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:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2023:::::::


ICMag Donor
Planted seed yesterday. God said it was time. :smoke:

Growing more than just the Sativa Candy Chunk cultivar (cv.). We got to F12 with it last year, and holding off doing a true reproduction until we get all the seed in form 2022 and have it sorted out. This is pretty early for me, usually planting in April, maybe mid to late April which is the average last frost, so a little learning curve here if anyone has tips they want to share.

We had some really warm early spring weather in February, and sleepy bear woke up and said it looks like spring. A couple weeks later at the end of the month and early March, it shut down again and we went back to hibernation.

Going to be running the 100ft x 40 ft vegetable garden this year with a fence so we can get corn! Going to sell produce to my customers, so I am investing and getting a little more serious about having a productive garden.

Got the strawberry patch tilled, going to get rhizomes planted out soon. Waiting on it to dry out, not sure if thats going to happen soon enough, so they may get planted and fertilized later.

Cannabis garden will be an EXTRA good selection this year. God gave me more than enough. I was really blessed by the generosity of friends as well as Humboldt CSI really making a statement with the overwhelmingly generous freeies they sent!

Had to make some tough choices, but I ended up having more diversity this year because these lines need to be evaluated for further projects.

Using Dave Thompson's 'Healthy Grow' All Purpose fertilzer 3-3-3 with mycorrhizae for the germination mix and Cannabis patch which is composted chicken manure, feather meal, and potash based. The large veggie garden will be fertilized with just composted chicken manure, but will try to get some cow manure compost hauled in. Worked well for the herb patch last year.

Want to see the strain list? :smoke: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>>>> :smoke:

FYI:---Sativa Candy Chunk is a mixture of the seed from these 3 lines in the garden in 2010 with pollination by 2 (OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x DC) x DC males.

(OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x DC)x DC

(Bubba Kush x Bubblegum) x DC

Sour Bubble Bx3 x Sour Bubble bx 4 x DC

Will be doing a reproduction of Deep chunk with as many males as possible as well as crossing with the other varieties in the garden in open pollination.

Enjoy! Weather is cold and cloudy generally this week, but next week looks like the weather breaks and we start getting daily chances for thunderstorms! In God we trust!

Deep Chunk IBL Tom Hill 2003--Humboldt CSI

Deep Chunk Tom Hill 2008 F2

Sativa Candy Chunk F12 (keepers)

Sativa Candy Chunk 'Medical Indica' F12 (keepers)

BC Pinewarp (Texada Timewarp x Purple Pineberry

Sour Bubble F2

Paradise Cheese x Hindu Kush

Early Skunk x Lebanese

Peach Ozz x Lebanese

Pine Tar Kush IBL- Humboldt CSI

Kyphi V2-(Jellybreath #3 x Rasberry Muma Queen) Heavy Dayze Genetics

'79 X-mas Bud IBL- Humboldt CSI

Uzbekistani IBL- Humboldt CSI

Sterling Skunk IBL- Humboldt CSI

Pakistani Chitral Kush- Humboldt CSI


Sept 2022 Sativa Candy Chunk

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ICMag Donor
Thanks, Revegetta, I knew I needed more variety. I originally thought it would just be the DC and Sativa Candy Chunk to make sure we have room for the project, but I thought about it and I have only gone through like 4 jars or so of the herb from last year, so I'm still collecting all the seed. Can't do the project yet.

Using the refrigerator now to store the seed so it doesn't lose germination rate so fast. Looking forward to the future projects! This year will give me some ideas. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
They probably do. I don't have deer issues. Although there are just a few thistles in front of the garden toward the field. Theres lots of bush honey suckle, tall thorns, mulberriess, a buckeye tree to keep them hidden from wildlife.

There is also a natural fence developing since the tree fell down with the top in the middle of the garden last year not hurting too much thankfully. The trees have fallen down and made a little fence-like barricade behind the garden toward the cliff/creek. God put that there for me. When I went to first make the plot, I found a Valentines Day balloon that said "I Love You" on the edge of the field right in front of the woods where the plot would be. I considered it a sign from the Lord that he had prepared this to be my garden! God sent a balloon there to remind me he Loves me.

I also use a chain link fence, the posts are still up from last year and the fence is tucked away under the brush.

I always use Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent at least for the first few weeks when they are young, and then later if I notice any critters digging in the soil or other issues.

I also use the Capsicum pepper based granular repellent in the spring. I got a big jug of that too. I'm ready to go.

I have 3 dogs that hunt around the garden and leave scent everywhere and I drink lots of water and mark a few spots around the plot. The animals seem to understand I own the place and to stay away.


ICMag Donor
Moses saw the burning bush that was not consumed and heard God speak. I have a burning bush in the woods I guess. :smoke: Keep the fire burning, my garden is still smoldering pipe by pipe, not yet consumed.

Psalm 104 NKJV

Bless the Lord, O my soul!

O Lord my God, You are very great:
You are clothed with honor and majesty,
2 Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment,
Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain.

3 He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters,
Who makes the clouds His chariot,
Who walks on the wings of the wind,
4 Who makes His angels spirits,
His servants a flame of fire.





Well-known member
That is some lineup. Gonna be a field and a half!

Good idea to use the DC pollen to make crosses too. There was even a company based on doing that exact thing. It was called Cannacopia. "Everything" crossed with DC. Grew their Sour Diesel x DC a long time ago. That stuff made me paranoid. I didn't like it at all at the time LOL. But they were some beautiful plants.


Not ICMag Donor
Moses saw the burning bush that was not consumed and heard God speak. I have a burning bush in the woods I guess. :smoke: Keep the fire burning, my garden is still smoldering pipe by pipe, not yet consumed.

Psalm 104 NKJV

Bless the Lord, O my soul!

O Lord my God, You are very great:
You are clothed with honor and majesty,
2 Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment,
Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain.

3 He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters,
Who makes the clouds His chariot,
Who walks on the wings of the wind,
4 Who makes His angels spirits,
His servants a flame of fire.



Damn bro we are going full force from the first page lmao let's gooooo


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
35 Days until May First and plants in the ground here :) WooHoo!!!!

I cannot wait to see what you got going, thank you for letting us ride along with you

sadly the state here says just six :( so I have six root bound plants in seven gallon pots to go

out May 1st

looking for redwoods I would like to do around 24 pounds dried cured buds total

I smoke lots ;)

all the best and grow well

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ICMag Donor
There's going to be plenty of plants, if animals attack, there will still be plenty to replant is why I started growing in high density. Going to be squeezing these into a 10x 15 plot hopefully. .I am thinking there may be a few I have to plant just behind the fence where there is adequate light, but I don't want to do that, already have garden laid out with stakes for the fence.

I just want to get a few plants of each to find good lines to pursue for future projects plus having different types of flower will lower the tolerance build up.

I plan on rouging out any plants that have bad mutations so that will reduce the density so it should end up with a nice canopy especially with those indicas the way they are. It will be a cool spot to enjoy under those plants.

The thing with using Deep Chunk hybrids is they are generally Deep Chunk dominant phenotypes that turn out. I was originally just wanting to cross DC back into my Sativa Candy Chunk cv. F12 but I don't know if that will be for the continuation of the line. I think its kind of a stand alone now, and I need to preserve it!

Sometimes the lines make it, sometimes they get worse and worse and you have to quit using the line after so many Filial generations. Used a couple males each time and had some similar types of plants for parents, all afghans, but from different backgrounds. Lots of variety, but it has segregated into just 3 main terpene phenotypes.

Overripe fruity, medical indica, and the Sativa Candy Chunk signature pheno, which is a mixture with a cherry flavor with medical indica background and has high potency.

Pulled a new jar and the flower at the top is a winner morning smoke medical spicy indica with a little punch.

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Old Piney

Well-known member
How do you start your seedling? Indoor under lights, cold frame greenhouse? I know starting early has the advantage of usually you get preflower and know what they are before they go in the ground. I usually don't start early and miss the preflower with plants in ground ,Bad back , bad knees and bad eyes


ICMag Donor
This is the first time starting this early so I am actually asking for advice.

Will have them germinating indoors. I have a couple lights I can put on them or they will sit in the south facing window for light. They will be moved outside in the morning when it warms up and try to mimic the natural cycle, but just bringing them in if temps drop below 50 at night.

Seedlings are pretty tough when they volunteer outdoors this time of year, but I don't want them to get stunted.

I would like to see the preflowers but hopefully they don't start flowering and have to reveg or anything. I think I'm in the safe window. Last frost is April 22 here! :smoke:

Sativa Candy Chunk is a mixture of the seed from these 3 lines in the garden in 2010 with pollination by 2 (OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x DC) x DC males.

(OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x DC)x DC

(Bubba Kush x Bubblegum) x DC

Sour Bubble Bx3 x Sour Bubble bx 4 x DC

Volunteer in the lawn got mowed last fall a few times!



ICMag Donor
Good luck on your garden this year, Social Misfit, those will be big plants to get you up to 24 lbs with 6 ct. Are you going to have to foliar apply fertilizer with plants that big? Be sure you talk to Schrews, he's experienced in big plant growing.

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