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On the cops' radar!!!!

Ok so I just got pulled over for my window tints which is straight bullshit because they aren't even dark. The cop starts asking all sorts of questions about weapons and drugs and then tells me I'm FLAGGED as a gang memeber. She said the gang unit has been checking up on me. Wtf? I don't even know any gang members. She said I should go to the PD and ask to speak a detective in the gang unit to see why I got flagged. This is the second time I've been asked to step out of my car and questioned about weapons, now I see why! What would you guys do?


Active member
give them no reason to pull you over. where I am at, any tint on the front window is a no no. who cares if you're flagged if you're not a gang member no worries. don't go running to any detectives office, that's for sure.

if it really bugs you, figure out how to reach the guy by phone. but even that is tempting more scrutiny.
Ok but my thing is I don't need to be pulled over with a few #'s in my car. I didn't give her any reason to pull me over but she did anyways.


Put a vid cam in car - next time you get pulled over, don't get out, or just play dumb.

See if leo sez something stupid - or lies about blatant stuff.

Sounds like fishin' trip - they are bustin' your balls, and makin' shit up...

Mitch Connor

Same thing happens to me because of my tints. When I have an encounter with the po's, I just start to act retarded, and waste as much of their time as possible.

Usually 1 of 3 things will happen: I'll get harassed until they don't want to play games anymore, tempted to do something stupid so they DO have a reason to search me/my car, or they will actually go above the law and do something against my will (and the law).

I have too many stories like this from where I live, so now I carry a digital recorder (audio only, might get a cam like someone suggested) in my car at all times.

I don't even drive a sketch ride, 98 honda prelude. Maybe it's because I'm a minority where I live. My area is filled with snow whites.
I don't know it was just very weird to me that I would even be asked anything gang related. I'm clean cut and always dress well. I drive very nice car and don't have any tatts or piercings or some strange ass haircut. Non of my friends or family have any gang affiliation whatsover. For god sake she said it was some Mexican gang that I was supposed to be affiliated with and I'm not even Mexican!!!! She was asking me about guns, and coke. then she asked me about weed like 3 times. When she asked what gang I was with I laughed so hard I honestly think I pee'd a few drops. She measured my tints with some little thing and then said she was sorry and that she may have just seen it darker then it was because it's dark outside and I have black enterior. I was riding clean ass hell but had she asked to search my car I'd have serously pissed myself laughing. I've never had a cop ask to search me or my car but if they ever do even if I'm clean they will get a HELL NO! Fuckin pigs.
Come to think of it, I had just bought a 2 liter of coke at the gas station like 2 mins before. I should've said "um well yes i have some coke" lol.

good drown

maybe they were seeing if you drive around with guns or ever carry them. they may be watching you and waiting for when you do have those #s. Like, if one has a concealed weapon permit, and always ride with a gun, they would have just found out then, as one would have told them right away one has a loaded pistol on them...
see what im getting at?


Put a vid cam in car - next time you get pulled over, don't get out, or just play dumb.

See if leo sez something stupid - or lies about blatant stuff.

Sounds like fishin' trip - they are bustin' your balls, and makin' shit up...

This is great advice (maybe not playing dumb) and almost certainly the deal. Record everything, doors locked, keys on floor, window down 1 inch. Don't give your name, don't sign anything. The cops are just trying to generate as much revenue as they can, not so sneakily hidden by the name of a "Charge" (I just love the word games they use). They'll literally pin anything on you to hit their quota for the day. Record either with video or/and audio and make sure they know you are recording too. Obviously don't give them too much reason to pull you over, as any mischief in their contracts just makes your case stronger.

After you've got all that under your belt, actually SCREW THEM! We should make sure we actually follow up instead of considering it a lucky escape from the Gestapo. These organisations are supposed to be representative, to serve and protect... I'm starting to wonder what exactly (£$€). Study up, solidify your case, then sue their asses or whatever it is you guys do over there :)wave:hey from UK). Hit them where it really hurts... in the pocket! Police officers can be held commercially liable for their actions, they all take an oath so make sure they know you know it!

Take care everyone.


Why don't you just go see the detective and get it cleared up or find out if it's for real or not?

Seriously man as long as you don't go in there high or stinking like you just smoked a blunt in a closed up car and act and look like you say you do any way there won't be an issue.

If a cop told me I was being watched and linked to gangs I would get it resolved ASAP....or let them keep pulling you over and eventually get busted for something stupid like a forgotten roach or something.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well I heard that it's now against the law to have tinted windows because cops don't like that they can't see whats in your hands. I see their point as there are lots of weirdos out there.Just get rid of the tint bro peace out Headband707


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
You need to read this:
The Electronic Revolution.


in particular:

Here is a sample operation carried out against The Moka Bar at 29 Frith Street London W1 beginning on August 3, 1972... Reverse Thursday... Reason for operation was outrageous and unprovoked discourtesy and poisoned cheese cake...

Now to close in on The Moka Bar. Record. Take pictures. Stand around outside. Let them see me. They are seething around in there. The horrible old proprietor, his frizzy haired wife and slack jawed son, the snarling counter man. I have them and they know it.

"You boys have a rep for making trouble. Well come on out and make some. Pull a camera breaking act and I'll call a Bobby. I gotta right to do what I like in the public street."

If it came to that I would explain to the policeman that I was taking street recordings and making a documentary of Soho. This was after all London's First Expresso Bar was it not? I was doing them a favor. They couldn't say what both of us knew without being ridiculous...

"He's not making any documentary. He's trying to blow up the coffee machine, start a fire in the kitchen, start fights in here, get us a citation from the Board of Health."

Yes I had them and they knew it. I looked in at the old Prop and smiled as if he would like what I was doing. Playback would come later with more pictures. I took my time and strolled over to the Brewer Street Market where I recorded a three card Monte Game. Now you see it now you dont.

"He's not making any documentary. He's trying to blow up the coffee machine, start a fire in the kitchen, start fights in here, get us a citation from the Board of Health."
Playback was carried out a number of times with more pictures. Their business fell off. They kept shorter and shorter hours. October 30, 1972 The Moka Bar closed. The location was taken over by The Queens Snack Bar.

More info:

Quit playing the filthy pigs game. If they pull you again activate the video camera next to you, ready, and refuse to answer ANY questions whatsoever. Give all documents, and tell the pig that your attorney has advised you to remain silent. Obey any LEGAL orders, which are those that pertain to safety or custody..but never give consent to search. just say NO, NO consent officer, and do NOT answer any questions after that...if the pig says ' why?' just remain silent ...the only words you should say are ' no consent '..or Am I free to leave?"

The cops will realize that you are not to be messed with and either violate you on tape so you can sue them, or relent and go away, which is after all the best way to end.

Make the rules of the game yourself and stand by them...the filthy cops cannot defeat that.


What would you guys do?

Stop acting suspicious (if you are). Get rid of window tints (unless they serve a purpose, like medical, etc). I know they look good, but they also draw attention to yourself.

Act/Dress nondescriptly. For instance, you can be an ex-gang member, reformed, yadda yadda yadda, but if you're tatted up everywhere and still dress the part, what are people going to think? Appearances matter, unfortunately. And everyone and their brother loves to profile, especially cops. Profiling includes profiling cars too.

It's also possible that you're already under investigation and they pulled you over basically for no reason just to talk, get under your skin, etc. (Which would be the worst case scenario)

And for now, I wouldn't ride with anything mj related. Leave the papers, weed, bowl, etc at home. Don't smoke in your car and don't let anybody else smoke in your car for the time being.