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Snapping Stems WORKS!!!


Active member
So was this, This is a very interesting read if you have the time.

After reading this i decided id do a little research to verify your claims! I came across this website which discusses some basic plant hormonal cycles and the advantages of pruning.


If you dont want to read the 7 page report this guy did then here is my abstract.

The tips of each steam (terminal buds) produce auxin (hormone responsible for growth regulation) and in turn this auxin slows down the growth of buds BEFORE the terminal bud... Auxin also travels to the roots where it regulates growth and is then destroyed by the root tips to form cytokinen, another growth regulating hormone. This in turn travels back to the NON terminal buds to further inhibit growth. The result : Strong terminal buds, weak NON terminal buds.

Now here is what Brent walson reckons happens when you break the pathways between the root and buds which transport these hormones (In our case, simply twisting the stem or breaking the vessels)

"Now, alter the pathway. If you prune out the terminal bud and growth during the growing season, you do two things. You remove the food and auxin along this pathway to the roots. The response by the roots will be to wall off those pathways. SIMULTANEOUSLY, YOUR ARE REMOVING THE STRONG AUXIN SIGNAL THAT HAS BEEN KEEPING THE BUDS BEHIND THE TERMINAL BUD SUPRESSED."


Its almost like a capacitor in an electric system. The bulge stores energy and the plant takes it from there and the bulge takes it in little amounts from the roots over the course of the plants life. Awesome.... :smile:

Could you do this to veggin plants to get the to grow a little quicker????
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when my outdoor plants start getting real tall, I tie down the main cola, litterally tie it down so its laying vertical...new shoots shoot up on the stem....


i just tried it last week and i can already see the difference in the top buds of the ones i tried it on only a week later :)

seems to be working for me

i just twist till it makes a nice snap noise kinda splits the stem a lil, doesnt ever really droop from it or anything and seems to expand growth quite well


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
I love the snap (supercropping). Don't get too crazy without pot size to grow and not too late on too many...can end up with alot of wispy buds. Here's some gone wild...happened when I ran out of vertical room and broke over many main stems...as a result tons and tons of bud-sites, which didn't work out, not enough energy to go around...so you get wisp. :badday:



Ugly... :listen2: but made good hash.

In Moderation

Big Buds (21st Day 12/12)


LOL how many times u do it pack? and how late did you do it till, srry to gigle but damn those are some whispy ones. Other ones looks damn sexy tho ;)


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
The superwispy stuff got all her main stems, around nine, broke over, some compound fractures. As a result I moved the flowering to a room where I hopefully don't run out of room again. I was trying to contain 6ft sativas in a 4 1/2 ft max to safe light distance. It was a nightmare...they would have been nice, if I hadn't broke um over so many time late in flower. :pointlaug Smokes good though.. :joint:
This is what most of the superwisp looks like now...bubble hash :yummy:
