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Oregon outdoor 2006, with BACKCOUNTRY


ICMag Donor
Glad to see you back around. Women have a way of taking up a lot of our time, lol. Looking forward to seeing some pics of your other plants.

Lucky 7

Active member
Go Backcountry . . . R U seeing any preflowers yet? Out of 6 plants ( 3 white widow, 3 early misty, only one is showing). I plan on saving one ww male to make some seeds, otherwise I'd like to chop the water sucking males . . . good to see ya, Lucky


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Yep! As I said, several of the plants behind my girlfreinds house have shown female. I'm headed out to see all but one of my plots today, I suspect I will see many preflowers. Wish me luck guys!


Throbbing Member
No preflowers up here yet....but here is a picture from a campout in central Oregon. That is Mt.Jefferson in the background. Any willing bean testers around? I have a new cross that all are welcome to. It is called Cascadia(AK trainwreck x Love Potion).


Nice to see what you are up to these days BACKCOUNTRY! It seemed that you were sharing/doing less than I recalled from the past... interesting to discover that you had some plots crowded by development... everything that you have going looks healthy. Best of luck on the sex ratios.

peace halfdef


Active member
JJScorpio said:
Glad to see that you survived the journey back. I found a new way to protect my plants. Even if someone were to know they were there they might think twice. Tell me if this makes you itch just looking at it, lol.....

I'm no expert, but if that poison ivy grows like nuts and ends up touching your buds, you may be in for a hospital visit. The oil from their leaves could end up all over your buds. Smoke 'em and end up with a swollen throat.

I used to work on a clearcut crew. We would burn big piles of brush right there on site. Had to be really careful of what we burned though. I knew a guy who had it in his lungs and throat. He was really messed up for a while.

Just some friendly advice...

Captain Skunk

Active member
Hey BC, I always enjoy dropping in and seeing your plants. They look great!

It's always makes it a little harder, when we choose areas far from home for our gardens. It's just the nature of the hobby, that we have to grow deeper and further off the beaten path.

It looks like you'll have a bountiful season.

Enjoy and stay safe


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Update time!

Update time!

I got out a few days back and watered and/or checked all my plots but my Girlfreinds plot and low maitinece grow #2 which is very deep in the boonies.

Auto grow #1, These plants are not putting on the overall size I was hopping for, but they are growing. I hope to get a few jars out of this plot. They are still waiting for a irrigaition system.

Auto-grow #2, The size of these plants was very good, but it looks like I waited too long to get my signiture chicken wire fences on them, deer have clipped many of the growing tops off of them. If I get wire on them soon I will still get a nice crop off of them, bummer.

Auto-grow #3, These plants are growing by leaps and bounds, I have included a picture here of what they looked like when I planted them in June and what they look like now. I have lost 2 to rats, I put a gift of Decon in the nearest pack-rat nests to help prevent future problems.

Low maitinece plot #1, This plot is my pride and joy, all 7 female clones planted here and doing very well. They have plenty of sun, groundwater and a lack of harassment from Deer/rats. The tallest one is over 5' and the shortest is more than half of that.
The first pic gives you a idea of what the original 4 looked like when I planted them in May, the rest are current-

The largest clone-

halfdef-Like I said, this year I have been quite busy with my normal life, I am trying to share my grows as I have time to check them myself. Also I tend not to do a whole lot of chat unless I have something good to share, but don't worry, I am sure I will have plenty to show as the summer/fall wears on!

Thanx Captain! Likewise!


ICMag Donor
They are coming along nicely my friend. You will get quite a few jars. I assume the lack of rain has hurt them but they have a lot of time left. I would pass you some of our rain if I could. A couple good heavy rains and they will blow up.......


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I am only disappointed in auto-grow plot #1s progress, and yes I do think lack of water has slowed them down alot, they are planted in a very dry location.
The rest of the plots have met or far exceded my expectations for this time of year, I am looking forward to my largest Guerilla harvest ever I believe. I actually still have several plants that need to go out, LOL!


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
hey backcountry all is looking well up there. specially that last plot your really gonna enjoy that one :) it seems like everyones plants are doing extra good this year. have there been any problems with heat lately? ive been battling it for a while now, on saturday it was 119 and i had to water like 3 times to keep them alive. i hope you get your largest harvest too :joint:


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Whew! Alot has happend in my life this summer! I am proud to say I will be a father! My girlfreind has become a wife, life has grabbed me by the hand and is dragging me forward, and i am so happy!!

In the rush to get prepared and stable lately, several of the plots have been getting ignored, oh well, I have bigger things on the plate right now.

Auto-plot #1-I plan to check for signs of life as soon as I can, if it is alive I will try to provide as much care as I can.

Auto-plot #2-Same as above, I don't have much hope for this plot, it was pretty raped by deer when I last saw it, and i am sure it is worse by now.

Auto-plot #3-This plot is the only one I have been able to visit latley, I am pretty sure I will be harvesting a decent amount from it.

Low maitinence #1-This plot could be left alone until the day I harvest, considering it is planted on naturally moist soil, and is inaccessable by deer, plus all are female clones. I still want to visit as soon as possible, I am sure after not seeing it for 3 weeks the growth will be amazing! Yield should be well over a pound total.

Low maitinence #2-I have not seen this plot since I planted it, hard to tell what i might find when I get around to visiting.

Low maitinence #3-This is the last plot I planted, about a week ago. I put 1 2' seed grown plant and 2 1' seed grown plants in a berry patch near a year round water seep. I should get a couple Oz from this provided at least one turns female.

Girlfreind plot-This plot gets the most attention cuz it is easy to get to. 8 seed grown plants, now all 1.5-2.5' tall, and every branch large enough is trained to take advatage of the small spot in the bushes. Should pull a nice little stash from it, several plants have shown female.

I'm thinking that next year all of my plants will be planted near natural sources of water. It just makes such a difference in ease and health of the plants.
My plan is to start hiking in the bush the next 4 weeks(before the rains start again), and looking for moist areas that are still moist even in what is the dryest part of the year in my part of Oregon. This should yield plenty of spots that should be guarranteed good for next years crop.

Anyways, I intend to start getting more pics up as I find more time to catch up with myself, heheh.
Take er' easy!


Active member
Wow thats funny cause the same things have happened to me this year. I am going to be a proud father of a girl later this year and my girlfriend has also become my wife. Best of luck with everything. :wave:


Active member
congrats bro...i was wondering what happened to you.

i also might be looking for some good spots in our beautiful oregon to try and outdoor grow next year. we shall see

as for now i have some good bag seeds and some cascadia from bacchus that i am growin. they are a little over a week along.

and just for....because you are from oregon.... you get to see the first pic online of one of my possible cascadia ladies.

cant wait to see some pics

its from day 6 and today is day 10. i should be starting a grow diary soon.

well thats all i got
later bro
Congratulations Backcountry. Seems like you got a bit carried away making seedlings. hee hee. Has your little one been sexed yet or is it too early to tell?

Any news on 3town? Seems he hasn't updated the indoor apt. grow in many months. Yall still tight?


Mourning the loss of my dog......
pakalolo420-Thanx man, you brought me to my senses, I would be still trying to break my back every year for eternity if you had not inspired me to try low maitience growing again, I'm not sure I will do it a different way again.

Ordinary Joe-3town is still kicking, he is not the computer nerd I am so he kinda got bored with this online stuff. He took a break from growing through the summer heat, we are presently waiting for my outdoor to finish, maybe by Thanksgiving we will get another indoor moving, Engine #9 and our other clones wait patiently........

Thanx everyone for your patients and good wishes, I promise I will get pre and post harvest pics up for whatever I end up yielding. Good luck to all!!!


Active member
Whew! Alot has happend in my life this summer! I am proud to say I will be a father! My girlfreind has become a wife, life has grabbed me by the hand and is dragging me forward, and i am so happy!!...

Congratulation on the great news. A wife and a child will be a joy.

Guess you will have to change Girlfriend Plot > Wife Plot. :D