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Please can we have a ‘Cannabis Botany and advanced growing science’ forum ?


Bring on the Hort journals, bring on the references, bring on the science. None of this," if you just hold your mouth right", crap.

I would also love to see some type of thread synopsis where a thread could be scoured and most of the fluff and pleasantries/hate removed, especially for a sticky. This could be an option for the larger or mega threads. Maybe the whoever started the thread could do it and submit it to the mod? Maybe reduce it to less than 5 pages? I think of the amount of time I have wasted going back through threads to find one statement.

Just a thought.


Un - Retired,
well as there seems to be a large amount of support for this, its done
the cannabis botany and advanced growing science forum is born
for now I'll moderate it till we can get someone with the right credentials to take over
as I'm just a novice still learning the ropes
but I will keep a close eye on it for now

if any one knows any threads that should be moved there please PM me with a link to the thread



Active member
Hi old pink. I would like to share some basic plant botany with the forum, but would like to ask if it is possible for MM, verdant, Jay, spurr, CT guy, and myself among others to be able to write a thread before the public begin replying. Many a train of thought is interrupted by other well intentioned posters and threads go all sideways before they are born.

This may be more difficult to do than say. Perhaps I will need to finish writing here, then do a fast cut n paste before the posters hit the thread.

I would also request that my 'science' be peer reviewed by at least spurr, or MM, before publication.

This way we can keep each other honest and ensure we are keeping things real. I have a personal tendency to wax lyrical and those two help pull me back on the planet, and more importantly, keep understanding high.

Anyways, I support this move, and when time permits will be glad to contribute.

Another last thing - re: Professor M..... These type people need to be kept out of contributing to a science forum - all credibility is lost with this type of contributor..


Un - Retired,
the forum can be cleaned up at any time
difficult to have it closed and threads written to be placed there
better to use stickie threads once they are complete and they won't get swallowed up in the general chat


Alchemical Botanist
Have my full support Verdant. This is the kind of impetus i need to shake off some old academic muscles. :)


Hi old pink. I would like to share some basic plant botany with the forum, but would like to ask if it is possible for MM, verdant, Jay, spurr, CT guy, and myself among others to be able to write a thread before the public begin replying. Many a train of thought is interrupted by other well intentioned posters and threads go all sideways before they are born.

This may be more difficult to do than say. Perhaps I will need to finish writing here, then do a fast cut n paste before the posters hit the thread.

I would also request that my 'science' be peer reviewed by at least spurr, or MM, before publication.

This way we can keep each other honest and ensure we are keeping things real. I have a personal tendency to wax lyrical and those two help pull me back on the planet, and more importantly, keep understanding high.

Anyways, I support this move, and when time permits will be glad to contribute.

Another last thing - re: Professor M..... These type people need to be kept out of contributing to a science forum - all credibility is lost with this type of contributor..

peer review is just that..... open, peer review.

no gardener should be excluded.

even einstein's views were not accepted, or held in high regard, for many years...... it required constant revision & effort on his part to finally be invited into the scientific community.

even then, he broke w/ convention on many levels.

the concept of peer review should incorporate both established science & methods that have not yet been established scientifically. that is "new", or different.


Another last thing - re: Professor M..... These type people need to be kept out of contributing to a science forum - all credibility is lost with this type of contributor..

I'm againts that it becomes elitist, snobby something I'm completely against. (whats meant by these type?)



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey K i think fista is referring to 'Professor mat rize' who is no longer with us and the 'professor' title was self anointed. someone professing to be an expert on organics that was nothing of the sort.

i agree totally, elitist is the last thing i want the forum to be.


In regards to a mod, we would need an individual that is on the boards frequently that merely enforces rules; his/her knowledge in regards to botany or cannabis is (almost) completely irrelevant IMO. It would be a nice plus but as long as they were enforcing whatever guidelines were laid out, then they are doing their job.

Having a separate forum for the academic/scientific approach to botany, as opposed to the purely anecdotal/empirical approach (not to say that these aren't valuable or necessary), is vital. Too often smart people get shot down by the ignorant masses (I am not claiming to be smart, I am referring to other individuals like Spurr, MM, FG, etc etc). If we had a sub-forum for academic pursuits, 'intellectuals' would be isolated from the attacks of the masses and the masses would be isolated from the arrogance/'disrespect' of the intellectuals. This is a win-win for all. If you don't want to read studies or pursue botany with reason...well that's what the rest of the forum is for and feel free to take anecdotal advice. Nobody is forced to do anything!

Edit: I see that the forum has been made. Awesome!
My most important questions: how are the rules going to be drafted and who decides what gets stickied? How many mods will there be (i.e. more than one for balance of power?)


ICMag Donor
I think it goes both ways. Everyone has to be willing to listen and not get upset at other people opinions. It seems there's been a lot of unnecessary rudeness lately.......

Are you suggesting a separate forum for "intellectuals" only?

. Too often smart people get shot down by the ignorant masses (I am not claiming to be smart, I am referring to other individuals like Spurr, MM, FG, etc etc). If we had a sub-forum for academic pursuits, 'intellectuals' would be isolated from the attacks of the masses and the masses would be isolated from the arrogance/'disrespect' of the intellectuals. This is a win-win for all. If you don't want to read studies or pursue botany with reason...well that's what the rest of the forum is for and feel free to take anecdotal advice. Nobody is forced to do anything!

Edit: I see that the forum has been made. Awesome!
My most important questions: how are the rules going to be drafted and who decides what gets stickied? How many mods will there be (i.e. more than one for balance of power?)
Boy spurr you got yourself a little fan club here.

I enjoy reading alot of mistress posts' as well as many others. It will be nice to not have to go through 20 pages of pointless name calling and arguing to get one good page of info.

Enough talk..... Lets get it rolling already. I for one will be an avid reader.

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