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Raistlin's Room '08


Raistlin Majere

hello guys :wave:

HAPPY 420 !!!!
got a loner comp from my sis cause she is moving still
i hope mine is really fixed this time, if not i will have to buy another new one.
put to much $$ into my current P.O.S. already

vintner ~ yeah i deleated all my pics and most of my posts under the old handle lol sorry bout that, i did see you stopped by my last spot to ay hello Thanks broham !! :respect: happy 420 yerself and see how you like it :rasta:

clorox ~ damn tootin Fuck em style all the way bro :muahaha:
good to see you again my friend, i hope today was a great day for you too

now its been a bit i am sorry :bashhead: but here finally are some pics
alot of pics lol 25 daze flower

first up the SQ
my shortest SQ in the bunch, also has the most yellowing
i think it might be cal/mag def i dunno, i will post in the hospital tommorow probably

another smaller SQ

and lots of problems showing on this SQ :badday: again i will post more details when i post in the hospital - i do welcome any and all help here too my friends

gotta cut this post in half here (to many images :spank: )

Raistlin Majere

SQ the tallest gal i have, i haven't put the tape to her so i dont have #'s
hardly any trich production on this one

SQ a bit smaller than the last, again low resin production but a bit more that the other tall lass

look what else this one has :joint:

and finally my two Golden Skush F2's side by side
overall yellowing on these girls but still doing all right, i can't seem to figger out these either. when i feed them the same doses as the SQ the leaves curl/burn FAST, hope to find out soon what it is

take it easy guyz


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Hey RM: Sounds like you've got a little variety. I've probably suggested this before, but have you tried epsome salts? I hope you get some better help than that. Stay safe Bro. Thanks for the kind words. :rasta:


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
HOW IN THE HELL DID I MISS THIS ONE??????????????????????????

Lookin Great RM


Raistlin :wave: Seems like a Mag problem a slight nitrogen lockout. My SQ all had a mag problem in the begining which was solved fast with cal-mag at 5ml per gallon to start. This is one that took to the cal-mag fast


Raistlin Majere

imnotcrazy ~ good to see ya brotha :wave:
just in time for the good stuff too
stop back any time broham

vintner ~ zoolander ~ i was thinking the same thing guys
i picked up a 50lbs box of epsome salts. flushed the pots good, and added 1/2t per gallon i will continue at 1/4 per gallon till final flush

note- none of my local greenhouse/nurseries had epsome salts
they did have epsoma brand* epsome plus or something similar to that
but it did not list calseum on the lable ???
so even though this box will last me 50 years i felt it was what i needed, the guy at the one greenhouse knew his shit and was suprised at they had no ES

thanks for showing up guys :respect: keep it green


wattup rm dont look too bad you can bring them back yo,mine were way worse and i got them back pretty much on track.you can find epsom salt at rite aid,wallgrens etc.people use it for soakin thier feet and stuff strait up yo;its cheap too.it usualy will be in like a half gallon milk container thing.peace -Y-

Raistlin Majere

clorox ~ yepper looking good now :joint:
i always love when they pack the weight on and just look so damn sexy !!

YwouldntI ~ thanks for the info broham :respect:
i thought they were a different kind of epsom salt, not for use with plants ? i geuss i was way off huh lol

keep it green my friends :rasta:

Raistlin Majere

NOooooooooooooooooooo !!!

this was a nanner and i didn't even know untill to late
fully opened and when i plucked it i saw pollen falling
:badday: :badday: :badday: :badday: :badday: :badday: :badday: :badday:

i am not to happy right now, really needed this crop to be seedless
how many seeds can i expect ?
just a few or a hundred
chit chit chit


dam yo i know how ya feel,i just had to pull like a week early due to a light leek messin one of my ladies.check 4 light leeks and if you have a power strip in there if theres a light on it cover it up.idk what to say bro im hopin i caught mine in time.my plant was gettin lil seedpod lookin thing on it,pulled 16 today.hopefully the other 40 will be ok.peace-Y-


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Sorry to hear RM. Got to watch out for them little fokers. At least any seeds will be fem, and you'll know what the cross is. How long do you think it was open and polinating. Hopefully they're not all totaly prego and you get some sensi from this crop. I've read that hermi chism isn't as potent, so you can always hope for the best.
Stay safe.

Raistlin Majere

YwouldntI ~ damn bro pulled 16, well you still got just a few left right LOL
trying to make light of the situation
i don't need to check for light leaks because i built the cab to have none-
there are no powerstrips or cracks anywhere
i feel safe with the cab just the way it is, but even on top of that i have a thick sheet that hangs over the door, and the closet it is in has a green light
just in case my wife ever needs to go in the closet during lights out
if i replaced the green bulb with a 1000w i know there would still be no leaks

yeah i was a bit anal about sealing the cab up real tight :muahaha:

vintner ~ i sure hope they are not all spermed up too :spank:
i geuss i need to pull each girl out every night from now on and check for more nanners
i ain't no cash cropper for sure but i needed a sensi crop to help pay some hospital bills from when my son was born and credit cards n chit from the holidays
more seeds = less bills paid for me

all the more reason for me to get this mother cab up
once i have my moms i need not really worry about whats gonna come out of the next seed
sure i'll still pop seeds thats a natural thing for me, but i won't be so heartbroken and probably be able to just ripp affected plant



There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Raistlin: usually nanners don't have as much male pollen as a true male flower. It tends to be a serious seeding when the plant is a "true" hermie. IE: many nanners, viable pollen etc. C F can confirm I'm sure, if you didn't have too many and you stay on top of it, it shouldn't be too bad.

P.S.: Check yer PM's

Raistlin Majere

imnotcrazy ~ thats right i remember that now
so far only one, but i'll be eagle eyeing them all from now on
watching for my pistils to brown up as well, they are all still fresh and white if i see some brown ones around thats area i'll know we got a bit 'o pollination

starting to feel a bit better about the situation :rasta:
deep breaths Raist deep breaths LOL

i'll probably post some pics up sunday evening or soon after that :muahaha:
kinda busy outside alot now playing like a child :jump:

we spent the day blowing bubbles yesterday and wading on the very edge of the creek here is some pics 4 my friends :wave:

take it easy


Smokin on that serious...
beautiful last couple of pictures, bummer to hear about the nanner, hopefully it was lower on the plant and only seeded some popcorn, if it seeded at all, at least it was only one nanner
i got faith brotha!


yea bro sendin positive vibes ur way,matter of fact imma talk to the ganja gods,and tell'em we did nothing to deserve such misfortunes;)

seriously though i think we'll be cool yo,im like you lookin for any signs of nanners,i sealed it crazy now i gotta keep that eye open.im thinkin that the damage woulda been done already and im seeing no signs of bad things...yet.i had no idea the pistils would turn brown though.thanx for that piece of info.peace-Y-
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