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Nightstand micro grow Lowryder2 x Diesel


Id love a report on the LR smoke. I hear it was woeful in the first few generations but is getting better with more cross breeding.
A dry weight per plant/ no of seeds per plant (if its for a seed bank) would also be awesome.

Beautiful woodwork by the way.


Nightstand micro grow Lowryder2 x Diesel *Finished*

Nightstand micro grow Lowryder2 x Diesel *Finished*

Harvest day........last foto.......smile little girls. :jump:


It looks like there will be about 50-75 seeds. I picked these out and have them germinating as I type

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Nightstand micro grow Lowryder2 x Diesel *FINISHED*

Nightstand micro grow Lowryder2 x Diesel *FINISHED*

I will give a dry weight in a week or so. It seems as though I will have 50-75 seeds based on my estimation. I plan on restarting a perpetual harvest system strongly influenced by DrBudsGreenGenes soda bottle method.
cool man gj on the harvest and pls give a good smoke report. also im not sure how the autoflowers will react to the small containers drbud uses , but will see.id try and get some cheap 2liter soda bottles and try and see how many you can squeeze in there maybe 6? if not that get them in as much soil as possible from seed and grow in that container w/o transplanting.who knows try it your way, i might have to steal your idea . its cool to see how they reacted with such little light...af are the future that diesel ryder is suppose to be at ~ 19% thc alot stronger than the original lowryder thread i saw on og , its come along way since.


thanks for all the input you guys. I am happy with that little thing. right now i'm waiting on some of the seeds i harvested to germinate. i'm going to start a perpetual harvest. my plan is to sow 6 seeds per week. of those six, statistically i should get 3 females. i'll repeat that process every week until i get the cab full of 18 female plants (my estimate of the number of plants that it will hold doing the DrBudGreengenes soda bottle method). What i'm thinking now is that i will make another nightstand for determining sex and then transfer the females to this nightsand. I will use nightstand B to also make seeds. ahhhhh.....BIG plans. This is fun stuff this micro grow business!!!
Very crafty work on the case man' very slick and clean. Keep up with what you are doin' and make sure you post future grows of this little bad boy at work once you get it up to prime perpetual harvest
Yo Jennee,

Great grow, hats off to you! Glad you made seeds...as the old timers say, "Get 10 seeds, make 10,000!" I think you may want to wait to germ those seeds. Usually the seeds need to "cure" for about 30-45 days. I made some BlueberryxMangoxHashPlant seeds about a year ago. I germed a few about 2 weeks after harvest, they all died. They didn't make it past popping through the soil. I decided to try again and I germed 10 two days ago, 9 popped.


thanks for the advice on the seeds. i had read something about that, and as a true enthusiast wanting to keep the process marching, i just had to try. no problem though, there will be plenty left over to cure and use in the future. i still have plenty of old stock left over from my 600w grow to keep me happy until this process can take shape. i do love my little nightstand and i look forward to a very beautiful friendship with it.


Harvest report.......final dry weight was 9.4 grams. Not bad for those two little plants.

Number of seeds: 326.....again, not bad for those two little plants.

Weight of seeds: 4.2 grams

Total smoke yield: 5.2 grams

Smoke report: Excellent aroma. Smell lingers in pipe and taste fruity/spicy lingers in mouth and makes you want to smoke more. The high is exceptional. I have grown blueberry, jack herrer, skunk#1, G-13, Love potion #1, just to name a few. This little Lowryder x Diesel 2 has proven to be very unique, very potent, and an overall joy. For my first smoke session/test, I invited my ex over to hang out. We smoked some of this and went out to eat. We had the best meal of our lives and the restaurant felt warm, fuzzy, cozy, cushiony, and for a while I could not remember which city I was in.

I have calculated that i can grow 15 of these Lowryder Diesel plants in the little Nightstand harvesting roughly two per week. Multiply that by the 8 week cycle and we're talking roughly 76 g every two months (a little over 2.5 ounces). Of course that is considering that each future plant grows in a similar fashion. For my next many cycles there will be no seed production. FEMALES only! I can't wait to see what these little things do when they don't have to focus energy on seed production.



jennee, that is one hell of a grow box, hidden in plain sight, i love it.

Just wondering what spectrum the cfl's were with an autoflower strain. 2700k or 6500k, or a mix of both?
im glad you made seeds, its always cool to have a bunch of lowryders around. i made a bunch of original lowryder crossed with white widow from nirvana like 4 years ago and have grown the seeds out since but only about a quater of them were autoflowering. Most of the seeds i gave to other growers and some people said it was about 50%.


im glad you made seeds, its always cool to have a bunch of lowryders around. i made a bunch of original lowryder crossed with white widow from nirvana like 4 years ago and have grown the seeds out since but only about a quater of them were autoflowering. Most of the seeds i gave to other growers and some people said it was about 50%.

See I would like to make some crosses its just that I need to space to do it. :(

Where is everyone getting these lowryder crosses.
I really want the diesel ryder and the ak47 ryder. But there out of stock.

Only cross I got is Master low. I wish I could find more lowryder seeds.


basscadet.......i used 6500k bulbs during veg and switched over to a mix of (2) 2700k/ (1)6500k for flower. i have a new batch going on day 7 will post pics tomorrow.
where did you get the lowryder x diesel i want some the cab looks sweet by the way and dont you just love micro its so much fun

Bean Curd

Awesome lil grow jennee, what size containers did you use to grow those diesel ryders in? thanks!


Organicmunk: I got the seeds from Dr.Chronic. Honestly from the "ten" seeds i paid for only 8 showed up. Of those 8 only 4 germed and two of tose were females. I left the males in to make seeds and now I have 320 seeds.

Beancurd: I started the first run out little yogurt containers. At some point....maybe 4th week I transplanted to some flower pot containers since I only had two females and I had alot of room. This run I am germinating them mostly in the same yogurt containers and I'm going to transplant them around week 2 to the soda bottle like DRBUD GREENGENES.

OK Folks......the seed run was very successful and now I have some new babies at day 7. All the seeds are germinating (after I let them sit for 45 days and let them cure, dry out). These little babies just popped right up and look happy. Excited to do a second run, start a perpetual harvest, and see what these little diesel ryders do without focusing energy on seed production. Pull up your chairs and popcorn.......


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