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octagon growketel project 800w


Active member
Howzit brother..?? Nice updates the octagon is kicking bootay.. This pic is great... Yea around day 40ish thru 49 it seems nugsz stall a bit.. Then BAM they gain weight like rosie odonell.. Great work... be back later.. peace.



yeah they keep on fattnin up now - and the chronic is getting mad chunkyyy :joint:

Those are some great pics, definitely overgrown a little bit.

Not one to worry you, but i would definitely look into trimming a bit, to ensure the plants have plenty of airflow. Basically the bottom 1/3rd can go.

i did some trimming already but i guess with the fat vent above everything is goin to be alright!


Active member
Nice go at it, Mr Jones. You're making me spin off with ideas...

always nice to inspire other ppl!

yesterday night i took out 2 shiva skunk pipes and flushed them - they are staying another 3 days in the dark and are then ready to be harvested - the chronic is just insane and so i split them off and there are 2 walls now with just one pipe chronic which should boost yield by some factor ... well lets see how close i get to 1gpw :nanana:

pictures are coming in 3 days (harvest time already - its all so confusing)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Man O man They are looking friggn awesome the white widow looks frosty and like the kicker of ass.. hehe.. chronic is looking like she is going to get bigger And the shiva skunk is doing her own thang looks like she may be bigger than the others yea? Wow good stuff, be back sooner than later.. peace.



Active member
so today i harvested the first shiva skunk wall - about 90g wet and i hope this is going to be one of the not so good yielding walls because 20g dry each wall would result in 160g dry and that hardly would be worth the effort put in! :nanana: the chronic is growing some sweet buds

and i did test smoke the shiva skunk and well - its the one (or migh be) - since it was fast dried i can just tell that it has a very balanced effect settles to some kind of trip ... and then BAM - well im to stoned to continue



Active member
so now 2 days ago was big chop! - since im running out of time i had to do it even tho some of the plants could have gone a little longer!

just some impressions before it got torn down:

the stems:

chronic wall:

super skunk:

white widow:

the inside:

the top:

i have seen no bud rot yet - the chronic will throw down some serious weight - the white widow did much better than i expected ... im very happy at the moment!
but the most interresting thing will be to have the final weight

very nice i would like to try a vert grow if you get 250 g thatd be quite nice

but i dont think its gonna be around 250 but there is a fair chance to get close to 200 i guess. generally 250 are possible with the right strain and if i would use the system again i would go for chronic only ... some modifications i would do would be 3 rows only and 20cm larger diametre! maybe even i would try to improve the feeding system (goin aero or smth.) and other nutrients

but if done this i would guess its possible to overshoot 1gpw by far


Active member

so now everything is dry and i can talk about my experience with this system!

first up im gonna talk about the yield:
i had 4 diffrent strains going - 2 walls of chronic and shiva skunk - 2 1/2 walls white widow and 1 1/4 super skunk the last 1/4 was some sensi star (which im not gonna take into consideration)
i knew from the beginning on that the white widow was not suitable for this system and this was now confirmed now. the widow cut i got is a quality one which doesnt produce well at all - we smoked a minimal amount and i was to stoned to work on for about 2 hours, it was a crazy experience - denfinetly one of the strongest this far but my major goal was to have a very high yield from 250w and the widow did fail 2 1/2 walls gave me just about 40g dry (i was shocked when i saw the numbers on the scale) - thats just 16g per wall (and it did take over a lot of space in the system due to the very high growth rate it had)


the next one was shiva skunk which obviously had the same problems as the white widow had - it produced very nice buds and had a lot of space but well - gave me ONLY 15g per wall which really did disappoint me - unlike the yield the quality seems to be a very good one - a more of a relaxed stone but still very strong and i did take a picture of what i smoked just to give you an idea of which kind of amounts im talking about:

but still - the yield was shitty as hell

shiva skunk does not seem to be the big producer im searching for!

the next strain im gonna talk about is a very well known commercial strain and well it did impress me: chronic - it gave me a yield which is about 30g per wall so if i would have run the system chronic only i might have ended up with about 240g dry which would have been incredible. i cant say much about the quality because i couldnt really try it out yet.

the last strain was the biggest suprise yet: super skunk - it pretty much didnt get ny light because it was too short of a plant and the chronic and widow beside it took nearly all the light. when i took down the plants i looked at the buds and was like: its gonna be alright - maybe 15g or 20 - now i trimmed it today and i wasnt impressed either - didnt look much to me - and then i threw it on the scale and it said: 30g - i couldnt belive it and took a look at the scale because it obviously didnt work right but the next measurement was exactly the same! so 24g per wall - not bad for a couple of plants which didnt get much light.

so i now end up with 160g dry and well its a ok result but i would have expected at least over 180g but i guess there are several reasons for my ''failure'':

-wrong strain choice
-overgrown system
-first time in use
-old bulb

dope pictues gonna follow!

so long - if there are questions please ask!

for my 800w project: its not gonna happen in the next time because of two reasons - i dont have a whole room for growing only anymore and the results i got from this system werent good enough to have a big one build.

im thinking about running the 250w again (super skunk and chronic each 4 walls) and maybe in the future even gonna build a rotogrow (maybe)

lets see - cheers


Next Stop: Outer Space!
My strains aren't very close to done right now, so 160g of quality pot sounds awesome right now! Hell, 10 grams of pot sounds sweet right now. Having no smoke sucks, and this at least has given you about a third of a pound off 250W. That's more than survivable. Even if that's the best it ever did, it'd pay for the light and the cabinet. Sounds like if you go with the Chronic and maybe the Super Skunk, maybe you'll reach the numbers you really are after. For a first run of a new system made from scratch, I'd say those results are not weak at all.


Thanks for the update. 160grams is not bad for a 250watt. I know the next round your gonna kill it once you make the needed changes.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Kinda bitter sweet chop it sounds like. At least there were some variables that you knew of so that makes it a lil better.. But the weight ya pulled was a lil disappointing, But it seems like you knew that might happen.. I think your next grow will rock out, and you will get much better results... I have a friend who has a coliseum and grew some sour diesel and some purple kush and had great results with those two in a similar setup... Anyhow brother i enjoyed your grow.. And will be there to watch your next one as well great work.. peace..


one Q

If I may add to your set up w/ the best intentions

If I may add to your set up w/ the best intentions

How do you keep the hydroton in the tube when you tilt the tubes down? hmm
May I suggest:
-Capping them w/ a regular cap w/ a proper hole cut to fit the drip line.
Make the hole oval so that you can lift/spin the dripper then drop the wall.
-Add a chain to the wall so that you can drop it to a set height and just work on the girls
-add a curved piece of wire mesh at the top to scrog a dome like an " r[/SIZE] " that you can train to and not have to stuff back any longer.

Your grow was/is great and you know youll blow up once its fine tuned. With 250s the difference between old and new bulbs is HUGE.

Good luck hope to see an new thread with all ONE strain or just 1/2 and 1/2 and see how to get the most of that kettle.

Dope shit Sir Jones. Peace

Q uality