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Let's put together a thread showing off our furry, scaled, feathered and so forth friends, and share some strange, funny or confusing tidbits about them.

This is Wiley. I found him as a half grown kitten up a tree in January '06 in the middle of a freezing cold rainstorm in a squall line ahead of a front.

First thing out of Wolf's mouth when I brought him inside was, "We're not keeping it!"
Yeaaaah. Guess who grew attached & couldn't bring himself to take the little squirt to a shelter? :biglaugh:

Fast-forward a year later, i.e now.

He may look all cute & cuddley, but he's a little bastard, and a weird one at that.

Every morning just before sunrise, he likes to tear-ass through the house, hollering at the top of his lungs. After he's done making noise, he pounces on the other cats, and hissing & growling from them ensues.
THEN, he sits in the hallway, staring up the wall for a while. After a bit, he starts jumping up the wall at some invisible unknown....whatever the fuck he's going after. He does that repeatedly for about an hour, on & off. Same damn spot, every frickin' day.
Nothing like hearing claws scraping down the wall at the buttcrack of dawn....

Another one of his favorite things to do is to sneak up on you, "tag" you (bats you a few times) and run like hell.....He does this to me and Wolf all the time, I think he thinks it's a damn game....It gets very old, and very annoying quick....

Although, what he does to Wolf often is something I find hilarious :biglaugh:
He waits til Wolf's in bed, and slowly, and methodically sneaks up alongside the bed on the floor, and sits there shaking his ass to & fro for a bit, that "I'm gonna nail your ass" wiggle.
After a while, he comes flying up & across Wolf, usually either directly nailing his crotch or his ass, and flies out the door while Wolf suddenly bolts upright, emitting strange high-pitched noises, likely from pain :biglaugh:

Abby here is the opposite of Wiley, she's a well-behaved cat we'd adopted from a shelter about a month before I found Wiley.

The only odd thing about her is that she loves, and I mean LOVES that French Vanilla cappucino from 7-11. Every time we get some & bring it home, she gets a whiff & follows us around. If I take the plastic lid off to let it cool off, she's right there watching the cup.

Now, I know caffeine's not good for cats, but there's a limit for them (about the equivilent of 1/2 a cup of coffee) She managed to sneak a few licks out of Wolf's cup one day, and won't leave you alone until you give her a few teaspoons now. I usually limit her to just 2 of them. She doesn't like it too warm, she likes it just slightly warmer than room temperature.

And they say cats don't have a sweet tooth.

And this is Pooh.

Pooh is....well, he's old. He's maybe 15 or 16 at the youngest, around 20-ish at the oldest. He's just a lazy old fuck. Don't have many problems with him til he needs his nails trimmed, and that in itself could be considered a sport worthy of medals.
Hell, today when I trimmed them, he was whipping around, hissing, growling, trying to bite, etc etc---Putting up the usual BS fight. Only difference between today and previous trimmings was Abby came running in the room full speed, ran up on & across the couch, sniffed him quick, put her paws on my upper chest above Pooh & let out a good couple of stern warning meows. The more noise Pooh made, she nastier the look she was giving me got, and the more mean the meow became. Eventually she narrowed her eyes, & dropped her ears flat & bellowed this ungodly meow at me. I think she has this protective streak over the old dude now that she's been with us a while.

But other than putting up with his crap when his nails need trimmed, he's a good old fart, he's never been any trouble at all.

Wiley's the only one that drives us up the wall, really. :biglaugh:
I've heard over and over that orange cats like him have nearly identical personalities, for the most part......I wonder if that's a trait related to the coloring, maybe?


I'll take a stab at this as well. Meet ransom hes a 3 year old Belgian Malinois who is trained in S&R work and will hopefully obtain his French Ring III this summer. He's my best friend and goes everywhere with me. In fact he comes to work with me every day!

As of monday Ransom has a new brother to play with and is adapting very well to sharing my wife and I's attention around the house. Meet Clovis, another Malinois from a different breeder, out of KNPV working lines.



Beautiful dog! I've never actually seen one in person, just in photos, but they're really very striking dogs :D

I know they're not too common for pets, either. I've heard the less common a breed is, the more it costs to get one. About how much does one run you?


Ransom was free and could have easily fetched $3000. He is from Ot' Vitosha Malinois who are world renowned Malinois breeders and trainers. Ivan is a good friend and heard I was looking for a French Ring dog and gave me his pick of the litter who came to be known as ransom. Clovis is a French import and was roughly $800 including the price of his plane ticket :)


ICMag Donor
Thanks NikiJad! Gorgeous, but he'll try and ram ya sometimes if you're standing on the ground pitchforking hay for him! They're cool beasts though!

Couple more of my buddies....




This is an AWESOME picture!


Breezy420 said:
Ransom was free and could have easily fetched $3000. He is from Ot' Vitosha Malinois who are world renowned Malinois breeders and trainers. Ivan is a good friend and heard I was looking for a French Ring dog and gave me his pick of the litter who came to be known as ransom. Clovis is a French import and was roughly $800 including the price of his plane ticket :)

Basically, it's around $1000 and up. Steep, but the breed seems to be well worth it.

Price-wise on our animals, Pooh was a stray we found on our back porch 10 years+ ago. Back then, all this shots & neutering cost around $250 or so. Abby cost $15 from the shelter, and another $50 for making sure all her vaccinations were up to date after we brought her home, so $65 total.

Wiley was the most expensive one, although he was a free kitten up a fucking tree. He ended up costing us almost $500 for all his vaccines, taking care of worms, and neutering him.

Our dog, Ed, a Boston Terrier purebred, was $150, and our cockatiel Chucky was free, Wolf raised him from the point of hatching. The breeder had too many males, and essentially said, "Take him if you want him, or I get rid of him." So Wolf took him, and raised him.
here is my family of cats that i use to have. the siamese cat got stolen on xmas a year or 2 back... she was a badass cat, and did everything possible to protect her babies. shes was a badass fighter when she had to be.

and my boy right here was the godfather of all cats. unfortunately a couple months back, i think he chocked on a fur ball or something and died. this guy was like a dog... you could throw stuff at it (nothing that would hurt it of course) and it would just sit there and look at you with its big stupid face haha... ah man i miss you buddy

the other two are still chillin. the other grey cat is really smart and really fluffy, but the fact that he is really smart means that he is really annoying most of the time, but i dont mind. he is a persisent ass mofo... he always brings the neighbors socks and suff. he does this really wierd meow as he brings it back to our house. i love it haha. he also brought this putter cover over once, and now it is used for a pipe pouch. my pipe fit perfectly snug into it... oh man did i come up haha. i also have some crown royal bags that he brought over.

the black cat is a girl. she is really nice and sweet. she likes to meow a lot, so we have meowing conversations a lot. she meows very similar to how her mother did. shes a good cat and comes in and just sleeps, unlike the fluffy cat when you bring that fool in... nothing but trouble haha

pretty much, my cats are beasts. i dunno why, but they are massive mofos

i would put other pictures up, but im at school and dont have access to them


They're great dogs, but I cant say I would reccomend one to someone if they just wanted a family pet. Since they're so uncommon and under the radar the AKC hasnt had a chance to ruin the breed yet like they've done to the GSD and Doberman and many other breeds. Basically they're still being bred for what they were intended to do...work. That being said, if you dont have some sort of outlet for their energy they will be terrible house pets. They are energetic to put it mildly. They need an outlet for their energy or they'll become destructive, but the breed is so handler focused its amazing. I wish I could post some of the videos I have of ransom at his french ring trials, but it would comprimise my security. He's such a wonder to work with.


Wow! I love threads like this. Everyone smiles when they read it and no one fights. Perfect.

This is my mutt Lucas. He is a hunting/stud turned couch potato. As aggressive as he is with adults and other dogs it would blow you away to see him with children. About the only time he wags his tail is in the presence of children..otherwise he is just a typical 12 year old ball-licking dog. Always kissing them. He blocks my other pits from getting near them...herds them around like sheep...lol. Its hard not to admire him for his athletism. Most ppl want to purchase his stud just for that reason. Thats a shame that they overlook or just don't care about his temperment. Thats #1 when breeding bulls in my book. Family dog first--always.

I keep his spring-pole low so his back legs stay on the ground. He is old and I don't believe his old teeth (the ones that are left) can take it. Anyways, I brought it in for the winter and that old bastard wanted to play soooo...UP he went. He still jumps and hits at over 6'.



This is Scout.

He sees my two cats lying on the kitchen table and like to copy them.

He's much bigger now, very large for a German Shepherd, about 115 lbs. I'm a German Shepherd owner for life, he is my third one ever since I was a little kid.

I'll try to get some pictures of my cats up soon.


Harry the cat loves to lounge, usualy where Scout the dog can't bother him.

Here's Shadow, he a mouse hunter who eats his trophies on our front porch.

Here's Yanni, my dog who we lost about a year and 1/2 ago, one of the best I ever had.


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
My Siberian husky Nikki, she can be quite the handful. She loves weed and has been known to have busted into a few stashes in her day. You have to keep all your stash hidden well or else you loss it.


stone fool
Can't put pics up of my buddy cause she's got distinctive markings, and there ain't many of the working herders in cities, so a pic would be a security problem. Working dogs need a lot of work, so she wants to help me in the hydrofarm of course. She however lost her permit into bloom when she made an executive decision and topped a new seedling, even if she did do a neat job of it. She steals and eats lava rock, hydroton, and rapid rooters, I love the scoundrel in her. I give her a leaf or stem to chew when I'm working on harvest tasks, which leads to me problem.

I keep a small bucket of stems from the girls, and let her help herself to a chew when she wants it. But lately, her eyes have been a little red, and she has been hitting the bucket to the point where it is almost empty. Am I a bad pet owner?

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