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Organic Fanatic Collective


Gone but NOT forgotten...
He's high...but may be listening. Ed,Jorge,KK,etc....come on now....almost anything to support an industry based on myth.


There are plants grown in the PNW at commercial nurseries that given their 'feeding program' (Phosphoric acid and other weirdness), the soils are sterilized.

It ain't done in a f*cking oven. Imagine Monrovia Nursery with the 1,000 acres (Oregon location which is 1 of 10 around the world) 'cooking' their soil for a 10,000 unit run on Arbor Vitae plants in #6 plastic containers?



Gone but NOT forgotten...
My horticulture teacher in 1990 told me..."it might be a good idea to sterilize the medium by baking in an oven if you could"...so naturally...this is college right?...sure ok.



One thing for sure is that getting viable materials to work with is a breeze - other than worm castings. High demand = increased production = lowered quality.

Doing you own is about the only way to insure a successful garden - indoors or outdoors. I set up 4 ea. #65 SmartPots last summer and filled it with an organic horse manure from my chiropractor. I simply mixed this aged (to neutralize the vermicides given to horses and other livestock), mixed in some rice hulls, rock dust, kelp meal, neem meal and crab meal and dumped a couple of pounds of Red Wigglers and stuck them in the garage and now I just run what I need through the worm harvester deal I bought which separates the vermicompost from the worms and most of the cocoons.

Plus I have a vermicompost reactor which is a whole other working paradigm. That's the bin that I pay the most attention to as far as feeding, temperatures, hydrations, etc. The SmartPots were pretty much on their own other than getting hit with water when needed.

Once you have worm castings in this volume and more importantly the quality then the work is over. Toss in some Comfrey teas and you're done....



Californ-I-A...gotta love it~

It must be a Bay thing - my friends in South Orange County and San Diego haven't lost their minds. Probably too old to learn the 'real way' to grow cannabis.

I'll send 'em a link to O.U. - it should be real hoot to read the follow-up email.

"So that's nitrogen in veg and phosphorus in flower, right?"


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Yes Nitrogen in flower Phos in veg...no wait...uh???....phos in flower yeah that's it. Just like grammy's 'mater's.

You wouldn't believe the heads at the dispensaries here...lost lost lost. The myths are still strong and being pumped out every day. They will admit themselves that there is no concern over what is organic and what is not.


Yes Nitrogen in flower Phos in veg...no wait...uh???....phos in flower yeah that's it. Just like grammy's 'mater's.

You wouldn't believe the heads at the dispensaries here...lost lost lost. The myths are still strong and being pumped out every day. They will admit themselves that there is no concern over what is organic and what is not.

Watering with birth control pills makes more females.-----:wtf:


How do you guys feel about the General Organics products? I would never buy anything from GH, but I have 2 friends that use the whole line and swear by it, they say "it's so easy" (shrug, sigh, scratch head) true Jorge/hydro shop growers... I see plenty of people using that shit here, but I was wondering if any true "organic fanatics" actually use it, or if it is as gimmicky as it seems...


hahah exactly what I thought... thanks coot! I learned a lot from one of these dudes, he inherited the first edition "indoor bible" and that is where I learned early on. As I read more and got more into a quest for the ultimate dank, I found that much of the info is not only outdated, but it was never even true in the first place. I try to help and teach him, but he is very stuck in his ways. He was so excited to tell me he got a bottle of some poison that is illegal to sell here so he can apply it to his plants to kill mites. I pretty much gave up on him at that point...

On a positive note, I dumped all my used soiless mix (from my Jorge days), yard waste and kitchen scrapes in a pile and the worms just came. I flip that all the time, add whatever I can find that seems good (rock dusts from rock hounding adventures, seaweed and shells from a day at the beach, maybe some exotic looking fungal mass I found in the soil somewhere in an old growth forest) I filled a one gallon pot yesterday by hand picking out some of the most humus and worm rich soil for my favorite strain, which I am trying to overload with organics (progressively more humus and less inert matter/aeration each round) and she cannot get enough. I will get some pics up in this thread, she is a true organic fanatic!

The growth in one day is explosive. The soil is mucky, heavy, and saturated, but stays moving because there is at least 2 dozen worms in the gallon pot. How could it get any easier than that?


On a positive note, I dumped all my used soiless mix (from my Jorge days), yard waste and kitchen scrapes in a pile and the worms just came. I flip that all the time, add whatever I can find that seems good (rock dusts from rock hounding adventures, seaweed and shells from a day at the beach, maybe some exotic looking fungal mass I found in the soil somewhere in an old growth forest) I filled a one gallon pot yesterday by hand picking out some of the most humus and worm rich soil for my favorite strain, which I am trying to overload with organics (progressively more humus and less inert matter/aeration each round) and she cannot get enough. I will get some pics up in this thread, she is a true organic fanatic!

You may have found a way to turn hydro store 'soils' into something viable. Write an ebook and distribute it from your blog and save MMJ growers thousands and maybe even millions of dollars.

Before the Oregon Department of Agriculture banned GO's 'organic' line [cite], I was given the complete set for testing. I didn't get past reading the labels - uncontrolled laughter.

You're on the right road to successful gardening, IMHO



Awesome, very encouraged to hear that coming from you coot.

I laughed pretty hard myself when I heard "GH has an organic line!" (I think it was the excited look on the person's face that did it, because I never actually went as far as to look at the label)

So wait... you can't get ANY of the junk on that list in OR? WTF? That is so unbelievably awesome... I LOVE Oregon more and more each and every day... Where is the good cheap farming land at in OR?


So wait... you can't get ANY of the junk on that list in OR? WTF? That is so unbelievably awesome... I LOVE Oregon more and more each and every day... Where is the good cheap farming land at in OR?
Without a lot of boring history, the organic certification agency in Oregon, Oregon Tilth, has been given the authority by ODA and USDA to set the standards for their members. There are about 10 such agencies in the USA that have the authority under USDA NOP (National Organic Program) to set standards and certify farms, processing plants, etc.

What this meant at the wholesale level was legitimate certification on amendments and OMRI ain't part of this at all. Under any weird interpretation of their mandate under USDA. The filtered down to the mainstream nurseries - they had no reason to shelve products that were out of compliance and this isn't just an 'organic vs. conventional' paradigm - it's across the board. Meaning that crap like Humboldt County's Own aren't allowed.

But the grow stores were given pretty much a free pass - until the economy tanked and the guys and dolls at ODA needed to keep busy and some horrible people dropped a dime on the hydro stores with lists of products that could and should be investigated.

Hence the list which is updated every month or so. Licensed ODA personnel as well those authorized and licensed to review applications can now use their smartphones and post the photos of illegal products directly to ODA's Instagram account, Facebook as well as their private board.

Ain't technology great? LMAO
