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Old nutes turn lethal

Well if you all want to make some noise, I suggest getting into the AWG convention in Las Vegas come april. Not only will the big heads be there, but so will the press. Its a double-whammy. Call them out in front of the cameras. There is no reason not to have a use date beyond them trying to pawn off old nutes.
sunnyside said:
Liquid plant foods have an approximate date of expiration. It's not the time in itself that negatively affects the product. It's what happens to that product during that time. If your nutes are stored properly and are not contaminated, they should work fine long after 2 years. The problem is that once these nutes are bottled and shipped off to the wholesalers, then it is out of foxfarms hands. They no longer have control over storage conditions at the wholesaler or the retailer, much less once you get your bottle home and break the seal.

My point is that date codes will help, but don't get mad at the mfr's when you get bad product. More than likely it is the wholesalers fault for not storing the product properly or for not rotating their stock properly. Another problem is that they order too much (in order to get discount from mfr) and the products end up sitting in their warehouses too long (exposed to cold and heat). Then once it is sold to the retailers, who knows how they store their products.

I still hold fault at MFG. If their needs to be a "proper" way to store these nutes, than it should be their job to make that known. And they should deliver them in refrigerated trucks like the do other perishable products. Than if the retailer is not properly storing them, thats their fault.

But personally, all the shops I have been to are all basically warehouse based stores that are climate controlled.


Plant Manager
tenfeetofganja said:
Well if you all want to make some noise, I suggest getting into the AWG convention in Las Vegas come april. Not only will the big heads be there, but so will the press. Its a double-whammy. Call them out in front of the cameras. There is no reason not to have a use date beyond them trying to pawn off old nutes.

Never heard of American Wholesale Gardeners...

The convention in vegas is the PGTA... Progressive Gardeing Trade Association.


The convention itself is pretty lame...compared to others, but the partying is off the charts in vegas.


Gah my PBP grow and bloom just turned 1 year old and I was about to use them are you guys sure pbp has no shelf life... I don't run in cycles so a killed grow would mean no smoke for a VERY long time... I have guano I can use instead...


Plant Manager
tenfeetofganja said:
I still hold fault at MFG. If their needs to be a "proper" way to store these nutes, than it should be their job to make that known. And they should deliver them in refrigerated trucks like the do other perishable products. Than if the retailer is not properly storing them, thats their fault.

But personally, all the shops I have been to are all basically warehouse based stores that are climate controlled.

All bottled nutes, not just some of them, need to be properly stored in climate controlled areas. They have made it known to their wholesalers and retailers. It is the retailers job to teach you. How often do you talk to the mfr's? How often do you talk to your retailer? How is the mfr supposed to teach all the consumers if they never come into contact with them. They relay the info to the folks on the front lines at the retail stores and that is about as good as they can do...other than batch codes ;)

I still dont see how you are putting the blame on the mfr?

If the nutes are mixed up and shipped out, with batch codes, within a month of bottling...how is shelf life their issue to deal with? They did everything they could to get the product to you as fast as possible. If it sits at the wholesaler for 12 months because they have a moron who doesn't care about rotating the product stock, again how is that the mfr's fault. Same thing with the retailers...it is there job to stock the right amount so that it doesn't sit on their shelves for too long.

Would you blame the milk company if you picked up old milk at the corner store? Would you blame bunny bread if you got stale bread, because your local store bought it in in bulk and failed to move it in a timely manner? No, your issue would be with the store where you purchased the product. What makes this industry any different?

Batch codes should be implemented by all nutrient mfr's. That would keep them honest and would also make the wholesalers and retailers purchase, rotate and move product more effeciently...which has nothing to do with the mfr.
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Plant Manager
tenfeetofganja said:
Not only will the big heads be there, but so will the press. Its a double-whammy....Call them out in front of the cameras.

press? cameras? What are you smoking? The only person walking around that place with a camera is ed rosenthal... and he is scantly tolerated.


Plant Manager
tenfeetofganja said:
If their needs to be a "proper" way to store these nutes, than it should be their job to make that known.

just a few I found in the last 10 minutes or so...


Handling Precautions: Avoid ingestion, skin contact, eye contact, and inhalation.
Storage Requirements: Keep in tightly closed containers stored in a cool, dry, ventilated area.


Thrive Alive Green

Handling Precautions: Wash thoroughly after handling.
Storage Requirements: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.


Growth Technology
Ionic Grow

Storage Requirements: Store in a cool place.


Mt Toaker

I just read the first post and sorry if this was already answered but what if you have nutes that aren't liquid? say dried bone meal and dried blood meal?


Well since I have a $100+ worth of most likely bad nutrients, my question is can I grow just using the following guano kit? http://www.wormsway.com/detail.asp?sku=IHGK400 .If not what product(s) should I use also, I want to stay 100% organic. If I need anything else to supplement with tell me a product that Wormsway or AltGarden carries.


Sneak attack critical
Anti-Future said:
Gah my PBP grow and bloom just turned 1 year old and I was about to use them are you guys sure pbp has no shelf life... I don't run in cycles so a killed grow would mean no smoke for a VERY long time... I have guano I can use instead...
A grower-friend of mine nearly wrecked his plants due to using old PBP. He'd had it for about 2 years or so and thought nothing of it...

After a few applications, they were showing these horrible yellowing/necrotic spots all over the plant. I let him borrow some GH FloraNova, and they pulled out of their funk in a week or so. PBP can go bad, but I think that any nutrient in a bottle can lose it's efficacy over time...


Active member
WTF!!!!! I do NOT know which nutes it was, but some sort of nutes or the combination of nutes turned lethal on my mommy plant... All of her leaves fell off with necrosis... I was so unsure of what happened, then I poured my nutriunts into clear glass bottles... CHUNKS EVERYWHERE!!!! Cal-mag, hydroguard was bad, silica blast was the worst... Anybody have experience with these nutes going bad?


Active member
Panop Nice new avatar... I just now read your post above about the PBP... I use PBP grow and bloom ferts from a sample pack but the weird thing is the PBPG, LK and PBPB were all purchased last year for my allready started outdoor grow (about 8 months ago)
My other nutes are older... about a year and a half... but I am Mr. El Cheapo and since I want to eat/sleep in a house rather than grow my plants... I dont have a whole lot of money to replace ferts...


Sneak attack critical
He stored all of his gardening supplies in an outdoor shed, where temperatures weren't properly maintained. It might've gotten too hot during the summer, but I'm not sure what exactly caused it to go bad...

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