leaflets and the backsides of some of the larger sacks :)

here's a shot of pheno "C" that is getting seeded:

Pollination started about 2 weeks ago. The male has been in there the whole time so there's probably seeds at different stages of development. I put it in a jar of 50% h3ad formula. I'll try to take that same angled macro shot in the future to compare exactly what it does after today. Oh btw this is for experimental purposes 'n stuff...just seeing if seeds will continue to develop without roots in a glass of water like a flower kinda does.



Marijuana Enthusiast
Speechless dragon! Thank you very very much for testing the seed development method!

How long do you think til you will know if the results work?

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