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Neptune makes clones, roots in 7!


20kw dreams

I know what you mean about experimenting. I have 90% w/in 7 days, and the other 10% w/in 10days, until the last couple batches, which I was experimenting on. I didn't need them though, so no bigee.

I know what you mean as well w/ the hydro cloners. Cloning in a medium is SOOO much simpler.

I have definately found keeping the humidity dome on them to keep them rooting stronger and faster as well. I've found if the humidity dome isn't on after the roots pop out, then they dry out, where as when the dome stays on, the roots get the poofballs of hairs.


Here's the moms before cutting... their babies are day 4 from cut, no roots showing yet :yoinks: !!

"GDP" from a club, probably not the real thing :badday:



here's those clones.. dome is off for air exchanges, and photo op. :)
I try to remove the domes twice a day for 5-10 minutes each time.



Active member
Couple quick questions. I am getting some cuttings in the mail and i lack rooting experience. I am going to try your method but i have a couple hang ups. First of all. I have a heat mat but no thermostat and no quick way of getting one. Also. Around the 7th day of the rooting process i will have to leave them unattended for 3 1/2 days. This means that i would be unable to lift the lid to exchange air or add any water..... what do you think? Am i going to have to cancel my trip?


no, don't canel your trip. everything will be ok.

The way to control the temp in the domes is to place a small digital thermometer inside the tray, and monitor the temp with the heatmat on the lowest setting. wait 6 hours before adjusting the temp, if it's too hot on the lowest setting then place some cardboard between the tray and the heatmat... if its still too warm, place another piece. 70F is OK. anywhere from 70-78F is fine, as long as it is stable.

Before you leave, prepare a PH'd bucket of water and do a light dunk of all cubes. re-hydrate them slightly, don't dunk them too far in... just about 1/4" deep each cube. This will keep them plenty moist for your trip.

Make SURE there are holes in the top of your dome, and you should be ok to leave. I have a fan blowing over the tops of my domes, so that the tiny holes in the tops will recieve some air flow -- a little extra pressure for air exchange. One other technique is to slightly prop one end of the dome up, so that the connection is not "sealed."

Hope this helps! any Q's fire away


Active member
taggin' in.

i have never had success cloning...

i will read this thread again...it can't be that easy! :badday:



Basic principles:

1) soak rockwool in mild hydroponic nutrient solution, i recomend GH grow, micro, bloom, 2ml each for 1 gallon. (2-2-2)

2) Put cut end of stem into rockwool cube, deep but not poking through the base. cut 45 degree angel.

3) keep dome on, humidity 90%+ and temp 70-78F

4) fresh air exchanges daily. remove dome, waft fresh air, replace it. Or keep it off for an hour, eat breakfast, then put it back on.

it's a snap. temp is the most important.... you can clone the exact same way in jiffy peat pellets, Rapid Rooter starter plugs, etc.

Temp, and air exchange!!


Active member
Ok, i got my cuts and i've done everything that you've said. A couple more questions. Anything over 78 degrees is to high? What if my temps are in the mid 70's without the heat mat.... do i even need one? Also, i have the same dome as you do. I just put two holes in the top of it... is that enough? About the size of a quarter.


Active member
radium- said:
u can save your money and soak it in just water and get the same results

exactly how Un does it! No nutes needed until there rooted! but I have to admit the tutorial is exactly to the T of how we do...


radium True, but I find that the clones recover very quickly and start growing right away with small amount of hydroponic fertilizer in the medium. Plain water will work just fine, but the PH may be a bit high and the "get growing" period may take a day or two longer(??)

If you temps are in the mid 70s with no thermostat, then you don't need one. But watch the temp constantly, if it is flucuating too much (seasonally, and daily) you may want to invest in one. 2 quarter sized holes is perfect in the dome.

Lastly, I recomend no more than 30ish cuts per tray. Don't pack them too tight until you are comfertable,... they stay tooo soggy, and the air exchange can be impeded by the dense packed rockwool cubes.


as unregistrd put it, its exactly the way i do it to, but have you ever heard of putting a layer of soil 1/2 inch thick on the bottom of the tray to retain moisture(misting it before adding the cubes with the clones) ?


Hi Neptune. Nice informative thread. I don't understand though, why so many people have that much difficulty succeeding cloning. If i'm only making a clone or 2 i just put it in either a glass of tap water (change water every day or so) And keep it in a north turned window. It'll root sometime between 1-2 weeks.
I'm just saying that u can do it too without being a scientist. I make my seedlings in soaked rockwool qubes in a tupperware with a couple of airholes. Put it a warm place, and fert. at 1/2 strength when they get up. Same thing can be done with clones. It's still a really good job u do. Just try to help people, who think that it sound really hard to succeed.
Goodspeed to you m8


this isnt about saving money its about growing bomb plants.
GH flora series sint expensive anyways

why dont you mist?
i mist my clones in a combo of tarrantula/pirranha/organic-b along with voodoo juice /sensiszyme/ fulvic acid in the tray. . . i get very good results. usualy 100% . .
other then that i do the exact same thign as you.!


my clones get nothing but water until they show me roots...i use jiffy pellets and grow hydro(dwc)...humidity and temp is all you have to worry about cloning gels are not needed and for you supposed organic people cloning gel is not organic


hey neptune i just want to thank you again for this great thread!! .. before this thread i was getting less than 50% success( and took more than 2 weeks), but now 10 days and no longer with roots that sometimes reach up to 4-5inches long... thnx again.

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