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"Pre-Soviet" Afghani Question


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Two 10 months old cuttings.These have been on 12/12 for 3 weeks
Right:Cabbage plant


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
"Raco please correct me if I'm wrong because I'm just going on pictures since my deep chunks are still pretty small but the deep chunk starts out with vertical branches but when it gets into normal outdoor size and full flowering the branches get pretty wide."

I don´t think that I´m going to try to grow DC outdoors here any longer..this is a very humid area and the DC is susceptible to mold IMO.
The girl in the pcs was rootbounded and then transplanted to that small pot,less than 2 gallons.Even so,the yield was surprisingly high,she produced as much as (or more) some of her sisters grown in much larger pots:D
I´m trying to find more pics of the veg state.



Active member
This one competes with Lowryder, but it's more than obvious who's the winner. That's the way to do it!
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
I don´t think that´s false advertising.Did you ever ask it to CBG?
The plant is 100% indica...they don´t say it´s a pure strain though
"Originated in Uzbekistan"
Well,worked in Spain for many years now,and I dont think that the NL was introduced to prevent knock-offs..in fact,there´s a little % NL in the end product,but I think that the NL was introduced to reduce the flowering time,and possibly,to reduce height.
And it´s a very good strain btw....I don´t see the NL in it...
Have you ever tried Taskenti?:D


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Anyways,we are speaking of afghan strains.Here´s one dry DC leaf.Compare to the film canister...I´ve seen leaves which were much bigger and had even wider "fingers"...but all my friends who had seen the plant would swear that this had the widest bladest they´d ever seen :D


zamalito is right about the Pre Soviet affi. the farmers left their fields to fight and the remaining farmers were forced to move around and concentrate on pure money to support the remaining community. But the genetics they sell stating that they are "Pre-Soviet" has been inbred in America for some time.


Active member
The "G-13" im working with (close to a year now- yes its real deal) Has the huge wide saucer tan creased style seeds..
The morroccan hashplant I recently recieved to preserve, has small dark mottled lighly striped seeds. It's a "hand me down"...
The A-10 given me recently, on the other hand, has these fat dark mottled striped kush dominant seeds.
Im really curious about the diversity of these seedlines, and the possiblity of which may be related and which are not.... It's really starting to be an interesting year.
An "afghani revival" of sorts, at least my garden is undergoing an invasion..
Oh yeah and the club cutting i recieved labled "Mazar-i-sheriff" is looking like a x-mas tree, getting wide as she is tall. She is half as tall as the "hybrids" running in her same age group.
My suspicions are up, this might actually be the real deal mazar-i-sheriff i got...
It's really sorta sad, but you must scrutinize any club cuts for authenticity. They will hand you this and tell you "that" because they think you want to hear "that".
Im like any other breeder or grower. I GOTTA know WTF "that" is..
Bagseed and "dem old beans" can be fun but I have always had to at least "smoked the bag" When i started growing almost everyone did get beans from bags.
If you were fortunate you travelled to a village for your bag.
Wierd how the world is changing. I love reading this thread, so much interesting information on afghanistan and how things have been screwed around there.
It is making me want to smoke some of the hash, havent seen good black hash since oliver north got busted.( fell? )
Gotta agreee on the redness, the hash would be black outside- but bust it open and it would be lighter- more brownish red.... My pallatte is craving the smell that wafts from a chunk freshly hit with a lighter to "fluff it"...
If anyone has any more affies needing preserving please get in touch with someone else. I have enough on my platter for the year....
Raco, please keep me on the DC and X-18 list however, breedstock is always in demand here, especially like that....
Now please can anyone fill me in on the strain A-10?
Old cali IBL supposedly? Im suspecting the origin of govt catologe number for some reason... Can anyone elaborate on this?
Some one handed me and said- Here these are A-10....
I have smoked it and it a hella kind afghani, one of the finer afghani's.
Just not quite the "primo" like this g-13 is...
"primo" is the absolute best available anywhere BTW, at least in MHO....
Now to find the black primo, or is that the DC you got raco?
Nepalese temple balls were the only hash available better then black primo afghani.
But the temple balls had the opium in it....At least from the hash i have smoked...
Something about the flavor of the red lebbonese i miss, it was just plain sweet hash and expansive as hell, with sort of an earthiness to it.. I miss the red leb for sure.....


Active member
The g-13 im working has a fairly high mutation rate. I have popped around 40 seeds and gotten two mutants, and one slightly mutated subject.
Im about to embark on a mutant breeding project to see if i can Increase the ratio of "sport" type mutations....
But the high mutant ratio tells me it's an old IBl not some BX im dealing with.... An S1 would only carry through one pheno. Im getting a "one bud mass" pheno (main cola dominant-affie style) and a wide branching one as well... The smoke is uniform though.... Mutants being a bit more potent of course....
Im glad i found some like minded people to discuss these strains with.
I have been crucified and ridiculed for having G-13 seedstock and trying to share on threads... Not here at IC mag though....
But now im whipping out with A-10, it's gonna be a fiasco when the "clone only" trolls find me next.... :dueling:
So grab some :lurk: :lurk:
and know what i have will :bat:
let the troll suffer :badday:
Im :dance:
vonforne said:
zamalito is right about the Pre Soviet affi. the farmers left their fields to fight and the remaining farmers were forced to move around and concentrate on pure money to support the remaining community. But the genetics they sell stating that they are "Pre-Soviet" has been inbred in America for some time.

Reign of Terror

Active member
Mazar-i-sheriff, neville used to mess with it but dropped it from his breeding program, i forgot why

and pure g13, anything can be pure but how do you know for sure, the onyl one that would be able to prove it is Chimera since he is a scientist i believe and can test the dna linkage between a leaf of your g13 and the real deal ag13

but the way i see there is no pure g13, i dont believe in pg13 i think thats a fluke, esp with her personality and distrust from breeders. g13 was aquired by a guy from sacred seeds, clone form only, so you, my friend, do not have g13 seeds, its not possible...nice try


Active member
Your funny dude.....
I got what i got and thats all.
Im not here to argue validity Of my claims BTW
All clones came from seeds at some point.

Reign of Terror said:
Mazar-i-sheriff, neville used to mess with it but dropped it from his breeding program, i forgot why

and pure g13, anything can be pure but how do you know for sure, the onyl one that would be able to prove it is Chimera since he is a scientist i believe and can test the dna linkage between a leaf of your g13 and the real deal ag13

but the way i see there is no pure g13, i dont believe in pg13 i think thats a fluke, esp with her personality and distrust from breeders. g13 was aquired by a guy from sacred seeds, clone form only, so you, my friend, do not have g13 seeds, its not possible...nice try

Reign of Terror

Active member
then that would be some shit if you had it, i guess your right all clones did come from seed, so im assuming you have a connection with the university of mississippi

and just to let you know, when you claim you have a real g13 and dare reveal it, be prepared to send a sample to Chimera, otherwise no one will believe you, Pacific, who supposedly holds a pure g13 and a purple g13, doesnt even have the seeds and she had a connect with mississippi suppossedly, yet she has no seeds. she says g13 was a confiscated plant, but the real g13 that whatever his name from sacred seeds took was part of a growing program

so truthfully, you shouldnt claim it as real without a DNA test, somebody can say that they have g13 in seed and can plead till there life ends about it, does it make it true. im just sayin, if you claim you have the g13, with sooo many different storys and Pacific having completley different information and claiming she has the real g13, you have to do a DNA test before you claim it as true...you could just say suppossed pure g13

im not trying to sink your ship its just theres so much mist and fog with g13 that when its brought up, its somewhat of a here we go again thing

but, that mutant thing you were talking about makes me think you have the real deal because im pretty sure neville had a lot of trouble with crosses, so test that out then do the DNA test and you will know for sure and no heresay involved

even if, g13 i just a 100% indica, looks like afghani origin too, not too hard to breed somthing of its proportions

Stay Safe and Good Luck,


I have grown a10 a few times. Good comerc strain, dont no the lineage. quick flower
dense buds not super resiony though. Thats my lame a10 report.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
screw DNA testing. Damn flys come out of the wood work and dospute everything. Any G13 could be the real deal just inbreed as to take on what ever traits are needed.


Active member


Great read here... thanks for all your expert info!

Right now, I've got another Afghani#13 going on... HashPlant#13... and that is no G13 cross though... currently I'm in the 8 week of flowering... and she looks like she can go for some weeks more...

Any of you specialist have experience growing or smoking HP#13?... a picture... or some other interesting info on this individual?... she seems a fine specimen of pre-sovjet afghani... topshelf, inbred by family generations... with a long flowering period... the leaves formed during flowering are very thin... and the trichs look like the stalked type... at this point...

If you have something on HP#13, please add to my thread:
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Active member
Raco my friend
So good to see you around... do you know anything about a strain called A-10?
It's another affie,im just not sure if it's pre or post, or even another "potfarm" strain...
So including the two I culled from 20 year old beans I now have 5 afghani genotype strains.... The A-10 seems to lean toward the "piss kush" in my opinion from smoking some...afghani type laid back high- trippy though...Kinda hallucionogenic.
It was actually quite a treat, just kinda dry and harsh like some affies get.. especially when too dry. It was quickly put aside for the G-13, even though the g had Pm and may be getting us sick. L.O.L.
The pre soviet afghani's. Fields were open pollenated and kept alive by selection of farmers to criteria handed down through generations.
Russia invaded, america helped- this is the screwup. The cia taught a lot of farmers how to "second crop" opium fields and make twice as much money ,or money twice a year. America has priors of using drug money to fund secret wars, see the mel gibson movie "Air America" if ya want a few clues about this type practice.
It happened in nam, it happened in laos , it happened in afghanistan.
Hell i scored hash coming from trades between the us and afghanistan that was probably directly related to oliver north.
I was told " Our gov is trading guns for this" and handed black afghani hash.
It was the last time i saw real black afghani hash ....
No not the russians, they didnt fuck it all up, my country did that by funding wars with opium... Our gov didnt want to sell hash guys- there's not much money and almost no "control" to hash.
just read the whole thread it's all there.....
what's up Zam you seem very knowledgable about this, glad to meet another Affie lover...
My government messed my brothers heads up in viet nam too, im still pissed because my brother's head is still messed up.Wish i had some of the seeds he brought back, viet nam black of course...


Active member
wikipedia timeline- A slight clue as to the magnitude of changes after the invasion. The government in pre soviet afghanistan promoted hashish sales as their major export. Here is a sample of what it was like after america "helped them". Tiedye

March 11, 2004
The Counter Narcotics Police of Afghanistan seized 42 tons of cannabis seeds, 22 tons of poppy seeds, 4.3 kg of heroin and 23 kg of opium at the entrances to Kabul.
A US$231 million fuel and petroleum agreement was signed between the Afghan Commerce Ministry and the Al Bassam Group of the United Arab Emirates.

Reign of Terror said:
What happened to the afgani mj when the soviets invaded? Because there must be a reason why people must claim that their afghani is a "pre-soviet" but i can't find out what happened for them to say that.



Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
tiedye420 said:
Raco my friend
So good to see you around... do you know anything about a strain called A-10?
It's another affie,im just not sure if it's pre or post, or even another "potfarm" strain...
So including the two I culled from 20 year old beans I now have 5 afghani genotype strains.... The A-10 seems to lean toward the "piss kush" in my opinion from smoking some...afghani type laid back high- trippy though...Kinda hallucionogenic.

I have a afghani cat piss pheno I called Stankonia. I am wondering if this is close to what you have. Its a strain in arizona that comes around Or used to come around quite often before Kush came on the scene. There are about 4 to 6 seeds of the catpiss pheno and 10 of my stankonia. ITs a very spicy smelling pot. So spicy that when inhaled you have a very strong urge to sneeze. I might have to grow them out and see what exactally I have.


Active member
The A-10 seems to have a good slug of sativa in it...
Im thinking it may actually be one of the older sativa based hashplants zam speaks of...
Although I have found pictures of weed from the clubs here in cali that looks different, and they say is all indica, also calling it A-10....
Clubs are misleaders out here, just out for making a buck off the name real fast...
But whatever, this strain to me seems like an afghani with a 60/40 ratio- like some hindu kush strains are....
It has a perfumy taste to it, very strange and sorta harsh... One of the typical afghani's not everyone would like.....
But a must have for afghani lovers , especially as breedstock...Seems to have some unique qualities that would make for interesting combinations with the right mate...
I have another pissy smelling kush, from "dem old beans"... It's beginning to flower and smells like pissy rotten fruit....It's clone only but i got more of "dem old beans" i'll be digging through... I call it "miners kush" because im culling old seeds for this line...
If my creeper sativa indicates afghani origin through outcrossing, it will have to be called "miners afghani" i guess. I say this because crossing with TW has produced some very thick afghani indica looking leaves...Yet both P's had thin leaves....Alligator thai style....
It's a constant mystery to play with cannabis, i myself am addicted to experimenting and discovering above all else..An evolving study of sorts- both me and the plant are evolving....constantly..


Active member
What would you do with 42 tons of seed?
I think Id get a hang glider with a motor- one that carries two people. Then an old army duffel bag, the size of a person. Id convert the duffel bag to slowly release it's contents as a drawstring gets pulled. Id fill the duffel bag with beans, and away id go scouting streambeds in the sierrra foothills......
With that much seedstock i could force another "afghani invasion" in california just by flooding the streets with beans....."buy my bud & I'll give equal weight in seedstock" L.O.L.
WTF 42 tons of seed who cares right !
I feel we need to repair what the politicians in office we voted for ruined.
But my gosh where do you begin.... It would take me a lifetime to produce 42 tons of seed at the rate im going, an ounce or two every few months? Not gonna make much of a difference in the world today with statistics like that.
goodnight all