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"Pirates Cave" (and a Perpetual Sea Of Green)



Glad you got a handle on your problems with grow! Hope they get better soon! What did you think about the ho-made gel? LOL


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
..Now this clone gel is an interesting experiment. Make sure you report back with your results. I am a HUGE fan of anything DIY and alternative methods as you can see by the construction of my room and equipment. You may be onto something here. "The Lola Method"

You heard it here first folks !!
My Post one page back.

I think I got the problem figured out. Bascially.........I concocted a death poison for my plants trying to fix Powdery Mildew. But to much to explain again . You can read all about it here:


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Pirate Breeds !!

Pirate Breeds !!

I posted an upgraded version of this tutorial in the "Strains and Hybrids" section for a single reference location if ya want it. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=2144469#post2144469

OK. I made some seeds.

Here's my method of TARGETED POLLINATION (not the whole plant)

By the way:
When I say "here's my method"......It means that I have learned many things from many sources and have combined methods or taken ideas an expanded upon them, etc. If I invent something special.......I'll claim it. For now......A big thank you goes out to growers around the globe for their advice, ideas and methods shared through, posts, books, web sites, journals, videos, etc. I'm a sponge and I seek "INPUT". (a quote from the movie short circuit) We are all here to learn and thats exactly what I do. If I'm not here posting in my journal or working out in my room..............I'm over in your journal learning from you so I can fine tune it, combine it with another ideer and make it work for me !!

Now lets get to it.

First I collect my pollen. When I start a grow from seed I like to grab a male or two (when they rear their ugly head) and collect the pollen for any wild hair I get up my Pirate Ass. Not saving it would be like jacking off into the toilet. Hell no !! Save that shit and freeze it. Ya never know when your gonna want it. (for any of you sour-pusses.........that was a joke) Now, if you have not seen my pollen collecting method..........you can see it here: POST #71 http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=109231&page=5

Once I have my pollen, I store it in a water tight / air tight container and stash it in the freezer. I recently use 1 year old pollen and got seeds from it.

I get ready to go in a location far from the Bloom Room. I have a Dr-120 in my garage I use for drying my harvests, breeding and sometimes.........an overflow grow room.

This is the pollen from:
  • Satori
  • Hashberry
  • Northern Lights
  • Pot Of Gold
I just got some AK47 pollen last week and there is a Chronic "cumming" in the cabinet right now. I'll be playing with that pollen later. I'm definitely gonna make me some AK47 F2s. And cross that Chronic with something. I just don't know what yet.

Pirates Sperm Bank

I grab the strains from my Bloom Room I wish to pollinate and place them in my tent away from the ones NOT TO BE POLLINATED. I shut off all fans and ventilation.

Ready for pollination:.We'll come back to his photo later:

I use a Q-tip to dip into the jar of pollen and the carefully rub pollen onto the bud site I want to breed with being careful to only pollinate that bud. I will not pollinate with a different breed UNDER the bud I just polinated to make sure I don't cross pollen. ( although.........that just gave me an ideer)

See the Pollen?


When pollen is stored you do not want leaf matter or anything foreign in the jar.CLEAN ONLY. This pollen is fresh so I wasn't worried about the NUT SACKS it contained.


Once I've pollinated a bud site I tag it with a piece of plant label and wire tie. I will now know that every bud site ABOVE the tag.......ON THAT BRANCH ONLY has been pollinated. The tag has the breeding info.

Example: HB x POG tells me that the resulting seeds came from a Hashberry mother x a Pot of Gold father. OR HBxHB = Hashberry mother and Hashberry father.

Here are the plants with tags AFTER I pollinated all the sites I wanted seeds from.

A Little Closer

Now I let the plants stay in this tent for 2 days. After 2 days I will spray the whole plants and surrounding areas with water just to makes sure we have no active pollen lounging around. I move the plants back into the main flower room and wait for harvest day. I have noticed seeds growing within 1 week or so of pollination. A couple to a few weeks later.........they'll be obvoius.

Once harvest day comes, carefully remove EACH branch one at a time that contains your seeds and place them in a good safe drying location. Be careful that you do not knock seeds loose and then NOT KNOW what bud it came from........... Assuming your CROSSING breeds and not just making strait F2s. If your not crossing then even labeling is pointless.

Here we are after drying is complete: I use a pan to break up each bud ONE AT A TIME keeping track of the new breeds. R we havin fun yet? I am !! I only pollinate what will become the lower popcorn buds of my plants so the rest is quality usable bud. No waste.


Closer up !!


Now just break up the buds and collect your seeds. Once I collect my seeds I will place them in a PAPER envelope for a week or so to let them dry a bit. But not to much. Some moisture will help the seed to germinate later. After you break up the buds and seperate the seeds..........Roll it up...... spark the doobie.......Sit back........ and admire your work !!

Here my seeds are packaged up and ready for germination. (which I will do soon......... cause I'm dyin to see what I've created)


Closer up


Well thats it Mates !! We just made some seeds. Not only that. We made some entirely new strains. Now all we need to do is grow em out, smoke em, get some feedback from friends and name em. I tend to name along the same lines as the parental genetics which helps me keep it strait. Example: my Hashberry x OG Kush is called.........Berry OG. (how original....huh?)

Oh Yeah, One more thing. When growing out your new seeds don't forget to clone the plant before flowering so ya have a mother of your best creation.

My newest batch resulted in the following crosses: The first breed named is the mother and the second named is the father. (mother x father) Yes it matters !!
  • Satori x Pot of Gold (POG = skunk x kush... same as Golden Skush)
    [*]Purple Kush x Satori
    [*]Master Kush x Satori
    [*]Master Kush x Pot of Gold
    [*]Purple Kush x Pot of Gold
    [*]Hashberry x Pot of Gold
    [*]Berry OG x Pot of Gold
Northern lights pollen truned out to be no good. No seeds. (I stored it wrong)

You can make as many as you want. I only made 20 to 30 of each. In general, one small branch or a popcorn bud gives me about 20 seeds. Do 5 - 1 bong hit size buds, and you'll get around 100 seeds. If you want a shit load..........pollinate the whole plant or just do more bud sites. I'm just playing and experimenting with it really. Why? .........cause I can and its fun!!

Now keep your eyes lookin out for a Pirate growing his home made seeds. Cause he will document it here. From pollen to seeds, seeds to plants, Plants to buds and from buds to hash or BHO. Hows that for a grow show?

Tell em you saw it here......AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!


Nice! Love the pictorials! Hope CannaClause will send me some of those seeds next Christmas....lol.... Every year I ask CannaClause for some good weed, but no dice...must be some deal at the Canadian/US borders...haha


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
LolaGal... Nice! Love the pictorials! Hope CannaClause will send me some of those seeds next Christmas....lol.... Every year I ask CannaClause for some good weed, but no dice...must be some deal at the Canadian/US borders...haha
Thanks Lolagal. Their in the mail.

riskofwater.... what i would do for space like that!
I tell ya what I did. I moved 500 miles from my home town just to find a place "That Works". If ya want something bad enough........you'll make a way.

dongle69..... Ahoy!
Nice use of space!
Hey Thanks Dongle. Love yur room by the way. Just the way I like it. CLEAN !!

Tonatiuh .... nice walk thru pirate.
Appreciated T !! Don't want ya to get lost in the cave.

JACKtheREFFER .....yea man that was cool to see gives me confidance to make my own too
Go for it JR. Its good clean fun !!

Coming down in 3 days
If ya read my ordeal in the infirmary.......These are the ones that suffered from my stupidity. 2 types of fungiside and some pestiside all within a few days. Don't do it. (Your a bad man.........Your a very bad man !!)


Lookin Good
Glad you got your problems figured out there Pirate.... I may have done the same thing to my Veg tent trying to get rid of Powdery Mildew and mites..... Sprayed neem then used an Attain fogger and I got some strange looking damage on some of those plants and I figured it was phototoxicity as well, oh well, live and learn, right?

As for moving 500 miles to find the perfect, spot? I like your style man, why settle when you can do what you wanna?!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
hey bro,atleast you can get them down and get to concentrating on the next batch...now you know ur mistakes.
3 days and they walk the plank hehehe...peace man -T-


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Yo,T and SAL420
Yeah........right when my head gets BIG because my room is so freaking healthy I can't stand it...... I go and pull a stunt like that. (dumb shit) What hurts my pride the most is..........I know better than to spray repeadetly with variuos products.:noway:

I'm the one that should be walking the plank !!! T.. :laughing:

JamieShoes..... nice "how to" on the selective pollenation thanks :)
Thanks man. I try.

Tiny Update:
My mothers were growing to slow because I had to use one of the 400 watters for something else. I usually run 2-400s in there and they grow pretty fast that way. I'm waiting for those little mommies to grow up so I can get rid of the tall ones.

I just installed as 1000 watter !! Hardy har har....a bottle of rum for me



Arrrggh! Now that I've seen your pirate booty, will be pirating your grow ASAP...watch out for hot pirate chick with cutlass invading the cave, stealing all your booty...hahaha


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Arrrggh! Now that I've seen your pirate booty, will be pirating your grow ASAP...watch out for hot pirate chick with cutlass invading the cave, stealing all your booty...hahaha
All HOT PIRATE DIXIECHICKS are welcome in my cave !!!!! But they must surrender all weapons.