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seedlings falling over in coco?


im usually not an over watering type of person, but i watered my plants lightly without run off days ago and about 20 percent of my plants just feel over and havent stood upright again, wtf? pure coco, still growing n nice n green but its been 3 days now and still there not back upright, seems ridiculous- whats going on?


The base of the stems have probably gone to mush due to damping off, a fungal infection.
I assume this because the only information you provide is that you had recently watered your seedlings.
They could also be stretching, searching for light, becoming too top heavy and fall over.
And/Or a lack or air circulation can cause weak stems.

If it is infact damping off, and they do still have healthy leaves, I would not try to prop them up. If they're laying over and healthy stem is touching the coco it will give the seedlings another chance to form new roots.


all but a few have more growth each day and have a nice green shine to them with no cal, mag probs, i gave them a small feed of floranova bloom to avoid that before i planted them so they look nice n healthy just that there falling over, i mean right after i last watered them, no later then a minute a few just fell and havent recovered, the containers still feel like there plenty of moisture so im not watering them yet. i guess ill wait n see what happens as they dry up a little, thx for the advice, they are also in rapid rooters which i think i will never use again period.


let them dry out for 3 days, @ least. wait until drainage holes get dry.
may be that roots are saturated w/ water...
clones/small plants seem to like lots of oxygen during hardening off... but they have difficulty hardening off when too much water present.

coco holds a lot of water.
while watering daily seems to be a common practice in coco - can be disadvantageous for small plants in small containers...

dig finger 1-2" down into container. if moisture is present, wait another day-2 before watering again.
really, can be by weight of container, but requires gardener to actually forget the concept of watering daily & listening to plant. as long as there is moisture in bottom 1/3-1/4 of container, no need to water.
check drainage holes for moisture...

container size?

enjoy your garden!


thx for the advice but its funy how this thread was only 5 post long and some of u cant read it, i havent watered for 4 days as of today, who spoke of daily waterings? but thx lazy potheads.lols


how old/big are the plants?

by 'standing up', do you mean that the leaves are not 'standing up'?
or they lack turgor pressure?

or, do you mean the plants' stem is bent in half, not-'standing up'?


mistress there about 5-10 days old, young sprouts growing plenty fast in my coco just that i lightly watered with a kids sippy cup 4 days ago without any run off at all and within moments some plants fell over, i was like hugh??? never seen that before. they still look like f kin shit. im kind of pissed.


Support the stem of the plant with fresh dry coco if you can, with surrounding coco otherwise.

Then, stop watering the seedling until the medium completely dries out + 1 day before watering again.

If no work, plant again. :)


did you thoroughly rinse the coco before sowing seeds?
coco can have salts already present.
any bubbling when sprayed w/ h202?

nothing preventing you from acquiring new brick/bale of coco & transplanting the seedlings.
low coin option...
rinse coco thoroughly. feed no nutes for 7 days. they should be strong enough then to still stand after a potential nute/ph issue.

will also eliminate 1 potential variable of issue: current coco.

enjoy your garden!


its botanicare coco, my second run with it,and i rinsed it and treated with cal mag, plants are very nice looking, i think the rapid rooters are for shit to be honest with u, even had seeds mold during germination and wont be useing it again, i think i just overwaterd even though i barely waterd, most of my plant are growing coco rapidly but still leaning, most will pull through though, lesson learned. i told myself to just germinate in dirt and i should listened to my own advice, coco early on is tricky with moisture levels n new seedlings small tap roots.


though many, many here @ icmag like the rapid rooters, they did not work for *mistress*.
coco+perlite 50/50, or small orchid bark work much better for clones & seedlings. much too much water held in rapid rooters for this lady gardenr's preference...

enjoy your garden!


They could also be stretching, searching for light, becoming too top heavy and fall over.
And/Or a lack or air circulation can cause weak stems.

most common scenario is the above cuote.

solution; put in some air movement and have the lights closer.


its botanicare coco, my second run with it,and i rinsed it and treated with cal mag, plants are very nice looking, i think the rapid rooters are for shit to be honest with u, even had seeds mold during germination and wont be useing it again, i think i just overwaterd even though i barely waterd, most of my plant are growing coco rapidly but still leaning, most will pull through though, lesson learned. i told myself to just germinate in dirt and i should listened to my own advice, coco early on is tricky with moisture levels n new seedlings small tap roots.

I am with you as far as germination and I take it a step further my seedlings will finish in soil. By letting the seedlings root the pot for a couple of extra days should solve our dilemma.

My method for cloning, I use peat pucks, and I had to let the clone root the cup a little more generously. By not doing so they would stall from over watering. Trial an error is half the fun, but sometimes it can break your balls.


Barney Fife

Sounds like damping off. If you examine the base of the stem where it meets the media level.. it might appear "crushed" and discolored.

People often confuse this for lack of air circulation.


my plants dried out for the last 6-7 days, i scooped out all the coco surrounding the top two thirds of the rapid rooter so they wouldnt get wet and watered around them. well they managed to soak up the water and become the garbage sponge they are, so i squeezed my beer cups and gently wiggled each rapid rooter free and picked it(RR) of each n every root i could, some i got a hundred percent bare, some i left around a qauter inch of the material on them, i didnt realize when i did the first few u could pull it all of completely without damageing the roots.

some of the stunted plants didnt even have roots out of the rooter after two weeks of growth, the thing never would dry out and since no matter how u water them they suck up water again i figured i had to junk them. so my plants got repotted n fed iwith floranova bloom and i should see some good growth soon, dam i thought was trying to do the kiss method but i guess not, not to self, Everyone just sprout in coco its not that hard-

ive sinced started 4 more in straight coco and have zero problems along with 4 in plain dirt with zero problems-
