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Need a little help please :)



pseudostelariae said:
i was in almost the exact same position not long ago. what fixed things for me was pulling up the roots, giving them a bit of a rinse, and transplanting into new soil with zero nutrients..i know it seems like they need a lot of care and nutrients, but i have found out the hard way that plants like things simple.
right..so my suggestion is pull them out of their current pots, and transplant into something like the plagron royalty mix but without the added nutrients they put in there. i've noticed that my plants stay happiest with just worm castings, peat, and perlite in 1/3rds for the first 5 weeks or so.
They were already repotted into plagron royalty mix 2 days ago I did mention it on the last page and lightly nuted with plagron alga grow which iscompletely organic. I did only water and a small amount that day tho and we had strong winds and real dry air which could have dried up the pots. Hopefully now we'll see a difference now they have had a good watering with some good ph balanced water. Thanks for the input :)
I dont like the idea of pulling up the roots but as for keeping things simple ur definately on to something there all my mates seem to just chuck seeds in any soil, use the tap water with ph8.0 and chuck in a little miracle grow and get some nice smoke.
Cheers :)


It was underwatering as are all good 2day just wish I hadn't let all these leafs dry out but never mind they will get new uns now :D
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Thanks for the help guys and especially thanks mynamestitch for the thread on sick plants is's helped me save the plants :D