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Nutrients and Additives (UK)


If anyone fancies copying a commercial nute product they like using, here is a site that lists the NPK and other elements of a huge range of commercial products, all the Advanced Nutrients stuff is listed, even the old, discontinued products:



Read the label, it lists the ingredients, it only has two basic horticultural salts in it!

Here is a recipe to make a litre of AN Hammerhead (the original 0-9-18 formula, not the watered-down shit they sell today or the new version that for some crazy reason has nitrogen in it!)

Soluble Potash 0-0-60 - 91.8 grams
Mono-potassium phosphate MKP 0-52-34 - 78.2 grams
distilled H2O 0-0-0 830 grams

This will give you 0-9-18 within a percentage point

Add the potash first and stir vigorously as it has low solubility. Then add the MPK.

I paid 2.49 for 2.5 litres of distilled water in Tescos and 6 quid for a kilo of MPK powder from ebay, I got the potash from my local garden centre, 4.99 for a 1.25 kilos.


I can make ten litres of 0-9-18 PK booster for less than the price of one bottle of AN Hammerhead, and as AN have now diluted Hammerhead down to 0-4-8, it is more than twenty times more cost effective to make my own!.

This is what replaced the original Hammerhead:


They watered it down to half strength and hiked the price a couple of quid, I tells ya, AN are utter bastards who don't deserve one penny from us!

Now they are releasing a new formulation of Hammerhead that looks like utter shit, it now has nitrogen in it and the wrong ratio of P to K, if people weren't so stupid and ignorant, they wouldn't get away with crap like this!


I can't do anything about people's stupidity, but threads like this can remove their ignorance and hopefully save them from being ripped off by bastards like Mike Straumietis!


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I was pissed when funkymonkey's mate BH done disappearing act, as he knew all this kind of stuff too! Was a real loss for me @ the time as I was reading many of his postings on nutes.

I'm just glad he managed to pass it onto u funkey before trotting off to find the holy grail of cannabis strains in far and inhospitable lands :D lmao!


Glad to be of some help! Last i heard he was debating whether to keep smoking cos he'd met a woman who he liked a lot but didn't approve of him smoking at all. He'll see sense in the end I'm sure and come back to the fold!


Let us know how it works out for ya Herb, glad someone found at least a wee bit of that info useful.

Two reasons I recommended it:

1. It's the most concentrated Potassium Silicate I could find and as all the other silica products are just the same thing, the most concentrated at the best price is the one to choose.

2. It's from a small English company and we should try to support people like that instead of big companies who lie to use and rip us off.

Dr. D

Active member
Just ordered me self some Potsil. Thanks for that

I was thinking about grabbing some of that as well.
Would you still use silicone with this?

Thanks for posting up all the info FM, very interesting to know and useful stuff...Peace


Potsil is silicone. It is a direct replacement for the cannabis specific silicon products such as AN Rhinoskin, Dutchmaster Silica+, Budlink etc. They are all just potassium silicate disolved in water.

Glad it is interesting.


saw potsil a while ago never got round to getting it herbalizer where you grab yours?
while on subject after looking online found a few might be usefull to someone

Coffee Ground Fertilizer

Use in Place Of:
Rose plant food
What You Need:

* Used coffee groundsA
* cookie SheetNewspaper

1. Line a cookie sheet with newspaper.
2. Then, spread your used coffee grounds out on the sheet, and allow them to dry completely.
3. Sprinkle the grounds around the base of your acid-loving plants. Azaleas, roses, rhododendrons and blueberries are just some of the plants that will benefit from this treatment.
Note: Be careful not to over do it with the grounds. Even acid-loving plants can get too much acid.
Why This Works:
Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, magnesium, and potassium – all important plant nutrients. They are also acidic, and help to maintain the acidity of the soil.

Egg Shell Fertilizer

Use in Place Of:
What You Need:

* Egg ShellsA
* blender

What You Do:
1. Save your eggs shells, and allow them to air dry.
2. Then, place the dried shells in the blender, and pulse until they are powdery-fine.
3. Sprinkle in your garden.
Why This Works:
Eggs shells are made up almost entirely of calcium carbonate – the main ingredient in agricultural lime..

one of best ones ive found when growing outside is rabbit dropping cus theyre like little slow release nutes might have to try indoors cus they barely smell


Active member
ive been feeding to much i had it pointed out to me last night. so now i have to learn how to feed minimal rather than getting as much as i can into them without burning.
now i know why my weed doesnt taste proper even with a 3 week flush. i was of the opinion if she aint burning add more then 3 weeks b4 harvest flush her to fuck. but i was still getting left with green leaves. how dumb am i


Well-known member
Dr D as FM says POTsil is Silicone. So no.

And I purchased mine from them direct. Think it works out around £9 inc delivery and VAT. For 2000L (diluted) its a bargain.


Not dumb at all, that was how i always did it. In fact, that is pretty much what I still do, but I cut the N out early and that makes a big difference.


Dr D as FM says POTsil is Silicone. So no.

And I purchased mine from them direct. Think it works out around £9 inc delivery and VAT. For 2000L (diluted) its a bargain.

The clue is in the name Potsil, short for Potassium Silicate.

Silicon makes a big difference in hydro and coco, I get really strong thick stems and it really does help the plant fight off moulds and mildews.


Well-known member
Same here. I like to hammer them with the base feeds and additives till week 6 all the time ramping up PKs.

Then I start the Top shooter. This really whacks up the EC, but to use you must lower your base to 1.2 ec. This is for the last 3 feed week and before the 2-3 week flush. You find the N is all gone by 1 week into the TS feeding and before you flush most fan leaves are bright yellow or fallen off.

This ensures a great smoke, nice and clean and free of N. And dam the buds get big.

Its all about finding the happy medium. As if you under N at the beginning you will be forever chasing the N as I say. Drastically effecting yields.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Saw all the same info on the mr.nice forum a few weeks back, just having a go at making my own hammerhead, or i will be as soon as the distilled water arrives. Ive got enough MKP and potash to make over 250L lol.


Same here. I like to hammer them with the base feeds and additives till week 6 all the time ramping up PKs.

Then I start the Top shooter. This really whacks up the EC, but to use you must lower your base to 1.2 ec. This is for the last 3 feed week and before the 2-3 week flush. You find the N is all gone by 1 week into the TS feeding and before you flush most fan leaves are bright yellow or fallen off.

This ensures a great smoke, nice and clean and free of N. And dam the buds get big.

Its all about finding the happy medium. As if you under N at the beginning you will be forever chasing the N as I say. Drastically effecting yields.

Not used Top Shooter but your method sounds the same as mine. Is TS a PK booster? I'm at day 30 of 12/12 today and I'm just starting to ramp up the P and K and reduce the N. Way I see it, P and K grow buds whereas N grows leaves and they are at the point where I don't want to grow any more leaf, I just want them to grow more buds.I feed veg nutes for the first two weeks of bloom then two weeks of bloom nutes then I start adding P and K and slowly tailing off the bloom nutes will upping the PK until last week before the flush they are just getting PK then I flush for only 2 weeks, not 3. I know 3 gives a little bit more smell and taste but I find it reduces yield and it doesn't improve some plants as compared to 2 weeks whereas some really do benefit from a 3 week flush.

Saw all the same info on the mr.nice forum a few weeks back, just having a go at making my own hammerhead, or i will be as soon as the distilled water arrives. Ive got enough MPK and potash to make over 250L lol.

Nice one, let us know how it goes. Remember to put the sulphate of potash in first then add the mpk second.


Active member
can you guys take a breath for a min and educate a dumb ass what the hell is this stuff used for as ive never bothered learning about it what does it do. and im ready for the take the piss out of the norfolk farmer session so fire away. but at least teach me somthing while you rib me. lol


Active member
All cannabis enzyme products are a rip-off and very very dilute.

You can buy enzymes in very much more concentrated form for cleaning septic tanks, unblocking sinks and treating pond algae. Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice, which is very expensive, is nothing more than rebottled septic tank cleaner they buy in bulk.

One good, cheap source of enzymes is this Hagesan Kitchen Sink & Drain unblocker, it's very strong so use it in tiny amounts, about 6 quid for a 750ml bottle and will last you a long time.

this stuff whats it do pleas n thankyou

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