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Nightstand micro grow Lowryder2 x Diesel


half cat half man half baked
Looking good jennee. Are you planning on switching to 12/12 soon? Some strains will triple their size once it happens and we'd hate to see you run out of room!


This is auto-flowering strain. It is Lowryder #2 crossed with Soma's NYC Diesel. I have always wanted to grow an autoflowering strain and since I have this small nightstand as my micro grow chamber it is a perfect fit. They are already showing their sex. There are two boys and two girls. Of course, the two boys are the taller ones in the photos. they always grow quicker than the ladies.

I plan on leaving the healthiest one of the two males in with the girls and getting some seeds. I have been growing since 2001 and have never witnessed the wole fertilization process. I have read about it countless times in my stacks of numerous mj books and magazines. I'm quite eager to see how it turns out.


New member
Lowryder doesn't need a dark period to induce flowering, so you can just let them run 24/7 until done.

If you read all the posts you will see that the grower is going to make seeds.


Active member
Good luck with the Diesel Ryders. I might want to grow that strain next, so I'm following your adventure here. I like the positive effects of LR2 has on every cross where it's used.



I just switched the nutes to a flowering formula by Flora Nova (usually i let plants have a Veg formula for the first two weeks of flower because of the nitrogen requirements they still have during that time).

As they usually do, the male plants are outgrowing the females at an incredible pace....just look at the last 5 days. Eventually I will remove one of them.

Nav here, just checking in....you got some nice lookin' males. I would flush them real good and then give them a dose of calcium & magnesium, i use botanicare's Cal-Mag, 5ml/gal H2 O two weeks into flowering. Then the next watering maybe 2 days? use plain water, then fertilize with your flowering nutes as normal in about 3 more days. Works like a charm, proof's in the puddin' check out my bomb shelter(Harvesting Now)

Hope the females do as well! never experienced how the AF strains work, i have some good diesel genetics to cross your seeds with....PM me sometime! I gotta get back to work now, in the middle of harvesting the bomb shelter! Cheers!

Good Luck, looks great!
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New member
Nice setup :) But you keep them too far from the light. Too many light is wasted. Give glass to the box and you must take bigger bowl to make some root space. This is wery important for fast flo plants. Make it big as you can. Sorry for bad englisch :)


thanks for the input.....i drop the plants down to the bottom to take the photos. there is no really good way for me to take good looking shots of the plants when they are up against (next to) the bulbs. this is all due to the layout of the tiny space. thanks for the advice anyway.


Sorry folks.....I have not updated in two weeks so, here goes.......

The girls are at day 43. I pollinated them with the two males by shaking pollen all over them. I later removed the two males. It seems like i will be getting a bunch of seeds judging by the number of swollen calyxes i have seen. Those little hussies are pregnant.

The plants stink up the entire house despite their small size. When I rub my fingers on the sides and then smell it takes me down memory lane. It smells like nothing other than fruit loops cereal from when i was just a little one myself.

As I said before, I have been growing weed for a long time. These little Diesel Lowryders are perfect for a setup such as mine. They don't branch, they grow straight up and short. If you have noticed, I only have two little plants and it looks like to me the big one will be about 4 grams and the small one 2 grams. If I had been able to fill up the entire grow area with these little plants I would be able to have a 60 gram harvest (yes, two ounces). I arrrive at this amount considering that it would be possible to fit about 15 plants in the little nightstand using the mountain dew soda bottle metod that DrBudGreenGenes demonstrated so well in his thread.

here are a couple of pics from day 43.

:jump: :jump:


the icmag server is slowwwwwwwwwww today. i have been trying to upload a photo update for hours but no luck......

since there is a little extra room in my grow area for now.....i'm also growing some basil, peppers, chives, and parsley.

and this one is kinda cute


darn. with a week and 5 days left to go til harvest, i get this leaf discoloration. it is not mg deficiency. i think it may be calcium deficiency.

any opinions??


Active member
looks like it's calcium indeed (no overnuting?).... i suppose the soil ph is down, but you only have so little left to go. they're going to make it. :joint:

i've decided dieselryders are in my next grow -- someday.


thanks dude06version and yellowmoon.

this is my first soil grow. i have been growing mj since 2001, but only hydroponically. the soil mix i used involved sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. i just found out that the peat moss tends to acidify after a certain amount of time. that explains the calcium being locked out maybe.....???? anyway, it is in no way nute burned. i am using some nutes that i have been using for years.

SEEDS. This is my first time doing a "seed run." it seems to me that many of the calyxes are swollen. any advice on seed harvesting much appreciated. like, will the seeds continue to mature as the mj cures or do i need to let the plant conitnue to grow until a certain point?? it seems as though some of the calyxes are beginning to split open, but just barely.


one more comment......i am really pleased with this grow for the following reason. when i ordered my seeds from dr.chronic, i got 8 viable seeds instead of ten. no big deal. half of those germinated. still, no big deal. so i ended up with four plants: two males and two females. great, i was able to make seeds.

now, with the two females left, i can see that the larger one is definitely 5 or 6 grams (don't worry, i WILL give a final report). if i had enough of these little plants to fill up the entire grow space i could have harvested around 50-60 grams. so, that is what i will shoot for next time if i can get enough seeds from this run. that would be excellent for a 69W CFL nightstand grow.

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