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Selling back to clubs?


Active member
I was just wondering if anybody had any experience with selling meds back to clubs. If so, what clubs will do so and are the prices received satisfactory? Also, does the grade of meds have to be A+ quality or is there a market for mid grades as well. Any feed back would be very interesting and much appreciated. Peace and Love.


ICMag Donor
Try giving it back to them for FREE,, and maybe these so called "clubs" will stop over-charging sick ppl for weed/meds.. wtf?

Peace and Love.


DocLeaf said:
Try giving it back to them for FREE,, and maybe these so called "clubs" will stop over-charging sick ppl for weed/meds.. wtf?

Peace and Love.


(its spanish, look it up) :)


yea right i seen this one owner interviewed and they said the keep the price at street level it cant be resold for profit on the street. fuck this medical mj bs


Bong Smoking News Hound
mrred said:
yea right i seen this one owner interviewed and they said the keep the price at street level it cant be resold for profit on the street. fuck this medical mj bs

This prop 215 that you call bull shit is a mirical to me. You have a choice to grow your own. and for those who can aforf it or for pure concinence can go to a supplier. imagen where we would be if we had NO MEDICAL MARIJUANA? Id probably be doing 4 years in prison for 6 ounces . you have choces use them. dont talk down on medical mj. imagen if u had 1 month to live. all of assuden those prices dont seem so bad. enjoy what u have and save your negative energy for the real fight.


Registered Med User
My friend was tryna sell to horizon, he had a pound and they said they wouldnt pay him over 2000... it was good stuff to, kinda stuff they charge 350 an ounce for up in ther.... hmmmm 350x16= 5600.... 8ths.. 50x8=400, 400x16=6400 wait lets break it down in grams now, 20x28=560, 560x16=8960.... Now take the average.... 5600+6400+8960=20960/3=6986. So the clubs average about 6986 for every pound they sell minus buying price of 2000, thats about 5000 a pound profit, pay the lil workers, half which are volunteer for the cause and only get what they smoke while they work, and thats a lot of money.. Horizon NON-PROFIT cannabis collective is what they say....... How many pounds you think they sell a day?


Thanks SCF!

When electricity is free, nutes of choice are free, and there's no need to worry about paying the rent, car payments, health insurance, or buying groceries I will be happy to donate without need for reimbursement from the highest bidder. And living in a box down by the river isn't quite good enough for me and my family... so until I can have my family as well cared for as I take care of them now, and the threat of doing time no longer hangs over my head, we just have to deal with the situation as it is.

Mr.Red whats wrong with keeping things from being resold on the street? Why don't you just exchange cannabis for oxycotin or whatever pharmecuetical cocktail you want in that equation and think about what you are asking.

all you haters better get over yourselves and recognize

or just grow mo' better buds... if you can

*crappy buds is more than partly why things are the way they are... shity growers trying to pass their shitty little seed or mislabeled clone grows as med grade when they are really pumping out garbage.
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Bong Smoking News Hound
How much money are you willing to put on your freedom? Ask charles Lynch. Do a search on the man. He is going to be given his sentence this month, of no less than ten years and maybe up to 100 years. U think the money made pays for lawyer fees on a federal level, house arrest fees, and bail fees which exeeded 400,000 dollars, try getting that from a bails bond. God speed ahead Charles. He was innocent, and was framed.


sure medical mj has benefits, but why do i need my permission to do something that effects no one else but me, its my life, fuck them, i dont need their permission, its all or nothing the way i see it


Registered Med User
^ well good luck with that...

Anyways back on topic, Anyone know if any other clubs pay a more fair amount? like in the 2500-3000 range? My folks wanted me to look into it, I been callin clubs but they seem to be set this time of year cuz of the harvest season...

edit: this is an information thread, if yall dont know the answer aint no reason to post, thats nice you have an opinion but nobody cares so keep it to yourself. Peace!
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There are plenty of clubs in LA ans SFV Mo. Seriously... you go across the street and BANG. Some folks my not like talking about anything over the phone so be prepared to visit a few stops if you're not rocking the flavor of the month.

Have you checked canorml at all?

edit: is your buddy rocking the outdoor? if so, tough tough market for outsdoor. I know guys still trying to get rid of last years outdoor crops at half what your guy was offered....
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Registered Med User
yeah I got the list of clubs, the dudes stuff is pretty good but it aint no purple fire or nothin, Horizon is the only spot Ive really checked out, other spots were just way too full at the time(this was in late november) Ima check with him and see if he got it off, if not Ill probly get back on the mission. Good lookin out tho man, I thought 2000 was what they was all payin cuz dude said thats as high as they go.


Registered Med User
Yeah its some outdoor, but its real good lookin for outdoor, a lot of the buds in my dried bud shots are from his outdoor weeds.


Best outdoor IME tops at 3200....
granada hills has a few nice spots, too.

seriously if the number is good and the quality is there most shops need the midgrade stuff (aka WORK) just as much as they need the top shelf goods...


Freedom Fighter
I know I prolly ain't spose to do this, but another site I post on regularly, http://www.cannashops.com/forums/ has quite a few Dispensaries from Cali that are on there all the time-- We are different than this one, as the main focus isn't growing, but it is a dispensary info and general Medical Cannabis Info site-- But if you join, you can PM or call the Dispensaries direct...to get your questions answered-- :rasta:


ICMag Donor
SCF said:
This prop 215 that you call bull shit is a mirical to me. You have a choice to grow your own. and for those who can aforf it or for pure concinence can go to a supplier. imagen where we would be if we had NO MEDICAL MARIJUANA? Id probably be doing 4 years in prison for 6 ounces . you have choces use them. dont talk down on medical mj. imagen if u had 1 month to live. all of assuden those prices dont seem so bad. enjoy what u have and save your negative energy for the real fight.

Yo SCF,, We genuinely wish to see clone-clubs in the UK also :yes: but we don't want to see a continuation of the trend set above :no:

We wouldn't disagree that relaxed Medi. MJ laws have really helped medi. growers in the US and Canada :yes: and we fully support this,, no hate :canabis:

However we are also aware that when Todd McCormick originally stood on street corners getting ppl to sign Proposition 215 ,, that he probably didn't intend for Medi. users to face the cash restrictions that profit hungry clone-clubs have since imposed upon them... for example the cost of a Kush clone was much less back then, regardless of inflation :chin:

Personally, we'd much more prefer that clone clubs were run similar to the original 'Dutch' way of doing things ,, like the famous 'Sinsemilla Fan Club'...i.e. one membership fee ,, and FREE clones afterwards to medi. members :canabis: Weren't these clone outlets originally called "Compassion Clubs" ? ,, in which case let's bring some compassion back :joint:

The concept of "Medi.-Carers" ,,, now that's the way forward,, smart idea :yes: :yes: :yes: ,, One Love to them ALL!

The whole notion of "selling back to clubs" however sucks balls and so we don't support it!!

Peace & Love :D
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Registered Med User
Thanks kmkcali, Ima check that out.
docleaf if you dont support selling back to the clubs how do you suppose the clubs get suplied? Some people may donate when they have enough but if you are a proffesional grower its a full time job, how are these people suppose to eat and grow full time DONATING all there time? many growers have to provide for themselves and have families to provide for. I guess grocery stores should just GIVE us food too? We NEED to eat right? Not the way the world works, itd be nice, but never gonna happen. I support those who sell back to clubs, and hope they continue to produce quaility like Ive seen for the patients. damnit, now Im off topic... somebody make a thread about the ethics, this ones about the dealio.


ICMag Donor
It's probably against the rules of the forum to hustle flowers about,, medi. or otherwise,, anyhow,,,

In the UK some growers have donated what yo'll call 'pop-corn buds' / shake to "underground medi. clubs" before ,, the members then made high-grade hashish from it for FREE / non-profit type deal. In the Netherlands a guy called Evert gives ERBS to MEDI USERS for FREE,,, so please don't tell me it's not possible :wink: quietism is not an excuse... :canabis:

What appears to be happening in the US is a two-tier system,, whereby those with a few bucks can get some meds. , while those without a few bucks go without :no: Correct us if we're wrong. Personally this is why we'd rather support a system of "registered medi. growers" ,, homegrowers (not cashcroppers) who are free to grow herbs for personal use,, on the understanding that they donate the main % of the crop back to the medi. community for FREE.

If they ran such a scheme in the UK today,, then we'd ALL sign-up tomorrow :canabis:

We're not against medi. dispensaries,, yet as we watch from overseas,, it sometimes seems,, that the system is letting the majority of the medi community down over there :badday:

Interesting discussion,,, :D

One love..
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What part of "its a full time job, how are these people suppose to eat and grow full time DONATING all there time? many growers have to provide for themselves and have families to provide for" don't you get?

In your little example I don't see how the growers are provided shelter & food....

Um whats happening is the people who grow the good shit need to pay their electric bills and feed their families and keep the internet connections paid so they can ask some all knowing wise super ulimate karma sage how a professional grower can keep his toothbrush with toothpaste on it while freely giving the fruits of his labor away?

I just don't see it guy. The clubs I work with do offer free buds... really shitty, but it's there purely for the sake of compassion.

BTW HAVE YOU EVER HAD FREE ANYTHING - IE GOVERMENT CHEESE? Well free pot is gonna be shitty pot number one.. which undeniably ties directly into your little tale of buds being donated for free and processed into hash blah blah. And number two, do you think shitty pot is really gonna have any medicinal value?

By providing best quality medicinal flowers I am providing my patients relief and positively enhancing their lives therefore providing a honorable service to those in my community. Its not my fault the world runs on commerce...


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