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PPM/TDS/EC In Organic Hydro



Budz...... I always try to keep my ladies happy.....

Budz...... I always try to keep my ladies happy.....

It always pays off in the end....... Just to see them mature into the beauties they were meant to be. Works great in life too. :kissass: :woohoo:

The Budfather

Active member
im new to all this ppm stuff as im just a dirt grower, but i really hate the hassle of cleaning up dirt so i wanna go hydro but i have a turtle who is pooping liquid gold and would like to use his excrement as ferts is it worth it for me to buy a ppm meter? i just wanna use his stuff as ferts but i dont wanna kill first run so should i just start with a little cause i have about 5 gallons of highly "dirty" turtle water that is this side of black. i drained his tank to about 5 gallons then stirred up all the pooop and stuff and got a high concentration of fertilizer. should i just start with 2 tablespoons and then let defeciencies take over then correct with other things as i need too? should i still buy a ph meter? i wanna go dwc with my own organics, is it worth buying tds or ec meter so i can tell how much shes eating or wont the meter pick up on my turles waste?


Dirt to Hydro.....

Dirt to Hydro.....

Budfather--Well it will be a big adjustment. You are probably good at reading the plants and that is a big part of it. I wouldn't do hydro without a meter. Some would disagree but not many. Canna sells a combo meter that does pH, EC, and ppm. EC is the best reading because all meters read it first whether it displays it or not. TDS and ppm are obtained by multiplying the EC by a factor... with Cana it is 0.5 so an EC of 1000 is 500ppm. The problem with ppm and TDS is the conversion factor, since different tester makers use different co-efficients an EC of 1000 can mean 500ppm, 700ppm or 850ppm depending on the brand of meter used. It is best to go by the EC so that you are always talking apples and apples.

Definately have to test the turtle soup first before using. There is a section for organic hydros in the grow forums. It may be best to talk there. Many start off with chemical ferts because making teas of other ferts is complicated and at least to me very advanced. There are premade ferts that are organic and I think it would be best to start there and get the hydro down and then start making teas from the turtle excretement. Check out that other forum it has a lot of great info.

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Sorry Budfather..... forgot where I was......

Sorry Budfather..... forgot where I was......

I have been thinking of more organic hydro so am starting to learn more about it. I am sorry about that. I just linked here from my e-mail notification and didn't notice where I was at.



i think meters are good tool to have...a must if ur a starter.just to make sure ur not hitting them to hard....hey Budfather start with rockwool in pots and play with differnt Ec levels ..fun stuff...

Equipment Junki

New member
I found a combo meter by Hanna (pen) that is in parts per thousand (ppt).

It has pH, EC and ppt and temp.

I like it because it will tell you if it is in calibration, and with the ppt scale I will never have a off scale message.

Have been playing around with an og nute from Arcata called Humboldt Flower Products OGA and OGB.

If you throw some supplements in with it at full strength, it is over 1999 ppm, so the ppt meter is nice.

You do have to find 12.88 calibration solution for it although and it is hard to find.

If it is reading .650 this means 650 ppm. Multiply by 1000, (at the 1. conversion factor).

1.250 would be 1250 ppm, 10 would be 10,000 ppm.

It is model HI 98130. The model HI 98129 is the standard pH, EC, ppm model and it also has temperature.


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