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Self-Seeded Hermie Question


Hi All,
During my last grow I had an unknown Sativa that started producing 'nanas at Day 25 of 12/12 (due to me stressing it with high temps I believe). As this particular plant was well isolated from the rest of the grow I let it go to follow what developed.
I ended up chopping her/him/it at Day 44 of 12/12 as the poor thing was not looking too hot (Mr. Overfertilisation at your service... :badday: )

Naturally I still kept the buds and they're curing at the moment. And no, I'm not expecting too much from that smoke.

Anyways, I've collected about a dozen good (looking) seeds from the harvest and wonder if they're worth using at all or am I 100% likely to get Hermies thanks to Mum=Dad?

I'm not short of good seeds, so I'm not desperate to keep any potential problems, however if I were to use a product like Sensi Soak (a female encouraging seed soak) and then a product like La Femme ( a foliar female flower encourager), would I be any better off, or should I just chuck 'em and grow one of my 16 as-of-yet-not-even-bloody-tried-yet Strains I have?

Hmmm... did I just answer my own question? :bashhead:

Thoughts on the Hermie's seeds anyone?

This garbled post was brought to you courtesy of my just-dried White Widow & Nigerian :kos:


i would throw them out personally...i would have saved a few of those bananas though


brainthor said:
i would throw them out personally...i would have saved a few of those bananas though
I don't follow... if you recommend trashing the seeds, why would you suggest keeping the pollen knowing that it had a Hermie parent?
Wouldn't any seeds created via the Hermie pollen be more likely to produce plants with a genetic leaning toward hermaphrodism sometime in their grow cycle?


I think hermie self seeds have 100% chance of being hermies. I kill hermies havent had one to kill in years. because i killed them all,and there hermie babies.


i would use the pollen on a proven female...he turned that plant but the pollen should be good for other projects
Baphomet said:
I don't follow... if you recommend trashing the seeds, why would you suggest keeping the pollen knowing that it had a Hermie parent?
Wouldn't any seeds created via the Hermie pollen be more likely to produce plants with a genetic leaning toward hermaphrodism sometime in their grow cycle?


I'm a bit confused....

The plant was most likely hermied from stress (he thinks). Does this mean the seeds will most likely hermie? I thought it was genetic hermies that did this not stress induced hermies/pollen?

Also, Octodiem says that selfed seeds have a 100% chance at being hermies. Breeders use this practice for several reasons. Do they always end up with hermies and how do they work around this problem? Are they deliberately selling us hermies?


any plant will hermie...selfing a plant thet hermied will result in more hermies than if you used the pollen on another female or a cut of the original female before she hermed..


brainthor said:
any plant will hermie...selfing a plant thet hermied will result in more hermies than if you used the pollen on another female or a cut of the original female before she hermed..
you are correct brainthor


Custom User Title
Somewhat... it's true that you can stress any plant to the point of hermie, and use that pollen for breeding, but I don't think I'd ever recommend using pollen from a plant that hermied easily on it's own for breeding, as that would just pass on the hermie trait. Not something you want to do.


..but whether you stressed or not wouldn't that trait still be there? If it's a trait is it not in the genes already?

I have a situation where a friend had everything in his room hermie. 3 very stable strains all from clones stock that we are very familiar with. He stressed his room in more ways than one from almost killing them by a missed watering to over feeding. These seeds are unstable in your opinion?


Custom User Title
Would you rather breed with a plant that hermies for no reason three weeks into flower, or a plant that you have to stress the hell out of to get a few bananas out of it? I don't know that heat stress three weeks into flower would be the sole cause for going hermie.

In your situation Northner Farmer, I'd say those seeds are stable. Since you know the history and know they're stable strains, you know they don't hermie under normal conditions.

In the op's situation it's an unknown plant, which would make me wary of using selfed seeds from a third week hermie. I'm not telling you not to grow them, they might make some fantastic bud. But just as easily, they might hermie early on and just be a nuisance.

Maybe I'm completely wrong, but the above is my opinion.
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Resident pissy old man
Sometimes you put up with a hermie prone plant because it puts out good bud. I run the P-91 that I got from a hermie seed. Last grow,I had 6 plants and collected about 30 seeds, most of them immature. The bud was frosty as shit and very good. As long as the problem doesn't get anymore severe, I will keep growing it. I won't breed with it ,though.


A hermie Crossed with a hermie is a hermie maybe this is too easy . Am I wrong? There are plants that hermie stressed or not.


well actually they hermie because there sissys if not stressed but still they are
i dont like breeding with sissys...because you are correct a sissy breeding with a sissy = a sissy

octodiem said:
A hermie Crossed with a hermie is a hermie maybe this is too easy . Am I wrong? There are plants that hermie stressed or not.
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Thanks everyone for your replies and for creating such an interesting discussion - a shame we can't all sit in the same room sharing a smoke and have the chat rather than online!

I've decided to ditch the seeds as any Hermie-tendencies just don't make it a keeper & the smoke was average.

Besides... I just discovered tonight that one of my three Sweet Tooth's is showing male already, so as I long as I get at least 1 female ST, I'll be boosting my ST seed collection from 4 to :laughing:
BCBD - BC Sweet Tooth
10% Sativa / 90% Indica
An advancement of ST3.
Indoor: 6 weeks / Outdoor: Late August-Early September

Best go read up on the best way of pollinating single branches or I could end up with Sweet Tooth ...or Sweet Tooth X Hash Plant ...or Sweet Tooth X Nigerian...



i take the plant that i want to pollinate out of the room...i mark a branch with a twist tie then i use a que-tip to pollinate that branch...then i immediately spray the entire plant and especially the branch with water
(rinse all of the pollen off) and put her back in the room...when i harvest that branch i wait for that branch to dry completely then i harvest the seeds
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Thanks for the tips, brainthor - I particularly like the twist tie ID method.
Do I need to leave the pollen on for a certain time before spraying her down, or are the pistils enough on their own to take what they can use?

Finally, any idea of an average seed yield from a side branch? I'd just like to know hat I'll have to keep as well as passing on.



no as soon as the pollen touches the hair the deed is done...and depending on how many hairs get pollen you get half that amount of seed...two hairs for each female flower producing one seed per flower


Thanks again brainthor, I've seperated my early-boy and will begin collecting pollen when he's ready.

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