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Pro Mix hp help please?


Active member
Hello family. I recently started using Promix hp instead of Fox Farm Ocean Forest and so far it's a wonderful thing. Except I'm getting these rust colored spots on some of the plants. I'm using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro grow and bloom with Cal Mag as directed or less. I'm adjusting all feed to 5.8 - 6 ph. I test ph with 2 probes and for the most part they're around 6.8 - 7 ph. I'd like to get it lower but the Promix seems to have a ph buffer that holds it around 7. I mixed some water at 4 ph, watered one bag and tested the ph as an experiment and still got 7. I'm using Natural PH Down. Whatcha think? here's some pix of the rust.



Have you always used PBP. I use it also and I also use the EA natural Ph up and down. When I mix my nutes, also as directed I adjust the ph before applying to the plants. I don't always use what I mix the first day so I check the ph and adjust again because the ph always rises back to what it was before I adjusted it the first time. I hope all that made sense. What I am trying to say is check it every time because it will rise back up if you don't use it all. I don't use Promix Hp, I just use the Premier Hort Peat Moss and add lot's o perlite. The only difference is they add dolomite lime and a wetting agent and maybe in your case (Pro-Mix HP) a starter fert.

I feel kinda funny telling you all of this. From looking at your pics you don't have that many problems. You will figure it out, you are a good grower. Very Good.

Good Luck.

Mo, :wave:


Check the label on your pro-mix. It should have Dolamite Lime. If it doesn;t you need to add some. This lowers the ph of the soil. My water goes in at 7.0 and comes out 5.8-6.0.


smokey...lime doesnt lower the ph of the soil unless its waaay above 7. lime is neutral at 7 and always tries to pull to it.

it would be the peat that drags ph down i believe :)


A soil pH of 7 is just fine

SOMA SAYS = a neutral soil stays around a pH of 7 - when we feed at a pH of 6 - as the water dries - moving from bottom to top - the pH moves from the pH of 6 we feed at to a pH of 7 the soil stays at - this gives a small pH drift (6 to 7) that is good for the plant.

The acidity or alkalinity of the soil is measured by pH (potential Hydrogen ions). Basically it's a measure of the amount of lime (calcium) contained in your soil, and the type of soil that you have. A soil with a pH lower than 7.0 is an acidic soil and one with a pH higher than 7.0 is considered to be alkaline. A pH of 7.0 is neutral.

Raising soil pH: (to make it more alkaline)
it is generally easier to make soil mixes more alkaline than it is to make them more acidic. The addition of dolomite lime, hardwood ash, bone meal, crushed marble, or crushed oyster shells will help to raise the soil pH.

Lowering soil pH : (to make it more acidic)
If your soil needs to be more acidic, sawdust, composted leaves, wood chips, cottonseed meal, leaf mold and especially peat moss, will lower the soil pH.

Adjust soil pH slowly over several days time, and check pH often as you go. Radical changes in pH may cause osmotic shock damage to the roots.


Hello i use promix hp also its great stuff...I have seen these spots and attribute it to over feeding or a micro nutrient deficiency..But since your using a fully chelated nutrient i highly doubt its a deficiency.. So i narrowed down to over feeding.. Pro mix and peat in general has a high cation exchange and tends to hold on to nutrients.So i allways feed feed flush to clear out any excess build up ..Pro mix has dolimite and calcitic lime as a ph buffer and has a slight nutrient kick start so try not to feed for a week or so after transplant...

Hope it helps a little
take care


Active member
I'm honored and pleased to have such excellent growers offer a hand. I think this is the 2nd time I've asked for help.

Bigmo-I only started with promix and PBP about 4 months ago. Rez recomended the Promix and GH 3 part. In trying yo stay organic I chose the PBP. I check the ph every watering with nutes and I have the mix down for plain water. I really don't think I'm that good of a grower. You only have seen the best until now. I've been at it for 5 years now and have made tons of mistakes. I guess that's how you learn right? Thanks though.

Smokey-I checked and it does have lime. Do you test the runoff? I've been using a probe. Thanks.

Shopvac-thanks for the lime info.

Fredster-Thanks for the excellent info. I've been adding a quarter tsp of natural down to 5 gal. of water to get 5.9. Then I probe it and it's still 7. The only reason I'm trying to get it at 5.8-6ph is for the diesels. Others seem to like the 6.8-7ph.

Greenfriend-I (think) I'm a light nute person but who knows. I usually use half of directed so it's probably a lockup. I just read Crazy Composer's article about Promix and I'm going to try the Epsom salts. I think I'm gonna try flushing more as well. The only info I've found about rust colored spots is calcium deficiency. Off to flushing.

Thanks again all and talk at you soon.
ps. I do have the GH 3 part ready and I'm going to try it on a couple.


Bakin in da Sun
Hey Gamera... im growin in a similar mix... Pro Mix... using Pure Blend Orginal... ive had a similar problem...

way before it got bad...

after i treated them with Cal-Mag and Seaweed(blue bottle with added Iron) *bluevelvet mentioned it might be a micronute/Iron issue



Active member
I'm starting to think that promix and pbp are a bad combo. I've been using calmag the whole time. 1tsp/gal.. I think you're talking about Maxicrop right? I love that stuff and the fish juice too. Makes your grow smell like Thai food. Maybe I should try Calmag and Maxicrop, and then Calmag and Budswell? I'm and old hand with those in soil.


:wave: I see a lot of growers have had problems with Pure Blend Pro. I also use Pro Mix because it stabilizes the Ph to neutral. One thing I've found that counteracts the neutralizer is an aquarium product called Discus Buffer that resets the "neutral" point to 5.8-6.8 depending on how much you use. If you're not fond of chemical nutes I dunno of any organics that accomplish the same thing - there must be a way to cancel the 7.0 buffer of PM and lower it.

I'd cease the Pure Blend Pro in the future, or use a soil mix recipe to homebrew for the pots for the diesel runs.

Will be watching to note your results! Good luck and we're all pulling for U.


Non Conformist
Don't use anymore cal mag ... there getting to much cal. and it's locking out the iron and mag. Remember my post back then Bart.? anyway I hope I've helped... good luck with em guys....BC


I have been using promix for along time now and have had similar ph problems
and have found that feeding my girls at 6.2 to 6.6 p is the best for them and that magnesium is more availible at a higher PH. try raising your Ph just alittle and see what happens this is just my :2cents:

:joint: :wave:


My Pro-Mix works great at a Ph of 7. So has every other soil grow I've done. :shrug:

Good luck with it Gamera...



Imo it's the PBP....
And that on the leaves,to me,is a bit of a 'burn',probably from CalMag....
Also,I use ProMix 'BX'....which is a bit different formula from their newer 'hp'....
Imo drop to 6.0 pH water and flush 'em for a week,letting them dry out 75%+ before each re-feeding.

My .02




Hi G -

Not sure if my experiences will help you, but I also use Pro Mix. I use the AN line of products, and adjust solution ph to 6.1 - 6.3. For the first few waterings, the runoff will come in a somewhat higher than the solution (not alarming), but after a few, the pro mix takes on the ph of the solution. This has been my experience 100% of the time... I just checked yesterday and I put 6.3 in and 6.3 came out. I am not sure if this helps or not, but wanted to share my experience.

I report NO problems with the AN stuff and pro mix together. They love it. Not sure if you are interested, but their products are top notch.

KIND Regards,


Yup,after a bit,and making sure that you alternate your nute feedings with 6.0 pH water,ProMix DOES retain the basic pH of what flows through it.
If you feed too heavy,salt buildup will make for all sorts of fun.
To tell:
Pull a plant out of its' pot.
If there's white residue on the inner-pot,you've overfed/underflushed.

And ALWAYS wash your pots between cycles.ALWAYS.



Btw,I think AN nutes are overhyped,WAY overpriced JUNK.
I've seen more people adding shitloads of AN 'supplements' in pretty bottles,then wonder why their plants are all burned up and stunted,than with any other nutrient maker.

Keep it light,keep it simple=Perfect Pot.

My .02
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Thanks for your feedback Rez, always valued, seriously.

I dont buy in to all the different additives, shit you could go broke with all the stuff they sell. I just use the Organic Iguana Juice line, along with the big bud and carbo load. There are loads of others they offer for sure.

Well, I do use the benefical fungi and bacteria in veg stage....

I've seen a lot better results than the Fox farm stuff I used to use, although I still replace the IG late in flowering with feedings of the FFbloom. It has much less N.

Always, moderation. It's MUCH easier to recover from a slight deficiency than an overfert. That's my opinion, anyway.

Good luck G - your shit always looks great friend.



I've seen too many 'hot' loads of foxfire burn up young plants....

On the AN:
If it can be simplified,great.
Imo it's overwrought with additives....
Marijuana's not a complex plant,it doesn't need to be
micromanaged,for the most part.

Good thread.



This is straying from the original topic a bit, but what the hell....

What do you all think about the addition of carbohydrates? I can see the logic, but wonder if it is really worth it. It isn't terribly expensive (I'm sure you could make your own for 1/8 of the cost, tho) but I've never run a side by side test or anything.

It hasnt had a negative effect, because once I accidently gave them 4 TBSP instead or 4 tsp / Gallon - nothing happened at all. I really wonder if it is helping though.

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