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Sinsemilla Colombian




those Colombian Sativas look awesome! I think I've mentioned that before. Will any of those sativas you are growing be available to the public via BSC?
With your nearly perfect growing conditions for growing sativas there in Colombia, have you ever grown Skunk#1? Or any other sativas like Thaitanic, South Indian Kerala, Vietnamese Dalat, Mexican Oaxaca, etc? I would imagine that the smoke would be ultimately potent with all the sun you get, as you mentioned before when you grew White Shark.


Active member
Corinto Monster

Corinto Monster

To change it up a bit here's a nice Colombian strain (really common here but good, a local favorite) "Corinto Monster". This is one plant that I topped very early, this is at about 10 months from seed.

Colombian Corinto Monster 2005

Peace & respect from Colombia
your pictures are always great and exotic. i cant wait to see that santa marta finished, looks like it'll be one frosty plant. colombia is a pretty big country, but it's really close to the equator. how many hours of light were you vegging them in outdoor? because i always thought equator countries did short seasoneds because the light rarely exceeds 13-14 hours.


Active member
Hola idontgivenames, Colombia isn't a really big country but she has many micro climates perfect for Mj cultivation. I grow all my plants outside from seed (I mean I just put the seed in the soil and let it grow, no germing) to harvest under year round 12/12 natural sunlight. And it gets cold up here @ 2,700mts but not all purple.

muddy waters

Active member
red is that smg '05 the 'rainbow' bud one?

doesn't matter it still loses to the purple--did you already show the purple hybrid?


Active member
red, those purple sensi's are off the hook! very beautiful indeed. thanks for the smg pics as well, i'm waiting till later in the summer to start some.


Active member


those Colombian Sativas look awesome! I think I've mentioned that before. Will any of those sativas you are growing be available to the public via BSC?
With your nearly perfect growing conditions for growing sativas there in Colombia, have you ever grown Skunk#1? Or any other sativas like Thaitanic, South Indian Kerala, Vietnamese Dalat, Mexican Oaxaca, etc? I would imagine that the smoke would be ultimately potent with all the sun you get, as you mentioned before when you grew White Shark.

Hola DarkGreen, I hope to get these strains (the Colombians) to zamalito (Breeders Choice) ASAP. I've never grown skunk#1 here but I've grown an assortment of hybrids. Right now I've got an unsexed SRI Lanka landrace Sativa growing but thats the only non Colombian pure Sativa I've grown so far. I do have some beautiful "Johnny Blaze" thats a hardy Sativa hybrid but I might be moving soon so I don't dare start a 10 month plant. But your right the sun here is super intense and seems to blister the thc out of these girls in a most delightful way.

red is that smg '05 the 'rainbow' bud one?

Hola MW, Yes what I call rainbow is really just another tasty strain from the Santa Marta region. All my Colombians came from exceptionally good samples I obtained in the region by a trusted family member. I did not collect these from local growers (nor will I) due to obvious security risks. BTW if you ever get up this way you have to come burn one with me cause your post always start so funny.

red, those purple sensi's are off the hook! very beautiful indeed. thanks for the smg pics as well, i'm waiting till later in the summer to start some.

HN, yes the purple girl was really a looker and and produced very good smoke. I look forward to seeing your grow later this year.

Thanks everyone very much for enjoying my plants, I post more pics soon.

Peace & Respect


Simply amazing pictures, mouth watering budz, your a very lucky man to be smoking such fine exotic naturally grow weed.

this pic is awesome :yoinks: thanks for sharing your grow with us :joint:

^^^^Screw OG kush, I want some of that^^^^

70s :joint:
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muddy waters

Active member
red that would be a great honor and a pleasure, meantime please keep the pics comin'... are you gonna show the hybrid you made with the purple?


Damn, why don't I come to this forum more often. Two thumbs up my friend!

70's I couldn't have said it better. If on a deserted island I'd take 5 seeds from redrider before an og kush cut any day of the week as long as that deserted island was close enough to the tropics for them babies to finish
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4 Dragons

Active member
Really beautiful! I can hardly wait to get my hands on some!! I had been looking for all these great Colombians for along time and was about to give up hope. Nothing better!
Peace, 4D


Well-known member
Damn Redrider I bet you got a huge stash with those trees. Love that purple sativa chopped pic. Your sativa's look so good out in their natural environment, how tall is the huge one?


Herbal relaxation...
Hola Red!!!

Im glad that I found your Colombian -thread Red, you got some amazing sativas growing under the big Colombian light! I had this image in my mind that you aint growing these Colombian beauties currently, I think you mentioned something about moving in some other thread and that you dont grow sativas before you have moved :chin: -> and now I see these beauties :yoinks: I have to say that you never stop amaze me with your primo pics of Colombian highland sativa´s!!!

Am I right that Colombian Red and Punto Rojo are different strains. I think I remember that Colombian Red was an lowland variety and Punto Rojo was growing in the highland mountains, at least traditionally? The reason I asked this is that I was thinking about to order some Colombian Red Haze -seeds from Seedsman. When you read the description about the Colombian Red Haze, you will see that Seedsman is saying that the Colombian Red (used in the cross) is also called Punto Rojo and is cultivated in the lowlands. I think that the cross is awesome but I dont think that the Colombian in the cross is Punto Rojo... I think there is differences in the high of Colombian Red & Punto rojo which should offer you an clear head high(right), while the Colombian Red is affecting your body also. Please check the link:

The Johny Blaze seems to have adapted the Colombian soil & sun quite well. By the way: What was the strain that you picked for your next grow, was that Rhino cross your final choice? (remember asking suggestions in the South America thread?)

Remember the Colombian chica I have mentioned couple times? She has just arrived back to Finland from Colombia and I am seeing her soon. I am going to ask more about the strains she smoked while in there, I am also remembering that someone from her family is growing for the familys personal stash and I wanna know what they are growing! (if I remember right...) She told me couple weeks ago (in the phone) the name of her homevillage/-town(?), but as usual I forgot it:)

Take care bro!!!

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