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Nobodyknew's new grow that nobody knew about


Here's a pic of the AK's in the flower room - being guarded by my little battlecat - she doesn't like you getting too close
The AK's are now in Day 10 of 12/12 and getting a lil stinky already..... :joint:

It's hard to sneak up on her



Stinky already? mmmmm thats got to be a good sign :canabis:
ya got to be quick trying to sneak up on kitty cats lol


so let me gewt this right, in this kind of system the roots are just in rockwool cubes or hydroton balls sitting in that there tray that gets flooded at intervals? :chin:
im hopeless i know :bat:


Hey there Leeroy :wave:
The plant gets started in a rockwool cube which then is placed in a 6" net pot which is filled with hydroton balls and then the pot is slammed onto the table - and that's it - no transplanting - ever :joint:
The lazy man's guide to gardening - lol

That should give you an idea

It's an ebb/flow system and the tray gets flooded - as do the pots
It's as easy as falling off a log.......
And very productive too


O.K then
A big hello to 3legdog - don't know how I missed you there - you'd think I'd notice a 3 legged dog running around in my thread but there you go... :confused:

I have decided to confront my seed germing skills? with a head-on approach - lol...
So next victim to be trundled into the killing ground is going to be these

If you should happen across this thread Rez I assure you I will do my utmost to keep these alive but if they die before they germ - don't take it personally.
May I refer everybody to the wholesale seed carnage that has already occurred and beg forgiveness in advance.......
I won't show a pic of the plates - you've seen them before - lol
This time tho - I think I have it sorted..... :joint:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
You got a nice set up there and nobody knew...comes with a security system included..."warning" security system may go offline when the table floods.. :biglaugh:



DSD V2 :canabis:
You sure got some nice seeds comming up :joint:
Im sure your germing will be ok :joint:

My germing just took a nose dive though, i got my seeds to pop up but then they just didnt develope and kinda hung there droopy like :chin:

oh well, lucky i got some plants already in veg i can get clones from so its all good, just more killin' lol :sasmokin:


Lol - Leeroy - between the two of us we have inflicted some heavy casualties on the cannabis population..... :joint:

I guess that makes us BAD MOTHERS....:biglaugh: or in American BAD MUTHAS or if you prefer - in pukka -"I say - it's all too devastating"

If I was a DSDv2 seed at my place right now I'd be.. :badday:


Look out the Brothers Grim are killin' more plants :biglaugh:
hopefully you dont kill those DSD though :spank:
hows the germing comming along?


sorry if i jinxed you NK i wont ask from now on how the seeds are going lol

its bloody cold here too lately :/
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Some of the DSD's have started to crack - updates when the deed is complete - or not - lol......

On a more sombre note a very old and dear friend had his house burgled and along with his guitars and electrical gear they found and took his grow :badday:
I hope they fucking choke on it......he's the same as me - old car crash injuries leading to pain 30 years down the track - shit we were in the same car a couple of times......on the way to the gig and once coming home....
They just took the plants and left his gear - they had so much they probably couldn't fit it in their van - and he was three weeks from harvest :badday:
Anyway to cut a long story short I've given him half my ladies which means I'm now running just the five AK ladies and he has four plus the Bogbubble and seeing as how they are two weeks into flower that leaves him six weeks to go.....
Pics later when I'm a bit happier...... :joint:
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**On a more sombre note a very old and dear friend had his house burgled and along with his guitars and electrical gear they found and took his grow **

wtf? :yoinks: :badday:

man sorry to hear the bad news :(
bloody thieves shit me, i pity the person who tries it in this house il be waiting with a big juicy baseball bat :(

They must have done it when he was not home?
not that it matters either way its bloody ridiculous to just walk into someones home and take stuff :/

if theres anything i can donate later down the track if i get a few female mango cuttings im happy to share them with you guys, they wont be ready for another few weeks though.


Very happy to report that all 10 DSDv2 seeds germinated beautifully - thankyou Rez.... :woohoo:
They seem to be having a little trouble getting rid of their helmets tho it's early days yet - like their five minutes into being on the table - sigh - under the 1000w...

All the AK clones that were slammed on the table have roots showing through the net pots and have been moved into the full strength veg table.

The three NYCD have just now been moved into the flowering room - 2 clones have been taken off each and also slammed straight under the 1000W - lol - it really is sink or swim round here :joint:
The NYCD is yet to be determined if they are boys or girls but it won't be long before they show :chin:

The two blueberry clones also have been thrown into the flower room - there's something about the appearance of the blueberry this time round I've not seen before and just doesn't look right and I'm starting to suspect after all the years of cloning she may just have run her distance.... :chin:
In any case they are in the flower room now to see if that makes them straighten up and fly right

It's a good thing I feel that I scored those D.J.Short True Blueberry seeds after all - and possibly in the nick of time :joint:

That's it for tonight - my mums calling me

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Good news for the DSDv2 seeds man :joint:
Not so good news about the blueberry though, i guess 5 years is a good trot, be sure to show us what those true blueberrys look like when you start growin them, really keen to see what they are like in comparison :chin:

How long do the NYCD flower for?
Say G'day to your mum for me too :D
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O.K then - I've peeled away from the dodgy late night movie and it's time for a bit of an update.....seeing as how there have been some changes....

Thanks for dropping by True - I had a look at your thread re your seed germing and am interested in that root-riot stuff you had but my deadbeat hydro supplier hasn't got that yet - I keep telling him it's 2005 not 1975 but he's slow to react.... :chin:

First up - here's some DSDv2 seeds germing

And here they are in their new homes - popping their little heads up

In my last post I mentioned that the blueberry wasn't looking right and I'm afraid that is still the case
Here's a pic..

Anybody have any suggestions as to what is ailing her - and I don't believe it's a nute deficiency or a ph problem cos here's a pic of the Bogbubble sitting in the tray right beside her

And there's nothing wrong with her...... :chin:

Remember the clones I slammed straight on the table under the 1000W just a little over 16 days ago - well here they are now.....

In the background is the once mutant Lifesaver which is kicking along fine now

Finally - surrounding the not very well Blueberry is the NYCD - still waiting for them to show sex

This is how the Blueberry USED to look

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Active member
That 1 might be on it's way to a slow death so id suggest a few things if ya haven't already figured them out. First cut some of the worst lookn' growth off then flush it with distilled water & check the runoff tds & ph. I think it doesen't like the soil mix even if the other strains did & is locking out everything you feed it which in turn makes feeding it the enemy. Hope i made some sence best of luck & don't forget to after the flush to give it a well balanced properly ph'd feeding till runoff. Take care & best of luck 3ld :wave:
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Lol - she's a sick puppy for sure - which is terribly sad as she has been my pride and joy for the last five years.........
Thanks for your thoughts there 3leg :joint:
I don't grow in soil as there seems to be nothing but problems associated with soil grows - there is only hydroton in the pots in the ebb/flow tray..
PH sits around the 5.8 to 6.0 mark - I don't micro-manage it any more than that.....
She definitely isn't overnuted - been growing her for five years and have her down to a tee.....
And it's a recycling system so basically there is no run-off.... :chin:
It's a puzzle to me - I think after five years of cloning the arse off her just maybe she wants to go to that big garden in the sky....
Any other ideas out there - anybody see this sort of thing happen before...?


Here's a close-up of a 16 day-old AK-47 clone
Remember these were slammed on the table under a 1000W at barely 5 minutes old with no aero-cloners,no humidity domes,no foliar feeding, no hardening-off and definitely no misting - lol

Which just goes to show what a tough bastard cannabis is and how well it grows in spite of all the help we give it...... :joint:
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