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So did you ever find out what was up with your plants?

So did you ever find out what was up with your plants?

:confused: Thanks..
potasium silicate or otherlike products will produce an effect like that. They position the leaves for better use of light therefore allowing better photosynthesis.


West Coast ICer
Hey guys, I never figured it out exactly. After powergreens last post, my mind is going to work because I was adding silicate from time to time.

I am starting to believe I had multiple issues going on.

I dont know if the praying thing was an issue but to me it wasnt normal. Another thing I have learned since then is I most likely overfed them and created some sort of lockout leading to deficiency causing growth to stop.

You learn something new everyday. Powdergreen do you know where I could find more info on that praying thing? Maybe I was over doing the silicate?


bingo he is correct
tokinafaty420 said:
It is simple...you need to give them (Mg). The praying plant is praying for Mg.

I also took a line from one of the OG faq's.

"Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen." Also add potassium which can also lock out Mg.

Check your water source too. If it is hard water (200ppm or more from the start) you are going to have some problems with it. Add epsom salt or lime to the water or if this is the problem invest into a reverse osmosis water filter which can be purchased for around $300.


West Coast ICer
Whats up unicorn, I use RO/DI water already. What I did do was use fat flower along with the Lucas formula. I think I way over did it. I believe I had a huge build up of nutes in the rockwool. I wasnt paying attention to wether the plant was feeding or not.
Since this occurred I have come to the IC and have learned so much about details from other growers.
My next grow I have backed way off on the feeding and things appear better. Time will tell. You can see leaf curl and magnesium deficiency early on but since backing off on the ferts its looking better.


Here is another batch using flora nova 1000ppms same strain. It is begining to show magnesium deficincy as well with new leaf growth deformed. I believe the ppms or ec which ever you prefer is too high which will begin lockout or deficiency so I am also backing off ferts to see what happens.



i use tap water actually...i rarely have to use epsom salt...some strains are mg pigs though..the strains in the tray you are having problems with are the same as the other trays?except rockwool?


West Coast ICer
Sorry, I am showing pics of the next grows I have. The plants that were praying I have since chopped them. Didnt want to waste any more time with them you know.

Bottom line is I am over doing it. I am learning each plant likes something different and it does not take that much ferts. I need to start logging what each plant likes for future reference.

I need to learn the signs as well.


watch your ppms and ph they tell all...if your ppms go up overnight to much you know its to hot of a solution because they are drinking more water than nutes..if they go down than the plant does not have enough..you balance by watching the ppms
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West Coast ICer
My ppm are currently dropping at this point on both trays. I am going to wait and feed. Funny its hard to wait cause I want them to blast off and grow fat buds.

I need to learn the signs of when and what to feed.


if you start real low in the beginning its easier to up till the stop point..many ways to grow...i personally feed every plant according to what they want and not the exact measurements of the lucas formula..for instance some of my indicas like low ppms i feed them like a 6 mil micro 12 mil bloom in full flower...where as some other strains make it up to 10 mil micro 20 mil bloom


West Coast ICer
Thank you for that information Unicorn. That is very interesting.
I have always done 8ml and 16ml with anything I grew and then started adding fat flower. Doesnt that add tons of P and K to the mix? I am just learning now that less is better.
Its like the lights are coming on ever since coming to the IC. Some great, kind and very knowledgeable peeps here like yourself been helping me out.
I appreciate you taking the time. Can you tell me how you learned how to feed who what? Wow what a question. What I am asking did you have to grow the plant over and over again to find out these critical details in my opinion.


simple really i start in veg at 2.mill micro 4mill bloom.over 2 days im usually at 5 mill micro 10 mill bloom...veg i dont pay a lot of attention..now in flower they go in the room at 5 mil 10 mill..and the next day i check the ppms which are going down..then i up them a 100 ppm at a time until they stop eating nutes and are drinking water more..than i back off..the ppms tell you how the plant is eating..i dont use any additives screws with the equation..i dont fix what is not broken..lucas formula nothing more nothing less


West Coast ICer
You have an interesting method or approach and I am going to give that a go. Start off from a set value in the res and build that up on a daily basis until the ppms stablize type thing and they begin to consume water or more water than nutes. The ppm level achieved should be the ppms to be maintained throughout the flower process?
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actually it changes 3/4 of the way they are really eating alot more than a1/4 of the way..and at the end they just about stop eating all together..but you understand how i do it..its all in the ph and tds..if my nutes are to weak not only does my ppms go down but my ph goes up..and vise versa..peace
damakkus said:
You have an interesting method or approach and I am going to give that a go. Start off from a set value in the res and build that up on a daily basis until the ppms stablize type thing and they begin to consume water or more water than nutes. The ppm level achieved should be the ppms to be maintained throughout the flower process?


West Coast ICer
That just blew my mind bro, I just smoked a bowl of that praying shit and its not bad LOL

I need to learn about the pH and tds now. I just keep adding pH down all this time. Is there like a class somewhere cause I need to be schooled.


your in home schooling rite now..ic mag is school for us all..new thoughts and a lot of old ones