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Nobodyknew's new grow that nobody knew about



granted im only running one single 400watt hps, so maybe you can place something between the germ p[lates and the 1000watter so it doesnt cook em, but still gives em heat? :chin:

Are you cutting clones already>?
holy smokes your moving right along....


Hi(gh) Sack - thanks for dropping in and apologies for upsetting you with my seed-killing skills - I'm a little distressed myself.....
Still undecided which poor sap will get trundled into the killing ground next - I have two packs of Rez's DSDv2 and I was thinking of chancing one of them next :confused:
Tell you the truth my confidence has been somewhat shattered and at the moment I think I'm a little gun-shy.....

It was round about now I thought it prudent to make some notes......
I divided them into three categories - desirable - average - not desirable
This is only for the AK's which at this stage are still unsexed
It worked out this way
Desirable: No. 10, 1, 8, 2
Average: 6, 3, 7, 9, 5
Not desirable: 4

Later - when they are sexed - I will use these notes in determining final mother-plant selection - and once discovered you can be sure I'll be cloning the shit out of that.......... :joint:

Here's a pic of the mutant Lifesaver - the only one I got.........

I'll keep it growing just to see what happens with it - crazy arse little plant :moon:

This is how the AK's are looking at Day 18

I'll be cloning them shortly - normally I would send the clones into the flower-room to identify the girls from the boys but because this is my first grow of the AK and I am searching for the best mother this time round I will send the seedlings into the flower-room and veg. the clones.
I feel you can't really judge a mother till after you have cured the buds and smoke-tested the results which means I will have to keep all the ladies going in veg.(via clones) until that has been determined.
I propose to do the same with all the strains I am growing unless anyone has a better way......?


To help you get your head around hydro Leeroy I'll show you the stuff I use - it's pretty basic.......
Here's a pic of the res I use under each table - it holds 80 litres

The metal frame around it just supports the table when it floods

This is the pump I use in each res.

Two one-metre square tables
Forgot to mention - check out the carpeted floor - so civilised :joint:

And these things just to know for sure what's happenin

That's pretty much it - and a light of course :chin:
You can fit 36 of those pots I'm using into one tray if you want........


:wave: Alls lookin well :joint: I have always wanted to try hydro. I think that the is the best (and easiest ) set up. I like how u can add plants when u like :sasmokin:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
nobodyknew - kickass setup man! Thanks for taking the time to post your grow - I'm pulling up a seat. They grow fast, don't they? And you sure have a killer selection of genetics to work. Your AKs look like they're getting ready to zoom... :yes:


man its good to "see" your grow.
It makes the penny drop a bit more in this rusty head of mine :joint:

Ive come down with a killer flu :(
just got over a violent fever and still alot of crap inside feels like it wants out.

This is the first time ive been online for a few days,so i thought i better stop in and say im still alive and ill be heading down to the you know what, to do the you know what, soon as i can drag my sorry ass out of bed tomorrow.


Shit Leeroy - stay in bed......
I managed to get sorted so no drama.......... :joint:
I had that flu myself a couple of weeks ago - blowing disgusting shit out of my nose for two weeks solid - thought it was never going to end :badday:
Hope you feel better soon :wave:


Hey there SkunkyDemon - thanks for dropping by... :wave:
I like hydro too cos it IS so easy - and being a stoner and a musician it all adds up to the path of least resistance - which is the only way it is ever going to happen at my place - lol
Plus I have a neck injury and can't be lifting anything over 5 kilo's (thankyou Lord for inventing roadies - lol ) so that's soil grows out the window straight away in any case..... :chin:
The system I use - tho basic in the extreme - works well for me with virtually no physical effort required on my part.... :joint:
And :wave: to you Mr.GreenJeans - the SatCat himself
They do grow fast - once I'm past killing the seeds :pointlaug
Feel like such an idiot - but - that's life - and it moves right along...

This update will bring us up-to-date and into real-time :yoinks:
First up it was cloning time for the AK's - which I might add - are going gangbusters :yummy:
I decided to take two clones off each plant - even tho they are still unsexed at this stage - cos I'm looking for some numbers quickly not much further down the track and some will,of course, be boys :yoinks:
Once the girls identify themselves I will take two more clones off each of the ladies - while preserving their modesty at all times - lol
I take all my clones from the bottom of the plant - I believe they root faster - not saying that's how it is - just saying that's what I believe......:wink:
So - that's 20 clones - in the pots - on the table

Here's how they look to start - when this was taken the last clone had been in the pot maybe five minutes....

And here's how the donor plants look straight after that - in their new home - the flower room

Today the AK's in the flower room go over to 12/12 cycle and we'll let the sexing begin :chin:
I have no plans to keep a male AK so once identified they will become bubble-hash :lurk:
At this point the AK's are at Day 25 from seed-germination

Dr Watt

Who What
nobodyknew :wave: great range of seeds, a few kilowatts, and a few spare metres :joint:

As I see it your Ebb&Flow tables sit in a larger room with air exchange between the two. This can work well to offsett the high heat that can occur at 100w/ft :joint:

Regarding mother selection, yeh, I clone all and crop the seed stock. The backup clones will grow large by the first seed crop so I often flower them all a second time. You can accurately choose your mother from just one crop imo. You may go to more trouble with hunches like flavour that require curing time but positive attributes will be evident early in the dry imo ...:joint:

A large heater bed with thermostat is excellent for germination and cloning. The no fuss approach would works fine with one. I'd start with 1/4 strength food but you've got plenty up and going:joint:
Good luck and chow for now :hotbounce


Very observant of you there johnstreet :joint:
You're right - both flower rooms used to be bedrooms - and not a bad size either - whereas my veg.room is actually a study running off the master bedroom - which is huge - that would be mine - lol.... :joint:
I have plans for my bedroom down the track - I've still got one spare I could move into...
Thanks for dropping in.... :wave:


Can't forget the other stuff going on
Here's a pic of whats left in the veg.room

At the top of the pic is the two blueberry clones - as you can see one of them is struggling a little - she has roots and all - but the vigour of growth is somewhat lacking - compared to her sister - and is not a trait I wish to perpetuate - so she probably won't be around for much longer...... :chin:

The three plants to the right are the surviving NYCD - no complaints there - they're coming along nicely :woohoo:

The two larger plants are the Bogbubble - there is still a third but it is at least two weeks behind it's siblings - being a late bloomer and everthang.....

When these pics were taken it was Day 14 for the NYCD and the Lifesaver mutant plant
Here's a pic of it - there might be hope for it yet

Here is a pic of the AK just before cloning

And that brings us up to the current state of play.....


**but the vigour of growth is somewhat lacking compared to her sister - and is not a trait I wish to perpetuate - so she probably won't be around for much longer...... **

dont toss her onto the choppingblock yet mate, if your going to be-head her why not send her over my way, im sure i can make good use of her :D :joint:
She is a blueberry after all, i couldnt handle it if you killed her :eek:

It seems i have been granted temporary life, or maybe its the eye of this flu storm? all i know is i can see the screen and im not feeling like death on a stick so im going to go surf around the grow forums and take in the sights :joint:


. :woohoo:
Just got back from the flower room cos I figured if I moseyed on down there I just may be able to identify the boys from the girls - and indeed it was so....

Very happy to report that out of the 10 AK-47 seeds I have been blessed with nine ladies - and one male already proudly displaying his nuts :moon:

Will be cloning the larger Bogbubble tonight and seeing as how Mr.AK-47 No.5 will be leaving a space in the flower table I can see a Bogbubble plant slipping in there neatly... :joint:

Which also means I didn't totally waste my time cloning everything twice - lol
All I'll be losing is two AK No.5 clones :woohoo:

Pic updates a bit later


:wave: Leeroy - thanks for dropping by......
It was a great ratio - especially considering I gave 5 away (there is 15 in a pack) to someone on another site a while back - so 9 out of 10 - I'm stoked :woohoo:
Plus I have 18 clones backing up to go into the flower room shortly - which is just as well cos as you know - I've run out of cannabis :yoinks: :yoinks:
First time in years - still feeling a little edgy but happier now with something in the works :yummy:
Thanks for looking in sleepy :wave:
I guess after the seed slaughter the Gods took pity on me - lol

The Gods have really blessed me tonight cos when I went into the veg. room to have a look at the big Bogbubble it was unmistakeable that SHE is a lady :yummy:
So I took 4 clones off her and she is now in the same tray the AK's are in and the clones are in the clone tray - wilting under the 1000W - lol

Here's the Bogbubble just before I cloned her

Here's a couple of pics of useless Mr.AK-47 No.5 root system

And here's the rest of the roots

A pic of the three NYCD - they are coming along fine at Day 16 now

The blueberry clone

The clones

And that's it for tonight - I feel like I'm kicking gold :joint:

Gotta go - dinner is being served - lol



Man that Bogbubble is looking fine!
Good one about all the females in your house :yummy: :spank: :sasmokin:


Active member
A fine grow indeed & nice choice of strains :canabis:. I have had some tuff luck with seedlings/germination over the years also but never give up & always learn something from my mistakes. Great grows nobodyknew take care 3ld :wave: