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preventing early spring flowering with clones


Active member
For Clones;

Go to a "sunrise/sunset" table. Pull up June 1st for your city.

Mine is 5:42 AM and 8:27 PM. Add a half hour to both sides.

My timer is set for 5:12 and 8:57.

June 1st, turn off supplemental or push them outdoors.


$$ ALONE $$
don't know if this has been posted, but its pretty useful.....

it shows sunrise and sunset times.
look at the twilight times as well. I learned recently that civil twilight can effect flowering as well, as they still get a little light.

According to the chart, My area gets, with civil twilight time included, 15/9 on May 1st.
Can I put out huge momma plants from 24/0 to 15/9 without them stalling or flipping into flower mode for a few weeks and then revegging, ruining my chances for huge yields this summer?
Should I use an 18/6 until May 1st, them put them out?

I usually just took them from 24/0 and stuck them outside in the partial shade for a week before putting them in full light.
Never had an issue. But this year has to be a huge success for me so Im making sure and double checking.

THANX GUYS! Thanx GET MO for the link!:tiphat:


Active member
apologize for not looking up where that is but ill answer this way, i lived in humboldt for some years and we did some tests.it didnt seem to matter what your veg cycle was, 18/6, 24/0 etc. if you you put your plants out before june first it was risky. june first was consistently a good date.we had plants stall as late as late may.obviously it can vary slightly from strain to strain we just used june 1st. a couple of years in a row after i moved away a friend using this date two years in a row had issues the first week of june.these two years though were very grey rainy junes. so i would als o add that if its gloomy and grey then extend a little later or add an hour or two supplemental light to break the dark cycle or extend one or both ends of it the light. seed plants planted after march 1st dont count as they are sexually immature and dont suffer this effect,clones are sexually mature as their parents so they flip as soon as are exposed to enough dark hours. its the length of uninterrupted dark that triggers them not the length of daylight because the flowering hormone builds up in the dark and is photo sensitive. if you break theak the the dark cycle in the middle of the night it is sufficient.we flowered hundreds of clones this way without problems after we employed the magic date. we had tons of problems early on before we discovered it.
hope this helps.
p.s. dont waste your time playing with acclimating the light cycle slowly decreasing daylight to match natural light cycle. it makes no difference. and its a pain in the arse. i saw friewnds trying to do this to no avail if they put em out prior to june first.
According to the chart, My area gets, with civil twilight time included, 15/9 on May 1st.
Can I put out huge momma plants from 24/0 to 15/9 without them stalling or flipping into flower mode for a few weeks and then revegging, ruining my chances for huge yields this summer?
Should I use an 18/6 until May 1st, them put them out?

I usually just took them from 24/0 and stuck them outside in the partial shade for a week before putting them in full light.
Never had an issue. But this year has to be a huge success for me so Im making sure and double checking.

THANX GUYS! Thanx GET MO for the link!:tiphat:


New member
Unique issues

Unique issues

Older guy with MS grows a small outdoor garden for personal use. Tried better seeds and in the past two seasons and they all preflowered. The unique part is I have very private section of the yard that gets part sun at best, perhaps 2 hours a day. Bought an indoor light to start earlier last year and started early 16/8. Transplanted outdoors and they all preflowered and it was a bust. This year started later 10/14. Noticed some flowers show up and quickly planted them outdoors. pinched off any flowers and hoped for the best. Now a month later the pinched off plants and less hybrid are growing well. The others are a lot smaller. But all I am getting is 3 leaflets per leaf. Even plants that had 5 have reduced to 3.

Is this a problem? Other threads say I should chill out, but two years and no harvest have me nervous.



Active member
dont put your clones out in the natural sunlight til after the first week of june.regardless of veg cycle hours. you wont effect their flower response to dark hours by running shorter light cycles leading up. they dont "get used to" more dark gradually. when the dark hours exceed a certain number they flower. when doing seed plants in a green house you shouldnt need to run suplemental light as long as you plant them late enough so when they become sexually mature enough to flower its june first. i used to crack seeds in humboldt by the hundreds march 1st in my house til they had leaves then into a green house. very few preflowered and we would know sex in april/may. the only time i saw flowering initiate was when we started them in the beginning of feb, of course this is coming from norcal so oregon. itd be different in fla aust texas or brazil. for clones its different because they came from mature mothers and are sexually mature and will flower day one. may is dicey for clones but some peeps get away with it. just break the dark hours with a short light cycle in the middle of the night or extend the day light at either dusk or dawn by a few hours to keep them in veg.

our playbook was

seeds: march 1st no lights,
clones:june first end supplental lights. no problems when we followed that rule.


New member
Thanks to this forum

Thanks to this forum

So I was a little past 6/1, but I wanted to test out the theory found here. Seedsman.com always sends extra seeds, so I planted them. So far the 7 (6 doing well) I planted are all OK and outside. No preflowering. The first batch before I followed the rules was started in April, put out in May with 17 starts and have 5 left with 3 doing well.Lost most to preflowering and couple males. All in all 2014 is looking good. I grow for personal medical use and I thank this forum for wonderful advice


Active member
the rule doesnt apply to seeds. its about clones. unless of course thse seeds were started indoors or super early feb or before.
So I was a little past 6/1, but I wanted to test out the theory found here. Seedsman.com always sends extra seeds, so I planted them. So far the 7 (6 doing well) I planted are all OK and outside. No preflowering. The first batch before I followed the rules was started in April, put out in May with 17 starts and have 5 left with 3 doing well.Lost most to preflowering and couple males. All in all 2014 is looking good. I grow for personal medical use and I thank this forum for wonderful advice


Active member
pop your seeds next year in march grow em out in natural light if you want in a greenhouse on a heating mat until its warm enough and they are to big to reasonably provide enough heating mats for. if doing clones, keep inside or provide supplemental light to interupt and / or shorten dark cycle until june 1st ftw. this will work for most strains that people normally grow. weird pure landraces that have funny flowering tendencies etc not withstanding.

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
pop your seeds next year in march grow em out in natural light if you want in a greenhouse on a heating mat until its warm enough and they are to big to reasonably provide enough heating mats for. if doing clones, keep inside or provide supplemental light to interupt and / or shorten dark cycle until june 1st ftw. this will work for most strains that people normally grow. weird pure landraces that have funny flowering tendencies etc not withstanding.

This is good info.

I put a load of clones out that had been vegging under 24 hour light since January. They went out on June 1st and none of them flowered. They are monsters now just about ready to flower.



New member
The unique part is I have very private section of the yard that gets part sun at best, perhaps 2 hours a day.

As I have mentioned my situation is unique. So the late start may be more needed in my case. Starting later certainly helped and having the indoor lights set at 15/9 seems to be right. Once again thanks to this thread for helping. The doctors give an a virtually unlimited supply of Vicodin and such, but a good smoke is relief like nothing else. Plus apparently it makes more plesant to be around. Bonus.


I've had seeds pulled off a Durban Poison in November when she got chopped threw them in the soil then in about Feb.-March they sprouted did really nice in my yard there was not too much cold factor it was pleasant they never flowered in April at all she flowered in late August as the mother did I'm on the 3rd week of flower right about now. Looking very nice and starting to pistol her way through the universe no trichs yet. This time i'll chop her down in late October cause I do not want seeded Ganja this time I still have plenty of what I kept.


Active member
Yes seed plants do really well started at the cusp of February and May with no supplemental light. Unlike clones. Clones put in natural light before June 1st will start to flower thus screwing up the peak light season stalled trying to reveg. Clones need supplemental light if outside unilateral June first. Seed ants can be fine planted in natural cycle as early as the end of February most years. This is all northern Cali different latitudes are different dates.


New member
with the interrupted dark cycle method for clones, how long does the light need to stay on to fully interrupt it and prevent flowering?
When I put mine outside, I use supplemental lighting (200w CFL) at both ends of the daily lighting cycle. A couple hours in the morning, a couple hours in the evening. Not too sure I'd like to have lights come on at midnight. Kinda spotlights the garden for all to see, lol.


Active member
yeah if you split it up it minimizes the odd light duration. have em come on as it get dusk and run em til an hour after dark and turn em on a little more than an hour before light til just after twilite in the morning and itll cut out almost 2.5-3 hours of dark. thatll be fine.


would it matter what size the clone was if planted june 1st?.

could i veg a monster inside and plant outside june 1st without triggering..
i guess the question really is, does size matter?