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Purple God Frost

outame 2

Active member
Well, let's post some pictures.Set up is digital switchable 1000 watt basement grow,about 6X6,perlite vermiculite medium.One gallon containers.GH,Dutch Masters,Technaflora,whatever I want to use per grow.This grow is Dutch Master One.What do you guy's think? First two are Purple God,third is Frost.and fourth is Sally from the Alley.



Active member
Impressive!!! Loving the hues on the Purple God. As for the Frost....yep she's frosty.

Sally down the Alley is the sorta girl I'd like to meet down some dark laneway!!!!

Congrats mate...looks like some choice smoking ahead of you.

If you need some help...


Active member
looks like crossing purple god with frost would be interesting,

the purple frost god.
looks amazing outame, how tall do they get in the 1gal? Mine are 2.5gal and I was thinking of going smaller and more quantity with 1gal for my next run. If you've already had harvests do you know what the avg. yield of one plant in the 1gal is? Thanks man looking forward to more pics.

outame 2

Active member
Hey Robo,I usually do seed runs with my garden,but i recently was gifted with a double batch of clones,same strains one month apart,and these are the first run with them to see what they will do.

The Sally from the Alley is going to be a huge yielder,and the Frost is no slouch either.I took clones of the Frost,and the Purple God so after the moms are flowered(I just put them downstairs) I will be able to get numbers for one gallon buckets.I did a seed run last grow in one gallon buckets,and averaged 2.1 oz with a Skunk x Blueberry cross.

The Purple God is massive also,and I have a clone mom of that one still upstairs,and a clone of what is called Collosus,supposed to be massive yielder,we will see what happens.Last crop pics...
