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Old nutes turn lethal


Active member
capt. kirk ... no ; their website did not list an email address OR a phone number . to hell with them, anyways . i only bought their overpriced stuff because i was a raw rookie and didnt know squat . i will be making my own in future .


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
my local hydro shop guy offered to replace them for me when i explained what happened but i said that i wouldnt be using them FF products again so no need to replace :).
TaprootErection wrote:

Was wondering how long the shelflife is for EarthJuice Bloom?
thank you

"Weve effective samples from 1991 . . .

If keep in a cool area out of direct sunlight it should store for many years.
Only keep in mind it may outlast the plastic bottles.

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Active member
sproutco said:
Keep your nutes in the refrigerator and this thread would not exist. Peace.

WRONG AGAIN sproutcrapo - At least if you talk with the manafacturer - 2 years from date of manafacture for Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. And while I'm sure cool temps will help, the factory mentions nothing like that. But they don't have your experience - - opps that's right you just give advice and buy weed you don't grow it. (The local retailer says shelf life is 1 year - this tells me where to look for the problem.)

I suspect they know a hell of a lot - and have grown a hell of a lot more tha you. And they don't use stump remover, Borax or battery acid -- immagine that.

Your ineptitude does not change the fact that this info NEEDS TO BE CLEARLY LISTED on the package. That is the point of this thread - and to positivly identify products that can change and become detrimental to our gardens. If for no other reason than for the continued health of our gardens - that rules you out again sproutcrapo

It was also mentioned above some have had the ferts solidify into crystals in the bottle - Mine have no crystals yet and if anybody wants a qt and a half of old Tiger Bloom and whats left of a gallon of Big Bloom - and will pay shipping - they can prove it to them selfs.
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Active member
not true, sprout . i bought my earth juice last summer and used it immediately AND kept it cool from day 1 . i cant ABSOLUTELY say that my problems were nute related ... BUT ... every time i used it the plants reacted poorly.
capt. kirk ... i was referring to the earth juice website .


Sorry dude, I agree that these ferts need to be dated with an expiration date. Just checked all my Canna stuff - all dated with the earliest expiration being 12/2008. The problem may not be that the manufacturers are selling dated product, it may be that the distributers aren't rotating their stock. FIFO, good - LIFO bad. Just a thought.

Monku Bakatare

New member
Wow, I'm glad I stumbled across this thread. I too was using FF, and all my plants were loosing all the green about 3 weeks into flower. I couldn't figure it out, as it was doing it with 3 different strains. I did store my nutes in my closet for a few weeks when I first got them, so it may be my fault, but I will not use FF products again without an expiration date. Now to get some new nutes and see what I can salvage.


Active member
Well I can tell ya that I used a product from AN on my last grow and it ruined my grow. I used them correctly and all the plants I used it on were affected. No expiration date on the product.
Since I have read where other people have used this product and it did well for them, I can only assume it went bad.

I have a bottle of Alaska Fish Ferts with no date. It is getting thicker and thicker. Could this be a problem?

btw...a funny thing, it says deodorized fish emulsion, wonder how it would smell if it wasn't deodorized cuz it already stinks to high heaven.
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Active member
pieceofmyheart said:
btw...a funny thing, it says deodorized fish emulsion, wonder how it would smell if it wasn't deodorized cuz it already stinks to high heaven.

Bout enought to gag a maggot darlin'

My fish juice is nearing a year old; still works fine. - - that is the point of theis thread people,, not all nutes become lethal but those that do, could have been on the shelf for thier entire usable life and you walk in the door to buy a product that may be out of date already.

With out clearly readable dates on tha package - it is a crapshoot as to the lenght of time it will be useable -and we get no prior warning until the garden starts to take a crap

I'm trying to get an apointment with Foxfarms next week, they know what good customer relations are about. I know it's easier to keep a customer than to get a new one. Dated packaging would do better at both catagories.

Be alert

the world needs more lerts
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Active member
Hello all,

POMH, I too had a Alaska fish squeezins on my first grow that was as thick as Mississippi mud - maybe thicker (although more pleasingly fragrant then Miss. mud). Had nothing but troubles the first few grows because I was using this stuff.

I tossed it, went to using ewc/guano/molasses/kelp teas and got a fresh bottle to suppliment my teas and not have had any troubles.

Also, always shake the bottle thoroughly to mix what settles to the bottom.

Captain, if you get in to see them, drop that you are involved in multiple on-line gardening communites and that this subject is of major concern to many many other people.

I say this because as you have mentioned public relations are a key operating componant of the business. So, if they beleive your words will reach a large percentage of thier customer base perhaps this will have some positive impact.



New member
I agree, dates need to be mandatory and its our job as consumers to press the mfgs on this.

I now have several bottles that'll just get tossed.

for example GH Flora Nova only lasts a year (when properly stored)
I have had a gallon of Flora Nova grow for the last 20+ months.

It works fine to this day.

I store it at room temperature.

Who knows how long it sat in the hydro shop before I bought it.

Tiger Bloom killed my plants immediately after I used it in an old soil grow a couple years ago.

I later found out it has a pH that is super low, and you need to add a bunch of pH up to bring it into range after you mix it.
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Damn...glad I read this. I am about 2 weeks away from having to use ferts, and would have used some that were over a year old.

I wrote Foxfarm an email. Here it is, short and sweet:

Dear Foxfarm,

I just learned on a web forum that your fertilizer products are perishable, and that you don't bother to put a "use by" date on the packaging. I also learned that if your fertilizers go bad, and they are used on plants, that they can damage and even kill those plants.

You can count me as one customer who will never by your products again, at least until you start to do the honorable thing and put an expiration date on the containers.


A Disgruntled Customer

Feel free to use copy and paste.
wow....i thought i was crazy!
i bought some GH Micro, bloom, gro, brand new from the store,
i noticed the micro was very thick and weird texture, and the pink bloom had stuff floating inside the liquid, i used it anyway and my babies got sick :'( :puppydoge :. i assumed it was mold, brought it back to my hydroshop and the guy working there said they dont go bad, he never heard of it going bad, it wasn't organic, it was just salts. blah blah.:nono:
Well I didnt take his word for it, i bought a new bottle of micro, and bloom. The new bottles were exactly how they should be, no shit floating in the bloom, and no irregular texture in the micro. And my babies looked healthy again.:yes:
Moral of the story, always check your nutrients before using them. If they LOOK bad, chances are they ARE bad. Nutrients do go bad, and dont trust the sales people at hydroshops. LOL


I use Fox Farms regurarly -

If the bottles start to get old - I'll use them on the lawn.

The green green grass of home


Plant Manager
Hal said:
Damn...glad I read this. I am about 2 weeks away from having to use ferts, and would have used some that were over a year old.

I wrote Foxfarm an email. Here it is, short and sweet:

Dear Foxfarm,

I just learned on a web forum that your fertilizer products are perishable, and that you don't bother to put a "use by" date on the packaging. I also learned that if your fertilizers go bad, and they are used on plants, that they can damage and even kill those plants.

You can count me as one customer who will never by your products again, at least until you start to do the honorable thing and put an expiration date on the containers.


A Disgruntled Customer

Feel free to use copy and paste.

yep...thats the way to get date codes put on the bottles. You guys are funny :) lol OF COURSE they are perishable...even vaccum sealed foods that are meant for long term storage are eventually perishable.

Liquid plant foods have an approximate date of expiration. It's not the time in itself that negatively affects the product. It's what happens to that product during that time. If your nutes are stored properly and are not contaminated, they should work fine long after 2 years. The problem is that once these nutes are bottled and shipped off to the wholesalers, then it is out of foxfarms hands. They no longer have control over storage conditions at the wholesaler or the retailer, much less once you get your bottle home and break the seal.

My point is that date codes will help, but don't get mad at the mfr's when you get bad product. More than likely it is the wholesalers fault for not storing the product properly or for not rotating their stock properly. Another problem is that they order too much (in order to get discount from mfr) and the products end up sitting in their warehouses too long (exposed to cold and heat). Then once it is sold to the retailers, who knows how they store their products. I know I visited a store recently where I noticed they had their heating unit blowing hot, I mean HOT air from the furnace into the store and directly onto one of the shelfs of ferts. Guess which brand it was...FOXFARM! I have no doubt in my mind that the excess heat and cold has ruined every single bottle on that shelf. In that case...is it still FoxFarm's fault? What if that was fresh product with a date code saying so...Would that date code have solved that problem? NO!!!

Batch codes are a great thing, and we should all be pushing for batch codes, but without hostility or pointing fingers. Perishable products go bad...it happens, but not because of time itself, because of what happens during that time.

If you have a problem with one of your nutes going bad...and you suspect it is because of poor storage or lengthy storage...call up your store and ask them to replace or refund. I bet that most will comply. If they don't shop somewhere else. If the store doesn't help, call the mfr...and be nice about it. More times than not you will get free FRESH product asap.

medical_breeder said:
only one maker ive seen puts dates on there bottle and thats general hydroponics

you didn't look hard enough. I can name several just off the top of my head that use batch codes.
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