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sensi star, swiss bliss, stonehedge and SSH grow



glad you guys like the grow. i'm enjoying it. it's pretty much the only exercise i get anymore.

i’m at day 53. i'll be checking the sensi's to see if i have any early girls. as it's a new genetic i might just cut one tonight for the hell of it. i like to cut at least one just when they start to get cloudy. i usually cut when most are cloudy and there are 2 or 3 ambers. when do you guys like to cut?

these pics are from day 50.

i'm having my usual problems uploading pics. this might take awhile.

the water cloning worked great. Everbody rooted and are looking nice. Unfortunately I’m an idiot and when I checked them out today I realized I hadn’t waterd in 5 days. Some were near death. I might get rid of them as I think they will carry that shock throughout their grow. Then again, I do like to experiment.

Howdy brother. all i do is tie them down, then tie them down, then tie them down, then.... They like it and respond very well. the funny thing is i only grew out the ssh because i didn't get as many of the new genetics to root as usual and wanted to be sure i had enough fems to get me through to the next harvest. i didn't tie the ssh'es down as much as i would normally. the whole crop is looking very tasty and well seeded. a bit too seeded actually. lol

the first two pics are ssh and me trying to take micros with no stand and a 2.1 megapixels camera. lol

next are a couple close ups of the sensi. as soon as i can upload the damn things.

here's a couple of sensi bud. the leaves are curled under a bit on this and a bit more on another one. i'm not sure what's up but will fix it tomorrow. i have noticed that what were very indica looking leaves when they were younger are now more of a medium width leaf. i'll have to read up on that too. i got it from the breeder so i'm assuming it's the real deal. we shall see.

here's a pic of a couple of the sensi stars. i have 7 or 8 of them. i find it amusing that i'm not quite sure how many plants i have. i think there are 18 or 19 total. i should count them someday.

here are a couple pics of the ssh.

here are a couple pics of the stonehedge. the first one is the one on the left leaning on the tall one. the second pic is the one on the left drooping from the weight of the buds.

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I like to take mine when trichs are 50% cloudy 50% amber. Sometimes I take them sooner, sometimes later. But the people I grow for need to have them as ripe as possible. Sometime I will grow out some sativas for a little motivational medicine, as some of my peeps complain about not having energy and motivation for daytime activities. Personally, I enjoy a head expanding, non paranoia, non racy type of sativa buzz. Any suggestions?



i understand the need to let the trichs go amber for patients. i definately understand their desire to have a lighter buzz. the last indica i grew would make me take 3 naps a day. i now avoid them during the day. i get more done that way. :)

the ssh has several phenos. all of them are a good head buzz and not speedy at all. the ssh has my most sativa dominant plants of all my genetics. my goal has always been to get 50/50 sativa/indicas or a bit more sativa. i have a pure sativa, the cindy 88, but it is like snorting a couple lines of coke. i'm using them for some experiments with my white rhino in a couple months.

this first pic is an ssh.

this is a very sativa ssh.

here are the swiss bliss. i never read about people growing this genetic but it looks and smells very tasty.

here is another ssh pic.

that's it for another week or so. enjoy!
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i was thinking of cutting one of the sensi's tonight at the beginning of day 54.

i cut a bud off of 2 plants. both were about the same. here is a fuzzy pic of the trichs. it's mostly cloudy but maybe 1/4 clear still. i'm going to wait 3 more days and check them again.

the seeds are from the sensi. one mature, one immature. i did dust them with pollen on different occassions. i got worried about not getting enough seeds to last many years. one of my seed grows didn't produce as many as i wanted so of course i over did it this time.

the last pic is of the mature seed's innerds. nice. the seed pod was still tightly wrapped around the seed so a few more days will do them good.

the bud smells very nice. i'm not very good at describing smells and tastes. touching it is like putting my finger on some sticky honey. :)

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sup fatboy, nice thread here :wave: a friend grew out stonehedge freebies and they were awesome, you're in for a treat.

is that paradise sensi star?

ssh gonna put out a nice fat cola huh? look great man


goodmorning guys.

the sensi is from paradise. all my genetics are from the original breeder. start with the best right?

the ssh is usually my heaviest yeilder. i have a few different phenos and am looking for a mum. after reading jorge cervantes book, i've decided to cut at least one sensi tonight. he states several things about peak ripeness but recommends cutting at 50/50 clear/cloudy for the best mind/body high. my sensi's are there. i'll check the others tonight.

of course when to cut is a matter of taste. i haven't cut at 50/50 in a few years. time to check that high again.

all but the ssh are new genetics and i can't wait to taste test them. i've read good things about the stonehedge and the breeder is quite fond of it.

i have several clones of each flowering fem ready to go into the flower room.

i sure would like just one more closet! :)
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I dried some sensi bud a bit on the back of the computer then nuked them yesterday (MONDAY) morning for my wake and bake day off. The trichs were about 75% cloudy, 25% clear.

It was still kinda moist when I rolled it but, I took a few hits wanting to see what the high was like (keeping in mind it was nuked and combed through for seeds). I just came out of my daze and realized I got a real good buzz off it.

the taste isn't there of course but I'm very pleased with the high. Bonus, I believe it is a lemon pheno. It's not a sharp lemon odor but you can definitely smell that smell and a little something else i can't identify yet.

I have to count how many clones I have of her. It was a good head buzz. Feels like my brain is floating a bit. Like my head is top heavy and wants to tilt forward. I like it.

I'm kind of shaking my head at how many seeds I made. Duh. I'm talking a bunch. When these buds dry I'll start weighing sample buds and then cleaning out the seeds and reweighing the reefer. Oh well, they are really great genetics and I did want to make sure I got at least a couple of hundred seeds off of all the sensi's. It looks like one good sized cola will get me 1/2 way there.

It's today after work and I rolled up a joint of some computer dried sensi. I didn't get 1/4 of the joint gone before I just kinda forgot about the joint and that I was testing it. Consider it tested, consider me in love.

Here's the stupid part. I bred it to a stonehedge not to a sensi! How's that for supid? I have a few more sensi's I'm hoping for another like this. If not, I'm thinking I'll have 1000 seed or so to try, try again.
The sensi is officially in the rotation. Damned nice buzz. Yep. Damned nice.
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i cut them at 57 and 60 days. several nice highs. a couple really nice highs and a few so so highs.

i'm in a hurry and trying to post pics is an ordeal, here are a few.

i got about 18 oz dried. LOTs of seeds though. i cut the colas up to help the drying process.

i have a couple favorite sensi stars. the sensi buds are distinct. they are covered in very small leaves.

although i got a couple real nice ssh'es but i didn't take clones of them. no biggie. i have plenty of F2 seeds left.

i am in the process of transplanting my clones. i've moved 11 into 2 gall bags. the problem is i have about 30 clones and only want to end up with 16 to 18 plants.

i still have 11 plants to taste test. work, work, work! :)

huh, i have the pics in my gallery but can't attach to this post. i'll work on it.
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let's see if i can move pics from my gallery to this post today.

i'm so high on the swiss bliss. i mean fuck.

the stonehedge. EXcellent!

the sensi star. YeS!

the SShes are real nice too but i already knew that. :)

I have a dilemma. I was going to grow out the white rhino and bubble gum F1s but I like some of this new stuff so much, I’m thinking of doing another run of clones and putting off the seed thing for another grow. I’m pretty much a happy boy!

i dropped my camera and broke the battery holder thing so no more pics after these for awhile. pity cuz the clones are getting very big and will be thrown into flower in another week.

go into my gallery if you want to see the pics. proxyies and me just don't get along.

Weekend! :)
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Active member
haha...i followed your link here bro...so i guess it works.....lol

fucking excellent grow brother!....skunk from 10 years ago....did you mean that you got the skunk 10 years ago and just grew some?...or that you are actually smoking on some skunk that you grew from 10 years ago?....:D....killer bro

i grew out the Swiss Bliss bro...i even documented it on planet ganja, and i must say, if i was ever to buy seeds again, she would be one of the only ones that i would buy...:)....i grew out the Sensi Star, Swiss Bliss, and Belladonna....the SB was the surprise of the bunch....i only had two seeds that weren't crushed get to me...and out of two one female/one male....i culled the male before using (actually before realizing how good this strain is) and i didn't take clones of the lady....fucked up there....but man...the smells....and the smoke....it was tangy/limey/lemony goodness....kind of like sweet and sour smells on those candies.....ummmmm.....good shit...i kick myself still for not taking clones.....one day i will get her again.....lol....i did like the Star, but not enough to keep clones of her around.....i crossed her with my Moloka'i Frost, and have just tried out the first plant from that cycle...it's pretty good, but has more of the SS taste....i have a couple more in right now...soo....:)

i just had to complement you on the strains you have.....i have never grown out the SSH....that one is definitley the other one on my have to buy list...only those two would i think about buying anymore....:).....you have the SSH crossed with the Swiss Bliss?....that should be fooking heavenly :D

alright brother....definitely enjoyed your thread.....certainly worth the pain in the ass dial-up you had to deal with......great fucking grow.....18 ounces.....now i KNOW that i am doing something wrong in my room...heh....alright bro....Aloha!



aloha bro.

i'm very happy with the genetics. the skunk was purchased 10-11 years ago. when Skunk #1 was an excellent genetic. if i had more room, i'd always have a few of them growing.

there aren't many people who grew out the swiss bliss. pity. it is lovely.

my current crop of the same genetics is at 60 days flower today. i'll be taking them down in the next week or so. it's going to be bigger than the last crop and seedless. nice!

i have so many crosses now it's going to take a couple years to try them all. fun stuff. :)

are you currently living in hawaaii(sp)? lol. i forget how to spell hawaii.
which island are you on? i smoked lots of hawaiiaan in the 70s and 80s and visited for a week while on my way to thailand. the finest tasting, smelling and looking reefer on the planet in those days. the colors were amazing.

take it easy, be safe.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
fatboyOGOF :wave:

Very nice grow.

i have sensi bred to sensi
sensi to ssh (one a sativa dom and one an indica dom.)
stonehedge to stonehedge
stonehedge to sensi
stonehedge to ssh
swiss bliss to swiss bliss
swiss bliss to ssh
swiss bliss to sensi

Love it!

i'm so high on the swiss bliss. i mean fuck.

the stonehedge. EXcellent!

Stonehedge, :yummy: I would love to get some of that.

Keep up the good work.

milo :joint:


Active member
hey fatboy just read your whole thread. really nice choice of strains bro. good luck and have fun with all those tasty crosses you made



Active member
aloha brother, i live on the island with the volcano ;) there is still some great shit out here, but not like it used to be when there were less helicopters (btw, the county just turned down a federal grant for monies for green harvest which equals less birds in the sky, and better shit getting out to the peoples), more people should grow out the swiss bliss bro, she is stellar!

alright brother, you take it easy, and smoke much!



thanks guys glad you liked the thread.

i got 21 OZ off the last batch. i cut them a a couple of weeks ago at 67 days. fooking lovely. unfortunately, WTF am i going to do with 21 OZ? lol. and i still have a bunch left over from last time. i only need 6 to 8 to get me from one crop to the next and my partner needs less than that. i gave away over 5 oz of roach pot a couple months ago. i just never get around to needing it! life is good.

i'm thinking that i may have to just stop the every 3 month crops for awhile. just keep what i have in veg and take a few plants out as they get bigger than usual. odd situation to have.

maybe i'll give out some very early christmas packages. i don't like having so much weight around. i'm not growing to sell. i'm just getting better at growing. :)

i like the swiss bliss and the stonehedge at 67 days even better than at 60 days. these are 2 keeper genetics. i'm in love.

weekend! :)
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