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Slips 07 indoor cRaZYNess for personal & patients



Yea my garden has had allot of stress lately lol, so i use the LK, to keep my gardens karma in check j/k, But i do think it keeps them nice and green. Thanks for stopping by dudes. Will update tommarow before i leave the garden with joe for a week while i'm in NY.

P.S. anyone got any tricks to reduce stress from EBB & flow to DWC transplants. My sssdh is dead now from going from flo table to dwc. I think the nutes where to high, ori used to muich avid on it :O, ph was fine.
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Active member
No particular tricks I can share, but my PoG's got a very similar start: E/F in pots of hydroton to DWC. I gently shook and worked out the hydroton from bottom 1/2 of the rootball or so, then lined the bottom of the net pot with about 2 layers of hydroton. Then gently put the rootball into the net pot lid. They had no problems adjusting quickly to the new environment. I left the bottom of the net pot slightly below water level so that the existing root system was able to easily get wet, even the roots near the top of the lid.


Stressed plants, room not close to being done, no $, VACATION TIME :)

c99 og male or female?

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
No worries Joe - slips plants look healthier than my young ones :yoinks:

Man that's an enviable space slips! Have a fun vacation! :wave: :jump:
Right on!

Right on!

Yeah Slips Right on mann! you might not be done but its a damn good start! im loving the space you got 2 work with, wish i had that much indo space myself!im deff going to be watching this one best of luck 2 you buddy! :headbange :wave: :joint: :rasta:


Active member
dear slips..... :D
everyone has to come along and tell you how cool you are
because you are....
and especially I am hoping that greenhouse delivers big time
you will see, NOTHING beats a greenhouse, well, maybe an orange grove...

:D :D :D

mrs m, high as a kite............


Yeah all i have currently in the green house is a very healthy purple afgani x ak47 that is getting huge thinking it will take over half the greenhouse maybe when i repot it from 7 gal dirt to 25 gal coco when i get back. Guna put some sativas in it also right before the end of summer. I have high hopes for my indoor garden, not cooool just a chill 70 degrees :) j/k, and HIGH.
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I am sure using Origional Pure Blend for E&F is part of your problem bro.

PB is designed for soil gardens rich in organics, and is not a complete fertilizer. PBP however, can be used stand alone as a 1 part for the entire croplife, with excellent results. A splash of calmag at ~2ml/gal is recomended by most users.

when transfering to DWC, it's best to make sure the roots are not initially in the water.. let them grow into the water and aclimate to a hydroponic environment. If you take plants that are used to drying out between floods, and drop them straight into water they will show signs of overwatering, and will stall while they figure it out...(they may even die) roots grow differently in different environments.

I would dropthe LK also, you really don't want solids in hydroponics. It will fuck your PH, build scum, and make a chore of cleaning up when all is said and done... nto to mention possible pump and line clogs. Go with a clean hydro nutrient, PBP/calmag. GH 3 part, or Floranova all to the Lucas Formula additions:


peace, and good luck with the 10lb mark.
enjoy your vacation bro. :)




Changed them to pbp today after i got back, they didn't seem to mind the origonal that much just made it more work for me. Happy 4rth, and joe keeped the plants green :)
pics of ny

Garden Pics, plants went without light for a few days when gone.



Kali nugs, from joe


kali mist

blueberrys and kali


swt x dc

Baked and lots of work to do today at work, and then i'm guna hook up the drip lines and chiller :)


Active member
Nice looking plants and nugs! :D

How much longer do you plan on vegging? Love to see them in bloom!


i think i plan on vegging allitle over anouther month i want all my plants to get healthy and hit the ceiling :)
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reach for the sky thats what i always say but then again to do that you have to cut holes in your ceiling jk :)


Got 20 in buckets now with the drip set up pics, water temp now 60 degrees :) used some hydrogaurd hopefully the roots like it now. Also a thanks to trichrome farmer for helping get my ballest up again.

My 1/4 inch drip lines are already starting to clog but thats why i ran the 1/2 inch tubbing, guna do some modifications :)
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Voluptuous Trichomes
The growroom is lookin' great....thanks for sharing your grow with me :) Gonna be a jungle in there :D

I can't believe I almost tripped over those feed lines :biglaugh:

Thanks for sharing some of Joeshmoe's Kali-Mist....very very tasty with a nice uphigh and kick. Glad I tossed my Kali girl in bloom :woohoo:


HEY VT.....wish i coulda been there with ya last night.....missed ya this time.
glad you like the KALI.....your growin her too....:)very cool.....she will not dissapoint you.
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So hydrogaurd is the worst stuff to use in the world EVER for dwc

Plants are doing great like vt said with the organics alive, hydrozyme, and pbp grow.

Was cool seeing you vt.

Noticed one of my plastic t's had a crack in it, and was leaking, fixed now :).
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